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The Journal of Elyl Dy'nelin

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  • The Journal of Elyl Dy'nelin

    Wander...I have wandered most of my life, a solitary existence of thought and action. Doing what I must to survive, thrive, learn and grow.

    Through my formative years, I learned the paths and secret places of the High Forest well...a beautiful and dangerous place. Survival here is Life, pure and true as it was meant to be. No walls stone, no buildings of wood, no stink of sewer or of civilization. I live as my clan did; wild and free, tending the land and slaying it's interlopers. My abilities and strength still need hewn, proper and true.

    I've roamed them all this time, just I and Kiana. She my only true friend, servant of generations of Dy'nelin's. A loner, the few who know me, call me such..none of them friend. An aquaintance, a merchant...even one as feral as I must trade. More for my own amusement and curiosity of outsiders and city dwellers than out of any pure need.

    I can take care of myself, the forest gives all that one might need if one has the patience and veracity to learn.

    My mindset is a cavalcade of need and instinct. I need to survive and instinct is the only true way to live. I am Elyl, but I am of my circumstances as well. Life has not been easy for me these last years; my family and clan wiped out in an orgy of violence and death. The Chaos of Life is such and it is not fair, I do not whine, I merely put thoughts to paper. I live in Nature as any other creature, susceptiable to it's beauty and uncaring wrath as all are.

    One day, I awoke in my camp and for no reason other than a whim....I packed my things and walked far to the North and West. I had many adventurers during this time, none of them overly remarkable to any but me. I am no Ranger of myth and legend, not yet. I nearly lost my life many times....but these tales are not of any import now and are for later.

    One day, many months later I found myself in the Spine of the World. I marvelled at such a sight, never had I seen mountains so large and close, clear to the horizon they seemed stretched, the curve of the world engulfing them. I wandered the Spine for many days and came upon a mighty blizzard and become lost. I thought I would perish in the tempest, but I stumbled blindly for hours as the storm would not let up...eventually taking shelter in a small cave...only found by my snow blind eyes, barely, seeing a Lone Wolf streak into it...he seeking cover as well.

    Days after the storm broke, I rested and recovered from my ordeal and then I walked out of the mountained, in the distance seeing a strange forest and wondered at what mysteries it held. My keen senses tingled from merely gazing upon it....and the lands my eyes beheld stretching into the distance.

    I decided to stay, intrigued by this valley and into this new land I walked....a savage striding into the unknown.

    Wanderlust and curiosity has always been a weakness of mine...

    --Elyl Dy'nelin.
    There is no good, no evil. Only survival and grayness, the inbetween color of the light and the dark. Subtle shades of the grayness are all there are and it encircles us all.


    Elyl Dy'nelin-Servant of the Lone Wolf.

  • #2
    So, I arrived in the town of Avanthyr, bustling port where it nevers seems to stop raining. Alas, when it does the sun shines it as beautiful any where else I've been.

    The town does not have the stink of sweat, sewage and rot most human cities have. I believe this to be because of the aromatic scent of the sea and the winds that regularly blow through the town, sweeping away such unpleasantness. Tis a small town to, seemingly surrounded by wilderness on all sides but the sea side....struggling to eek out an existance as we all do.

    I spent a number of days working around town, performing odd chores to buy some better equipment. From the whispers and stories told, as I spent my evenings, alone, in the tavern, it is not wise to travel unprepared. I doubt my own self made equipment would have sufficed to travel beyond the town, I would not have endeavored to find out...I like drawing breathe same as anyone else.

    Outfitted as best I could manage, I made my way to Exigo Outpost where the band of humans seems quite concerned with mining a strange Ore I have never heard off. The area and the mine is overan with goblinoids, I found more work here. I made my camp away from the humans and here I shall stay for a time. The goblins make good practice and somewhat easy prey. They reproduce like rats and infest the area. The Sgt pays good coin for their ears and I quickly feel myself becoming stronger, healing the exhaustion of the journey here.

    The Spine was harsh and I was lucky to survive, I do not wish to make the passing of them again anytime soon. I even met a human named Jack, a Sembian, and protector of the Land, amoung other things he said. He kept his word and provided me the ears from our excurision. I killed my share, but the arrangement was conveinent, naught much more. I have been alone a along time and prefer it. Fenmarel whispered to me in my dreams after my clan and kin was wiped out...as I starved in the Forest, a homeless youngling. I drew strength from that stare, those eyes of feral coldness. In that gaze I saw all that one needs to survive; strength, paranoia, and self reliance. The last most important of all for Natures way, true way, is harsh, beautiful, unkind and uncaring. The world is hostile and I will do as I must to survive.

    A human who actually kept his word, I was surprised. I told Jack all they usually do is drink alcohol and fornicate, he seemed amused by this, but I was serious. Odd creatures they all are, the shortest time of all races upon the Prime and they struggle the most against that which they will never win....in the end all cities and statues and walls turn to dust...it is only a matter of time. The morter and stone of their cities the greatest deception of all because they are afraid of Life as it truely is....and then there is time.

    Now, as I sit by my fire near the Trading Outpost it dawns on me I have plenty of the thing called time as well and I am in no hurry. The world shall still spin, whether my eyes gaze upon Her or not.

    -Elyl Dy'nelin.

    *He sets down his journal and stokes the fire, simmering some wild roots with some goblin meat, staring into it's depths for a time, then lays on his back, hands behind his head, staring up the Tears of Selune deep in thought and after a time enters Reverie in quiet solitude*
    There is no good, no evil. Only survival and grayness, the inbetween color of the light and the dark. Subtle shades of the grayness are all there are and it encircles us all.


    Elyl Dy'nelin-Servant of the Lone Wolf.

