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Death Moves Quickly

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  • Death Moves Quickly

    Tellesian glided through the weed choked streets of Sestra, watching for tracks or any sign of enemies. He had already bypassed giant snakes and some Yuan-ti. He had actually been only five feet from a group of Yuan-ti, listening to their conversation and trying to glean any intelligence he could.

    As Tellesian moved deeper into Sestra, he came across more and more enemies, small and large. A larger than normal group started down the path Tellesian was moving down. Tellesian quickly looked around for a place to better hide, spying a door at the last minute. As he quickly moved through the door, he saw that it was once a temple, but had fallen on hard times.

    Tellesian moved into the darkness, only to be quickly surrounded by enemies of all sizes. Tellesian crouched down in a corner shadow and tried to look as small as possible. The trick seemed to work and he became intrigued by a door at the far end. He felt that there was something important behind that door and decided to try and thread his way around the emeny.

    He had almost made it when the door whipped open, forcing Tellesian to jump quickly back, momentarily highlighting his figure behind a low burning torch. Suddenly, one, then another Yuan-ti spotted Tellesian.

    Tellesian quickly pulled his bow and started shooting, but he knew it was futile, for there were way too many enemies and he was cornered - he had nowhere to run.

    The last thing Tellesian saw was a trident piercing his chest, he breathed his last as his body was pulled into the air and then flung against the door he had entered from........

    Tellesian awoke slowly, feeling as if he had lost something, but did not know what. Before opening his eyes, he listened intently, hearing scales rustling and slithering, but from a distance, as if from another room. He slowly opened his eyes and saw that he was laying in a crumpled heap against the wall, only 20 feet from the exit. He also saw that he was laying in fog that almost completely hid his form.

    Tellesian pulled a few bandages from his pouch and staunched the horrible wound in his chest. It seems that Tellesian had turned at the last minute and the trident had pierced his side, not his chest. After staunching the flow of blood, Tellesian felt better, but he still felt very, very weak.

    Tellesian awoke with a start - he had passed out for a couple minutes and now he could hear the creatures talking to each other, but he could not understand what they were saying. Tellesian started to crawl slowly, using the debris on the ground and the fog to hide his movements. He made his way to the door and tried it - it was unlocked.

    Slowly, Tellesian opened the door, then slide out, shutting it behind him. He then rolled into the high grass and bushes to the left of the door and promptly passed out.

    He awoke again and heard the sounds of snakes. They seemed to be searching for him. Tellesian rummaged through his belt pouch and found the potion he wanted. He was barely able to uncork the bottle and downed it in one gulp, almost passing out again. He was now invisible and using his stealth, slowly starting crawling towards Mirakus.

    Suddenly, he noticed a large snake trailing him. Tellesian was so near the exit to Sestra, but stopped and stilled his breathing, hoping the snake bypassed him. After several tense moments, the snake took off in the opposite direction and Tellesian stood unsteadily and then moved towards Mirakus Post.

    "Keeper, I have lost a part of myself, something is missing and I need to find a way to bring it back. I must go to the Triumverate, mayhap a priest there can help me."
    • Dalrion - Ranger of the Viridale
    • Constantine - Adorned of Ilmater
    • Crom - Priest of Gorm
    Bring me a Shrubbery!