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A formal accusation!

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  • A formal accusation!

    A note is left at the City Watch Clerk's desk. It reads:

    I, Larando de'Kaun, am hearby formally accusing Kathryn Blake of assault and extortion. Just outside the very doors of this fine building, she threatened to, and I quote, "hunt you down and kill you." if I did not deliver a message for her. This all was done while I was half-beaten and bound with rope, of course. All the while, this was being witnessed by a certain paladin of Selune named Cirion who had appearently just been told by the Watch, itself, that detaining me would be illegal.

    The laws that I have read while in the Sundren Library clearly state that the threat of violence falls under assault. And by threatening to destroy the very thing I hold most valuable (my life) to force me to deliver a message to a certain unamed enclave, she stands accused of extortion, also.

    If we cannot trust paladins and those they keep comapny with, then whom can we trust?
    Larando de'Kaun: Larando's history.
    Originally posted by Gabryal
    is it just me or is Larando kind of the Monty Python of villains? It seems that everything he tries doesn't just go wrong, but horribly so
    Cazador: The marauding beast's heart.
    "The Hunt must be clean. If disease or affliction is visited on hunters by a beast, clergy of Malar must do all they can to root out and exterminate the taint, that bloodlines and beasts in the wild remain always strong." -The gospel of Saernclaws

  • #2
    After many days of sneaking about from his hideout at the Temple of Helm -after being politely turned away from the Temple of the Triumvirate - wherever else he seeks refuge from his appearent assailant(s), Larando reaches his breaking point. He can be heard at the City Watch loudly requestig why the City Watch is content to do just that...watch, while he has to hide from people even within Sundren City itself.
    Larando de'Kaun: Larando's history.
    Originally posted by Gabryal
    is it just me or is Larando kind of the Monty Python of villains? It seems that everything he tries doesn't just go wrong, but horribly so
    Cazador: The marauding beast's heart.
    "The Hunt must be clean. If disease or affliction is visited on hunters by a beast, clergy of Malar must do all they can to root out and exterminate the taint, that bloodlines and beasts in the wild remain always strong." -The gospel of Saernclaws


    • #3
      Katie Blake hear's of Larando's plight though her sources.. " Poor man " she thinks to herself denying herself even the satisfaction of a smile at her enemy's frustration. " If he's intelligent, he will not mettle in my affairs again, I hope he is.. even the Talosian knows better now.. "
      Lately the only thing that keeps me from wishing for a worldwide disaster... is that it would probably interrupt my network connection

      Kathryn Blake - In the time between times anything is possible. Kathryn's Theme Song
      Sasha Mursadus - Does that hurt? No?... let me try a little harder then... Sasha's Theme Song

      Who is the person who will defend the defenseless?

