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The Renagade Etrielle

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  • The Renagade Etrielle

    Dear Are'ean,

    It's Kythorn the second tenday, a full tenday since my arival on that filty excuse for a ship. I'm suprised that I made it safely but more so that I was able to stave off the numberious advances of the deck hands..that rechted no good Captain! Very suprisied indeed. If mother ever found out where I am I'm sure she would send an army after me. Luckly that amulet I borrowed has thrown that Bladesinger off trail. I hope he likes Waterdeep. I just hope my escape is long enough for me to be rid of any ties mother might believe I have duty to. Besides I think I finely met a man I do want to marry, and he's human. oh! I'm so dead. I don't even want to write my thought down on that subject in case he finds this. I think it would crush the Sunite. I don't wish to destroy something beautiful. Curse you mother, you should have listend to me in the first place.

    I'm realy scared. I dont know what happening to me and its getting worse. I can feel the power flow in me like a conduit waiting for rapture and I don't like it. I think I'm seeing this Weave. I can almost touch it. Absorb it. Swallow it. Bask in it. And it burns so hot. And the pain, I can't take
    it. It hurts so bad. Even when others not of my ilk draw from it I can see how the threads are intertwined and what knots to use to hold it fast. It's not much difftent than the weaving circles the old hags pertented to enjoy so much. In truth its more beutiful than any gown, fancy lace or
    embroidery they could produce. I should have payed attention to the tutors instead of shopping for silks. Oh well. Maybe these Mundus Mages can help me. Maybe. I hope.

    All in all. I think I'm safe here. There dosen't seem to be any structured settlements beholdin to the Council and any of the Tel'Quessir I've met seem to be outcasts themselfs. So the odds seem to
    be in my favor for once. yea me!

    Oh! i've taking a likeing to fishing of all things. And that old man Jacoby seem knowledgable about good fishing spots but I think I found the best hole, I'm going to out fish him!

    I almost forgot.. stupid wars! I don't think I like wars anymore. I hope I can convience him that our cottage is more importaint. I know I can.

  • #2
    The warf smelled of pestilence to him. A corrupting disease that boasted of growth, wallowing in the filth of the inhabitaints, threating
    to destroy all that he was. They called it progress, he had come to call it it decadence and it wasen't any diffrent in the rest of the city's
    districts or the ancient empires that had been claimed by the rappid growth of its undercurrents. Yet here he was, far from his land that
    had bound him to this duty and he wanted nothing more than to return to the splender of crystalen spirers and ancient forests said to be
    created by Corellon himself and older than the first dragons that now guard the island from such intursions. Only partiotism and
    dedication to tradition, enveloping him like a ward, protected him from the corruption that battered against his being. And he fearded
    that like the mythal he would fall and no longer hear the calling of his people, becomming one of the lost. To him they were
    N'Tel'Quisiar and she was one of them.

