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The Legion Comes to Aquor

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  • The Legion Comes to Aquor

    Chime's perspective -

    “ High Arcanist.”

    Sandro turned and looked towards the grim faced Knight moving toward the fire. We all did. The Knights of Thay were famed for their zeal and brutality. They were also what passed for the city watch in Aquor. Only a Red Wizard of Thay would have dared to ignore one of those darkly armored knights, not if they wanted to keep their kidney on the inside of their bodies. Sandro, didn’t ignore the knight, though he could have. He did however, allow his annoyance to show.

    As the knight moved into a comfortable speaking range, he tendered Sandro a salute.

    “What?” Sandro snapped. His temper seeming a little frayed. Not that I could blame him. River had been arguing with him when I joined the conversation. And when she started in on you, she made even a saint, which is never a word that would be associated with Sandro, look short tempered and out of sorts. River, of course, was even now turning the knife.

    Ha,”she barked, seeming to believe the presence of the armored warrior proved some sort of point. “We can all see how the safety of the Enclave is maintained. “She shook her head a little. Her words were not shouted, but they carried to the tight knot of refugees lingering by the fire.

    It seemed to be crux of her ongoing argument with Sandro. One that had been made many times before, by a variety of different people. And, while it was true that many did not like the Enclave, it was also true that they had held and protected Aquor alone for nearly a year. It was their resources and money that were put into the defense of the city. I don’t like Enclave, but I understand them to be a power here. They were the power in Aquor no matter what the Lords of Sundren chose to tell each other.

    The Knights voice shook slightly before he regained his iron control. The… the Legion is coming.”

    Sandro took in a deep breath. Then he let it out in a sigh and lifted a hand to rub is temples. “It never rains.. Not when it can pour.” His voice seemed a touch grim to me, and he narrowed his eyes a bit as he glanced toward the gate.

    “Get a detail at the gates. And keep an eye on this rabble.” He never gestured to the refuges around the fire. I don't even think he looked at them, but .. it seemed clear to me at least, who he was talking about. And I didn't seem to be the only one who thought that.

    “Rabble?” River’s voice sounded like a study in outrage. Sandro seemed to ignore her entirely.

    “Sire..” The knight looked away from wizard briefly. “They’re already here,” he said, as the sound of thick leather boots hitting cobble stones finally reached the center of the square.

    I wasn’t sure I recognized all of the men moving in a lazy formation towards us. But one of them was a familiar sight. And as he stepped into the light of the fire, his men spreading out at his back, I gave him a slow smile of welcome. Bran Drismon was a beautiful man, who always looked stunning no matter what he wore. And, as I was currently wearing the flowing silk robes of a priestess of Sune, and not the snug leathers of a Legion Officer, I felt free to tell him this.

    I couldn’t see his expression well, but I think his lips twitched slightly at the edges as he nodded to me. “You think so?’

    I was going to reply, but River’s heated conversation with Sandro had continued while I admired the leader of the small group of Legion Soldiers. “These are free people,” she was telling him. Her body was stiff, arms crossed over her chest in what looked like narrowed eyed anger. “They are not your experiments…”

    “Be silent woman, “Sandro snapped. “More pressing matters demand my attention at the moment…. The wizard turned to face the Legion Soldiers. “Drismon! What is the meaning of this?”
    GMT -9

  • #2
    “That be CENTURIO Drismon to yerself, lassy, “ boomed a fierce looking dwarf in Legion red.

    The stout man set a massive axe on the cobbled streets as he turned to look at Sandro.

    Oi… sorry there lad, the lack of beard confused me a bit. ” I wasn’t sure if he was joking or attempting to be sarcastic. It is often hard to tell with dwarves who … do tend confuse elven men with women half the time. He could have been honestly confused about Sandro’s gender until the wizards cross armed stance made it clear he didn’t have even the hint of a curve under his robes.

    River, never one, in my opinion, to allow control of any situation slip completely from her hands, was quick to question Bram herself. “What brings the Legion so far, and after so long of a time?”

    Some of the crowed stirred as River spoke and a man’s voice rose in anger. “To hell with you!Go back to where you came from, you despotic shits!” He spit on the ground, eyes narrowed.

    “The meaning here, is that Sundren looks out for the people." Bram faced the people squarely as he spoke. "There are reports in the North of increased Vamper activity. And let’s not forget all the stories about the wolves. The Bloodmaim are on the move and have been seen pushing this way.” His voice wasn't loud, but like River and Sando's, it carried to the edges of the crowd. “ Aquor houses the next largest group of refugees in the Valley. We are here to see them safe.”

    “So, at long last the Legion decides to make some semblance of effort to protect Aquor?” I could almost hear the sneer in Sandro’s voice and wondered briefly if red wizards were trained in crowd control, like many Legion Soldiers were. “You are many months too late.” I suppressed a smile at the pointed sarcasm of that last comment. Sandro had clearly been taking notes when River spoke.

    “… But, the occupation of the Aurlities was, what, nothing of great import?” River's voice was like poisoned honey. “Letting the Black Hand come in, was no big deal?”

    “Shut up! The Legion is everything we need here”, a woman called out harshly. “ They’re just coming back to make sure we’re safe again.”

    The crowed swelled with tension, seeming divided on just what course of action they should take.

    A new voice, a man’s I think, ground out. “Down with both of you! The half elven lass wanted a vote. I say, lets have it!”

    The mood of the crowd seemed to be turning unpleasant. I smiled brightly at the poorly dressed men an woman, hoping I projected a calm that I wasn't even close to feeling.

    “Why now?” River continued , in what I privately thought, was simply a ploy to sway the crowd. She never looked away from Bram, but I doubt her words were for him at all. “It seems you’re more worried about people making their own decisions about their fate than anything else.”

    “Call a vote!” She demanded.

    The dwarf standing beside Bram raised his own voice. “We’re here ta help lads and lasses.I don’t be seein why yer bellyaching about that.” I could almost feel his frustration at the way things were beginning to go.

    “Sandro, I assure you.” Bram began, facing the red wizard squarely.

    “What does Aquor want!?” River called loudly as she turned to face the men and women crowded around the fire fully, giving up any pretense of talking to anyone else.

    “The state is not coming to remove their stewards.” Bram continued, undeterred by the constant interruptions. “The Enclave has performed well in their task. We are here to help.” I was impressed by his calm, but not surprised by it. In the past few months many of the men and women of the Legion had been forced to confront, not angry armies, but heartsick, scared and hungry citizens. It made me want to weep and scream all at once.

    Things seemed to be heading dangerously out of control. Some of the crowd seemed focused on River. Others watched the Bram or just gossiped with their fellows. One of the more belligerent men in the crowd shook his fist at River and demanded. “Who the hell are you?!” A big man beside him elbowed him in the stomach. “Shut up, you.”

    A woman called out loudly, “We want a vote! Let’s have the vote!”

    Close to me, a man shouted at the woman. “What good is a vote without an army to support it. You’re both fools. The Legion is back!”

    “DOWN WITH THE ENCLAVE!” One brave or foolish man screamed from the middle of the crowd. It was too dark to see if he had attracted the attention of any of the Thayan Knights. But, I privately suspected that if the crowd had not instantly supported the lone man, he would not have lived out the night. And even with their support, he still might not make it.
    Last edited by Fuzziebunny; 10-19-2014, 04:16 PM.
    GMT -9


    • #3
      I closed my eyes for a moment, as the cries of the people rang around me. There was little I could say to support them. It wasn’t that I disagreed. I too, wished the Enclave gone from Sundren, but I also knew that without the Enclave, all of these people might well be dead.

      In the North, the dark fey and the daughters of the Winter Witch howled with the voices of the wind, freezing everything in their path. On the fringes of these wild storms range the Sons of Caul and the coldly beautiful lords of Wyntir mannor; spreading terror and death with fang and claw. The people hear the rumors, but they don’t see the vampires, wolves or the daughters of winter. They might remember the rule of winter. But as I listen to them rage around me, I knew that that memory had faded. They forget that it takes swords and magic to survive on the edge of the mountains. It was clear to me that none of them saw anything now, but the tyranny of the red wizards.

      After a moment I shook my head, and then turned my attention to Sandro, offering my support to Bram. “I am not sure why more Soldiers stationed here in Aquor would be bad?” I pitched my voice carefully, letting the hint of puzzlement color my tone.

      My words were drowned out, as all around me the people began to chant. “Down with the Enclave! Death to Thay! Baldies go home!”

      I saw Sandro’s lips move, but I couldn’t hear what he said over the crowd.

      River’s voice however was clear. “Call the vote Sandro.If you are the shepherd to their sheep, let them name you so.” I couldn’t see her face, but I thought perhaps there might have been a hint of triumph in her tone.

      Sandro’s voice rose as the crowd continued to chant. “You worthless ingrates…”

      I quickly interrupted him. The last thing we needed was for Sandro to incite the chanting crowd to violence. “What harm is there with a small group of Soldiers here…”

      The dwarf spoke up as well. “Although I do be understanden their discontent wit’ yer lack of facial hair, perhaps it be more yer attitude toward them they not be a liken.”

      I couldn’t see Sandro’s expression clearly as he faced the dwarf. But his words seemed to be heavy laced with sarcasm. “The attitude that removed the Aurilites, brought new business, reopened the temple of Sune, offered harbor to the refugees. Refugees, that were turned away by all others, and has proved swords and food out of my own pocket?”

      “ Yes.. .” Sandro drawled, “ I can see why the citizens hate me so…”

      I think the dwarf snorted, before his voice boomed back at the wizard. “ Was really referen’ more ta ya callen’ them idiots…and worthless.That don’t really rub the people the right way.

      “Salararius Chime,” River’s use of my title was pointed, and it distracted me from following the conversation between Sandro and the dwarf. I knew what she was trying to do when she used that title and it almost made me smile. Her little reminder of my connection to the Legion wouldn’t do her a bit of good right now. Perhaps if I were not dressed in the revealing robes of a priestess of the Lady of Love, her words might have managed to undo any support I gave to the small group of Legion Soldiers. But I knew that the gleam of gold on my skin, and the way the red silk molded to my curves, would drive the word Soldier from the mind of almost anyone who looked upon me.

      “The problem is that the Legion has turned a blind eye to the city of Aquor for so very long now.“ She continued, and I turned a little to face her. “First they handed it to the Enclave, and then promptly forgot about it; though the Bloodmaim, the Aurilites and the Black Hand, clearly have not. Only now, when the people are ready to use their voice, the Legion appears.”

      “Shut your withered gob, you slaver Scum!” One of the men in the crowd shouted at Sandro. “We haven’t forgotten how the Enclave was the first to close their gates when the Bloodmaim attacked; laughing as our families died!” Flecks of spittle marked his lips as he spat out the words and I waited until the cheers of the crowd died down before I attempted to speak again.

      “ Of course … “ I told the half elven woman. “And the Legion understands.” I pitched my voice to rise over the lingering cries, watching as several men and woman in the crowd cast fearful glances at the darkly armored Thayan Knights and the gnolls standing with them. “This seems to be a small force however.” I made a little gesture towards Bram and his men before continuing . “Hardly one to .. take over. Why turn away an honest attempt to make amends for past difference?”
      Last edited by Fuzziebunny; 10-24-2014, 04:03 AM. Reason: Because auto correct hates me
      GMT -9


      • #4
        I looked around the square and almost blessed the fates for their timing. This little minor revolt had just made it possible for Bram and his men to remain here uncontested. Perhaps they would have managed to stay regardless, but I thought it was unlikely. The near riot here tied up the Thayan’s nicely. They could hardly make an issue of the Legion’s presence here now. And, since the Thayan’s opposed the Legion here, well, that just made the crowd more inclined to support them, even if they themselves, had no love for Bram and his Soldiers.

        I didn’t really believe that I needed say anything more, but felt that form must be observed. “There are too many enemies to make more.” I continued softly. “What is the harm? They are so few?”

        Sandro turned to address the crowd shaking his head. “Once again, I am guilty of the crimes of my predecessors… Lovely”

        River turned to face Sandro, raising her voice. “Then let the city decide! Let the people speak!”

        “P-put the Sunite in charge,” a man strutted out. I couldn’t see who was speaking, but I suspected it was the old lecher who kept eyeing my backside.

        “ Yeah!” Came the hearty agreement from roughly half the men in the crowd. Only to be drowned out by the high pitched “no” from the women in the area.

        The red wizard groaned and rubbed a hand over his head. “Oh, dear gods no… “ He shot a glance at me and grimaced. “No offence Miss Chime.”

        My smile was slow and sinful as I gave one of the men an impish wink. Then I whirled to face the largest group of commoners. “If this is to be a vote.... Can we not organize? Perhaps a few words from those opposed and those for… just so we all know the issues?”

        Bram looked over the crowed, then lifted his voice, addressing the people. “The Legion is not here to remove the Thayans. Nor are we here to be a part of any proposed elections. We are here to combat the Valleys enemies, and help keep you all safe for the time being.”

        “You see?” A man elbowed one of his fellows nodding his chin toward Bram. “You See!?” The Legion is here to protect us, while the rest fight over who will rule and tax us!”

        “And drink our ale,” a big bellied man added as he eyed the dwarf in legion armor suspiciously.

        “That be… The dwarf began, and then he grinned at the man as I laughed softly. “Well, maybe just a tankard or two.”

        “You think the Legion isn’t going to tax you?”
        River demanded of the crowd. “Isn’t it odd they’re here to protect you only now that there is a prospect of trade from the north? Seriously?”

        Sandro faced the angry crowd head on, his voice seeming hard and cold to me. “You want a vote? Is that what you want? You want to ask me to leave anonymously instead of voicing it to my face?" The men and women of the crowd lowered their eyes under the lash of Sandro’s words, seeming unable to meet his gaze for along moment.

        “What I find odd lassy, is how fervently ya be fighen haven additional Soldiers to protect folk.” The dwarf drawled into the silence.

        “I am not sure why a few men are such a threat.” My voice was smooth and low as I echo the dwarf’s sentiments. “The Enclave rules here. No one has disputed that. The Legion is here to protect.”

        “River, you might want to stop attempting to incite a riot.” Bram called out and I almost nodded in approval.

        Sandro’s spoke my name and I quickly turned my attention back to him. “No Miss Chime, do you not hear the shouts to my back? The people want to vote. By all means, let us let them! “ He seemed agitated as I stared at him in the flickering light of the fire. I wasn’t sure it if was honest emotion or just showmanship. Sandro has always been difficult to read. “Let them find another to endure their constant begging and need as well as their vitriol over past offenses.” He continued in what seemed like a bitter tone.

        I could hear River telling Bram that she wasn’t trying to incite a riot. “Don’t get me wrong.” She was telling him, her voice seeming to be a part of the back ground as I carefully formed a reply to Sandro. “You are a good man. Most of the legionnaires are good men. But I have seen what you serve. And I would beg the people of Aquor to strong consider their options before they asked the Legion back.”

        I took a breath, keeping my gaze on the red wizard. “Sandro, “ I finally began. “You have done a great deal for them. I understand your frustration, but... Perhaps it is wise to let them have their say, yes?”

        “I just said I would.” Sandro told me curtly and I winced.

        “I’m sorry Sandro. I know you did. I was just making it clear.“ I offered him a bow as the dwarf addressed River.

        “Ask us back?” I could almost hear his silent snort. ”Lassie, this still do be a part o’ Sundren, aye? Tis our job ta defend it when we have the ability ta do so. We have that ability now, and it’s what we be a doing.”

        Sandro turned to address the crowd. “Who amongst you would stand up now and nominate yourself a better steward of the city?”
        GMT -9

