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A walk in the dark

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  • A walk in the dark

    Aquor was quiet compared to Sundren City, Chime thought. The moon hung bright and full in the sky. Silver light glittered across the fresh snow that blanketed the roof tops of the houses. The smell of wood smoke lingered in the crisp night air from the fires that aways seemed to burn now in the town square. The night and the snow blurred the worst of the damaged from the recents battles in the city. It looked like a sleepy, peaceful little town. It was an illusion of course. One that the light if day would banish, but it didn't lessen the beauty of the night to the women drifting through the streets.

    As the silver haired woman walked, she could hear the soft murmuring and snow muffled footsteps of the passing guards. She wondered what they thought as they passed her. Did they find it at all odd to see a young woman in lavender silk skirts with silver bells in her hair wondering around at night? After several moments she decided she didn't care what they thought. She didn't especially like the Thayan's Knights with their brutish helms and dark armor. For now though, she needed their good will, so she smiled prettily at any that she happened to pass.

    Chime paused for a moment to listen to the river below her as she crossed the bridge that lead to the center of town. She loved the sounds that the river made. Her gloved fingers lightly caressed a small case in her right hand. She wished she could bring out her flute and match the river song for song. Maybe it would drown out the crackle of flames in her head, banish the sound of her own voice shouting... Her small fists clenched and she forced herself to stop thinking of the past. After a deep breath, her lips curved upwards into a soft, dreamy smile and she slowly stepped off the bridge. In a rustle of silk she glided toward the bright bonfires tended by the priest of Flame.

    The Priest were a welcome sight to many after so long under the forces of the Winter Witch. Or that is at least what she had been told. She imagined that might even be true for some. But who could really say for sure. The fire did make things seem more cheery, so perhaps it, at least, was an improvement. She sighed a little but smiled charmingly to the priest as she drifted past them. It was always best to be polite after all, no matter how you really felt about the Red Wizards or their priests.

    The path leading up to the Temple of Sune was dark. Chime never liked walking here alone but there was simply no help for it. She stopped and stared up the path for a long moment. Her bright green eyes darting around the snow covered ground cautiously. When she felt as if she had waited long enough she reached down to lift her skirts just enough to keep from tripping on hem and walked into the shadows that lead to the Temple.
    GMT -9

  • #2
    Nearly one year later

    Chime bent her head, staring at the frost covered roses. In the pale silvery light of the moon, the ice covered flowers glittered like gems. It was a stunning display, and the very reason she had decided to leave the warmth of the great bonfire in the center of Aquor and walk in this frozen garden, cold and alone. Tonight however, the view just couldn't hold her attention. Tonight the memory of Anna and Maverick and that young Legion Soldier she had been, just wouldn’t leave her thoughts. She couldn't help but think back to when life and duty were just a silly game. When it was all about dressing up and looking the part. There were no regrets then, no guilt or tears or loss. And no dead for her to morn.

    Before she had joined the Legion she had been so unaware of the darker sides of life. She had heard the tales of course, everyone had. But her biggest concerns hadn't been the dark shadows of the heart. No, the biggest concerns then had been avoiding unpleasant arguments and keeping her shoes from getting stained by all the mud that seemed to be everywhere in the Valley. Things were simple then, unencumbered by regrets and hard choices. And perhaps life still would be just as simple and easy if fate hadn't of stepped in. For her, fate had been a golden elf with the gentles touch and fingers smeared red with her blood. It had been a cell, screams in the dark and a horrible realization that no one was ever going to come and save her. It was then, alone and afraid, facing her worst nightmares with nothing but a pretty smile and a clever tongue, that everything started to change. It wasn't quick, it took time of course, but things had started to change. Back then she hadn't known how very little she knew. But she was painfully aware of it now.

    She lifted her head slowly, and then reached out one small, delicate hand, letting her finger trace the ice covered rose as her thoughts continued to tumble through the past. It wasn’t long after that, she had taken Bram up on his offer and put on Legion red for the first time. She has been so proud then. So proud of all the wrong things, and Bram, Brindig, and Michael, they had all been so very kind to her. None of them had told her just how horribly insipid she was with her soft hands and pretty uniforms. They had been gentle, indulgent even, to a young woman who went blithely through life, assuming days would slip into years and never demand anything more from her than a belief that life was full and happy. And it wasn’t that she was unhappy. She was still in love with life, but she saw the dark scary things now too; the nasty, wicked things that lurk under beds and behind trees, waiting for you. And she knew beyond any doubt, that the monsters in all the tales were real and alive. They were as beautiful and terrible as the stars with all passion and charm of the angels themselves. And while her world had never lost all its dances and songs; it was no longer always summer either. Night too, had its place in the world.

    A bitter sweet smile curved her lips upwards for just a moment. She was still that same silly girl who loved dresses and games, but now, somehow there was also responsibility and obligation. And she wasn't sure quite how that had happened. With a soft sigh, Chime stood, letting her fur lined cloak fall around her. One couldn’t stay innocent of the realities of the world forever she supposed. Of course there were monsters in the dark. But that wasn't the only thing out there. There were also heroes; men and women who blazed with hope and righteous wrath as bright and as fierce as the summer sun. They were the champions and harbingers that kept the darkness at bay
    GMT -9

