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  • New prey

    She watched them with a hunter’s keen eye, licking her lips in anticipation. The others spoke of how the prey was destroying the forest, but she didn’t care. Her belly roared at her, angry for being so empty, her ears twitched at the sounds of those armoured soldier moving around on the hill and she knew it would be a good hunt.

    She had called to the great hunter to bless the pack, and he favoured them as they crept through the tall grass, approaching the encampment. She licked her lips in anticipation of feasting on the fresh kill.

    Ever closer the pack crept, closer to their prey.

    She reached into her belt and drew a small bent branch and with a few hushed words she called forth the angry tree spirit contained within. She felt the spirit enter her body, the world around her began to shrink away and her skin became course and knotted as the bark of a great oak. With a roar she lifted her arms, now mighty clawed branches and pulled her roots from the ground, stomping them in fury.

    The prey shrieked at the sight of the angry tree spirit, they readied weapons, but it was too late; the pack was upon them. Axes bit into armour and arrows rained upon the prey. With the fury of the forest she called down a torrent of fire, burning those around her. Her massive limbs smashed away their weapons and broke the bodies of the prey into kindling.

    Then it was quiet once again. The pack was victorious in its hunt and with the spirit of the angry tree gone from her body, Mittens feasted on the broken bodies of the Exigo soldiers, slaking her hunger… for now.
    Butch: "You know, when I was a kid, I always thought I was gonna grow up to be a hero."
    Sundance: "Well it's to late now."

    Mittens Whitepaw (Feral Druid),
    Rose Thimblefoot (Simple Seamstress),
    Melody Mourningsoul (Cursed Bard)
    Katalina Zephyr (Guardian of the Grave)
    Gabrielle Dumoine (the Duchess of Waterdeep... 'onestly...)