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I misplaced life- Lerrick Derral

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  • I misplaced life- Lerrick Derral

    The man sits in his chair, taking sips from his ale. His eyes are focused on a book in his hands. He rereads his self made notes.

    They are written sloppy and are comparable to the work of a child.

    He takes a long pull from the bottle and just as the last drop ends up in his mouth, a motion shakes the entire room. The footsteps on deck, tell the man that the ship landed. He takes his belongings, puts them into his sailor's bag and leaves the room, that was his temple of privacy for the last two months. He doesn't look back.

    Lerrick Derral stepped outside. It was already evening time, but it was still bright enough to see his surroundings. Mariners are running around, hurrying to do their work. He steps out of their way. His green eyes, gaze around, with a warm expression. He arrived at last. He stretches his arms and legs and felt the muscles slowly reviving from their sleep. He slenders down to the Dock and examines the first impression of Port Avanthyr. The first though: "Not bad". Smaller, than Waterdeep, but surely more comfortable. He continues his walk until he gets stopped by a man, who asks for his history. Politely Lerrick answers all the questions. Afterwards, he walks to the huge Fountain in the middle of the square. He leans against the monument. He follows once again the marks on his face and traces them to his neck. Then he pulls his sleeves his back, checking the extensions of his tatoos on his arms. They would go over his entire body, to his feet. These were remnants of a long forgotten times. Before he met her, when he was still just a thug. An enforcer of "Protection fees". A bandit and thief. His own past.

    He glances around and watches the Legionaires making their patrols through town. A slight grin runs across his face: The lands and faces might change.. But dog stays dog. Domesticated or straying.

    He walks off, to make his preparations for her arrival. He wanted everything to be perfect when his love would arrive. And thank Tempus, that he had time, till then.
    Jon Wyldestrom- Druggy Mercenary

    Blackblood- Best qualities in an Orc: Violent, sadistic and completly insane.

  • #2
    Roughly a week later, Lerrick sits in the "Four Lanters". He chose a seat in a dark corner, where he is safe from most eyes. In his shaky hands, there is the fith ale, this evening. He stares down at the table, not daring to look into anyone's eyes. What did happen? His thoughts where racing. It all started with the upcoming question once more, why she was with him. And again when he asked her, instead of an answer, there was only this silence. A deadly silence.

    After a new attempt to talk, she had refused and... Then it was over.

    He just went straight to this bar and kept on downing the ale like it was water. He didn't look up, so he didn't know if his vision had gone blurry already. His hands were still shaking. Only a small candle lit up his face: His face was frozen and his eyes stared like a dead man's face straight at the table. He could identify a few cuts and knodges, most probably from bar fights. No one cared to look at this sad figure in the shadows.

    His thoughts would circle in his mind like a vulture over a fresh cadaver. They were focused only on one thing and one thing only: It was over! He repeated this thought over and over again. It didn't make no sense at all. The thought appeared with his own voice and with hers... But he couldn't put it into a real sentence that made sense. Instead of trying to get sense of that ghost that haunted him, he took another deep sip from his mug.

    After he spent a whole night just sitting in the bar (the Innkeeper was too scared to talk to that someone there), he came up with a new plan: He will prove them wrong. He might have relied his entire life on her, but that was over. He would make his own decisions and prove them fools, that he was capable to take control over his own life. He does not need a Cecania, who told him, that he had to behave more civilized! He does not need a Castor, who tells him, where he should go! He does not need a Fenwick, who tells him, that he can have the world if he served him and his cause. He would go on now and create his own fortune. But for now, he needs to do something to start it. The man left the Inn and instead of having a miserable creature stepping into the light, a new born man busted the door open and took deep breath. He whispered:" Every last single one of ye folks, will crawl back ta me!", with those words he grins and leaves.
    Jon Wyldestrom- Druggy Mercenary

    Blackblood- Best qualities in an Orc: Violent, sadistic and completly insane.


    • #3
      The scream ripped almost all his thoughts into pieces. He paid back with the cleave of his axe. But another one came. And another, the noise was so unbelievable, that he couldn't take it anymore. He dropped on his knees, losing all sense of pain or exhaustion. Then the shadow stood in front of him, the little eyes were so full of evil, the tentacles were twitching and constantly moving. That little bastard had won, was his last thought, then darkness.

      He knew what was about to come wasn't real. He heard voices but he couldn't relate them to a face. Were they talking about him? Or were they simply leaving him behind? Then he opened his eyes. But he didn't see her face or the cave he was supposedly in. No, this was the house of his parents, like it used to look like when he was a child. The small house at the border of the forest, on the outskirts of the city of splendors. He saw the funny window with the image of a deity, both his parents worshiped, but his memories didn't go so far, that he could remember which one it was. The sun was shining and the sky was clear. Over the fields of the farmers, came a light breeze. He looked down on himself. He wasn't anymore in his armor. He was in the clothes, of his childhood. The brown and green shirt and pants. The clothes of a woodcutter and ranger. He had his father's axe on his shoulders. He looked at the wood, behind the house. The light turned it into a blueish green. It looked a little cool but also very calming. He had to think back at the countless times he would run through it. Look for old trees and tell his father, which ones to cut down. Also he would looks for animals which were in danger. His mother called him always "the little Ranger" for that.

      His gaze shifted to the house again. The straw roof and the brown bars, which were visible through the snow-white clay walls, were carved with prayers, blessings and notes by him or his parents. He slendered forward, when he realized that he had some wood, he must have cut, on his back. A slow suspicion came up but he beat it down again: He often cut the wood for his father, this was no exception. That was usually on the days his father and mother were gone for the temple in the village, to attend mass. Lerrick didn't like to go to the Service. He never did and he was thankful that his parents accepted that, even though they were very sad about it. But they didn't want to force him. They were scared of the fate he might had to face once in death, but they knew that this couldn't scare their son off.

      He opened the door, which had the symbol of the woodcutter carved on it, and stepped into the lower room. There was the fireplace, which was empty, since they had summer. There was the oven built into it, with the cauldron, in which many wonderful meals have been cooked, by his mother, who always could make a meal, a noble's worth, with even the tiniest left-overs. There was the table, with the three chairs, all of them have been made by his father, except one, which grows every year, when Lerrick added a little bit to the legs. He saw the stair case, that would lead to the storage room, where he had his little mattress filled with straw. It was next to a great door, so in summer he could open it and sleep right under the stars and could always keep an eye on them. And there was the big bed, behind the doors, where his parents slept. But it wasn't empty.

      His parents lay next to each other. The were both pale and had reddish eyes. Coughing came out of the room, like a constant background music. No! It was that day. The day when he would leave for Waterdeep. The day when he would mess up his life. The day his parents died.

      "Lerrick, my dear." The weak voice of his mother let him twitch. He moved slowly into the room and got next to his mother, holding her shivering hand. "Did you get the medicine?", he nodded. Out of a bag he dug out a phial with a red and purple liquid. He opened it carefully and put it to his mother's mouth. She drank it and Lerrick slowly raised it and waited till every last drop was gone. Then he quickly ran around the bed to get a second phial and to hold it to his father's mouth. After his father was finished aswell, he reached for Lerrick's shoulder: "My son, I am so proud. You are taking care of your poor parents and still you are so young. I am so proud." Tears came out of Lerrick's eyes: How could he ever tell them, how he got that medicine? How could he explain those rightful and humble people, that he had killed for this medicine? At the time, he found it a righteous deal: That corrupt alchemist's for his parent's. No one would make a fuss about it. He was so wrong.

      He heard the screams, he heard the horses. He heard the window burst and then the fear and sadness in his parent's eyes. They looked at him and said only one thing: "What have you done?".

      He slowly opened his eyes. He was confused. He was scared. Then he saw her face. He didn't understand what they said. She raised him up and lead him to a bed. He didn't know how he got there. He was only glad he had fled that nightmare of his childhood.
      Jon Wyldestrom- Druggy Mercenary

      Blackblood- Best qualities in an Orc: Violent, sadistic and completly insane.


      • #4
        She looked down at him with a small smile as he slept on her lap. Her soft hand stroking his hair back softly. Her pearly eyes reflected the candle flame in their glossy covering. She felt helpless. The strong man she so loves, the man that had protected her thousand times over in Waterdeep, layed on her lap like a puppet. He was so peaceful though. So unlike him.

        She kept pondering about what he might be dreaming. The thought never leaving that it might be something nice but she knew that this is merely a dream she wished for herself to come true. She knew he had gone through alot. Way more then what happened to her. At times she even wished she could have changed history with him. Though where would she be if she were him, now? Would she be as hateful as him. Taking offence at the littlest things?

        She looks up to the wooden roof of the inn. Her eyes slightly narrowing as she scrambles through the masses of thoughts that cross her mind. Then suddenly she smiled to herself and softly said, "That is why I love you... always so determined and try to work on yourself to be a better person." She nodded to herself, pressing this illusion... or perhaps even truth into herself. Her gaze drifted back down, eyes closing and a smile on her lips as she slips into reverie. Her love held close to her in a gaurding manner.
        Cecania Coraline: Paladin of Helm
        Equilibria: Balance in all things


        • #5
          A lonely figure marches through Viridale. It has been a couple of days now, since he got enlisted. The Legionnaire is headed deeper into the woods. He doesn't hear the beast coming closer. The helmet flattens all noises. He is tired. The constant patrols take many hours of sleep. The beast sees it's Opportunity and jumps from it's cliff. The man turns on the last moment and bashes the huge shield right on the wolf's nose. The beast moans loudly and dies, by the axe.

          He sits down on his usual spot. The entrance to the meeting spots of the Mossclaw creatures well in sight. He gets his ale out and starts drinking. This peace... No voices that talk to him. He lets his mind go blank and suddenly memories from Waterdeep come up again. He is again in the Orphanage. Again with "Sparrow" and "Mother". It is evening and all the Children are gathered around "Mother". Her red hair is shining golden in the light of the candle. "Sparrow" sits in the back and plays his guitar. The melody is slow and matches perfectly with Mother's singing. Many of the children sleep already. Others look like they're about to. "Dog" has to smile. He has his axe resting on his shoulder and waits outside. Sparrow continues his play. Dog turns around and walks to the Great staircase in the Hall of the Orphanage. Since everything seemed alright for now he could turn back to his duty. All around the hall were the Others. They were hiding in the shadows. Waiting for Dog's command. Mother's men were mainly loyal. Of course there were some who only followed the sound of gold, but that was common in their business. Dog sat down on the stairs and leaned the axe next to him. The Chainshirt was a little bit heavy, but Durwin said that it would become easier the more often he wore it. Durwin was alright: He didn't like to teach Dog but he also didn't complain. He was very loyal to Mother. The banging on the door was the sign... It would begin now.

          With a last incredible bash the door swang open, like the wings of an angel. Dog looked up. He hoped the children upstairs would not be awake. The first one came in: He was bald and the scar on his face made him look intimidating. But he was pure scum in Dog's eyes: The kind of people only there to get quick money and live their violent side. Not like Mother. Mother was always helping her children. That's the only thing she was working for. Dog stood up and prepared himself.

          "Now, what do we have here? Ain't that lil' Dog? Where is mother? This is adult's talk. This is our territory now! You will leave!", the smile on Brenck's face was double the size of his face. Dog stared at him, his tatoos being litten up by the moon:" Sod off, fecker!".
          Brenck looked angry:" You lil' brat, I'll show ye sum manners! Guys, let's burn down this piece o' shite". Dog raised his axe and Hell breaks lose: From all sides come the bandits with their green Headbands. Like barbarians do they run towards the Scum, which is calling themselves " Kain's Syndicate".

          Dog brushes the blood away. He and the rest of the group are cleaning everything up. The thugs are putting everything in bags and bring it to the river, where they will be washed into the Ocean. Mother doesn't want any of her children to see this. Sparrow comes from behind and grins:" Looks like ye had sum fun." Dog smiles back: "Brenck was mine this time! Hah, an' all the others had ta take on th' scum. I got a dozen or so this time!" Sparrow nods acknowledging: " Damn, mate. Pretty well. Mother's gonna be proud o' ye, Dog". Dog smiles.

          Dog grows up again and becomes Lerrick, but still has to smile. He sighs and mumbles: "Goo' ol' days..."
          Jon Wyldestrom- Druggy Mercenary

          Blackblood- Best qualities in an Orc: Violent, sadistic and completly insane.


          • #6
            Anger, Hate, eternal damnation, pain, torture, satisfaction, revenge, complete genocide. His first thoughts. The message had shaken his very being up. And he enjoyed it, so he got himself even further into it. All his curses gave him this feeling of power. But somewhere deep within he knew about his lack of power. He knew that he couldn't change anything.

            He hated himself mostly for not being able to protect her... For even having protected her the most. So he tried it with another strategy... But it failed. It got turned down and his tongue got lose. With his thoughts he always has in the presence of those "shiny knights". Those self-righteous bastards who have all opportunities to do good but talk them down by codex and laws, which are as fake as Lerrick's sympathy for them.

            Then he met her right afterwards... And he knew he was powerless. So he ended it. Right there. He faked it with rage. Most probably she hated him right now, but he decided it was better than having to know about her feeling sorry. This would be even worse than anything else. It is one thing to insult a man but it was even worse to show him that he's powerless. So he decided to do the only right thing: To end it right there.

            Of course he regretted the things he said. The things he thought. Now he's strolling around like an emotionless puppet. Of course he kept himself in control. Playing that everything is alright. Focusses on his duties and everything that comes with it. But still there's the hate. But he drowns it with ale and the excuse to be weak. But then there's always the next sentence that follows: "You idiot! You were trained to kill things that are mightier than you! Use intimidation, use your brain! Look for it's weak points! Like every single boss in the underworld of Waterdeep, who believed to be invincible! What if..." And in that moment he had already downed enough Dragon Breath to tranquilize an army....
            Jon Wyldestrom- Druggy Mercenary

            Blackblood- Best qualities in an Orc: Violent, sadistic and completly insane.

