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Letter delivered to (the Sestra Town Hall?)

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  • Letter delivered to (the Sestra Town Hall?)

    To whom it may concern,

    Today, while partaking in an early morning stroll, I came across a tree from which a man appears to have been hung. It is, if you are not aware, directly on the path between Sir Samson, the ferryman's home and the old woodsman's place.

    If so is the case that the object serves as a sign to passer-by to prevent wrongful acts... I believe a better course of action would be to construct an actual sign that addresses the problem. Samson has also expressed concern that the body may be affecting his business - and it's easy to understand why.

    Speaking personally, I find the defiling nature of the act truly revolting. Disregarding the cause, the path on which the body is located is rather serene.. I wouldn't mind having maybe a bench and post lamp, or an entire pavilion constructed in that location. But that's getting off topic..

    Please, do something about this. If I know anything about dead bodies, it's that they tend to get worse with age.

    Thank you,
    Vala Rift
    Priestess of Chauntea
    "Remember, the community loves you. Probably." - Sundren Tips

  • #2
    A reply is received at your inn of record.

    Dear Ms. Rift,

    Thats one of the town's overzealous inhabitants. A monk from the monastary... I assure you he's perfectly well and alive despite his appearance. He hangs himself out there for all hours by the neck as some sort of physical training or some other such nonsense. Damned odd bunch those monks, someone ought to tell them that a sword and armor would get them a sight farther than knuckles and pajamas.

    - Atticus
    Originally posted by Saulus
    Stop playing other shitty MMOs and work on Sundren, asshole.

