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Character Accept. ;)

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  • Character Accept. ;)

    Hi, I'm Frosty. Didn't know where else to try and put down the character(s) I wanted to play, so here's a sure bet.

    The only problem is, I'm fickle in the character choice department. Which kind've sucks I guess. Anyways, I like the idea of playing a priest/priestess (The non armor wearing, spellcasting pewpew type cleric, faith based, with a quarterstaff or something to that extent), maybe an Aasimar (Or if you don't allow those races) I could be a moon elf too, I'll find out a way to work with it. However, rogue will always be my first choice so I'll definately make a rogue first. Here goes

    Character name: Tirania Alurae
    Age: Approx. 125
    Eyes: Jade green with golden speckles.
    Hair: Shoulder length really light blonde (or white, havn't decided ((And, since Nwn2 doesn't have proper hair styles, I can't really have the hair I want/like. Sigh.)))
    Height: 5'2"
    Weight: 90-100 lbs, hard to tell with gear and such.
    Scars/Marks/Etc: Tira has each pointed ear pierced 3 times, silver jewelry always adorning the piercings, often times linked with chains or bobbles. She also has a tattoo on the right side of her back/shoulderblade of the holy symbol of Corellan Larethian with elvish runes adorning the sides. She also tends to wear multiple rings or bracelets, unless the occasion calls for less noble attire.

    Tira is smaller in stature, and not very muscular to say the least, but what she lacks in physical strength she makes up for it in agility and nimbleness. Her lithe figure moves easily through the crowd, but she looks as normal as any other elf would really, blending in to the surrounding people with ease. Her shorter blueish white hair crowns her head and looks as though it has been chopped off, for a more modern look. Her jade green eyes seemingly glow in the dark as light flashes through the speckles of gold, most likely the only thing that would differentiate her from others.

    Tira was born on the isle of Evermeet, possibly the greatest elven city ever raised from the earth. She spent merely her first few years there, growing up as any other elven child would. At the age of fifteen her family decided to try and move back to the mainland, along with a few others. Possibly to found a village along the Sword Coast or travel even farther east, into Cormyr.

    During the voyage they were ambushed by a pirate crew. Only a handful of them survived the slaughter and flames of the pillage, though some would've wished they had died. Tortured and enslaved, off to the Drow Slave Pens for a few gold pieces... it seemed as though all was lost and the survivors thought their lives over, and their dream crushed, luckily for them however the pirate ship crossed paths with a Harper vessle and they were vastly outnumbered and taken into custody. The elves were free to go but with her parents dead, Tira had nowhere to go. The rest of the entourage left her in Waterdeep, and traveled back to the safety and seclusion of Evermeet. Orphaned and alone Tira made due in the churches she was sent to, stealing food when she could and always trying to look on the brighter side of things. It was an easy life for her, Waterdeep being one of the more populated trade cities, she could get by any way she wanted.

    After a time she wanted for nothing, and being a teenager by elven standards at the age of 80 she didn't think she would need anyone or anything else. She was set for life. A few years went by after that. She found herself as a barkeep in one of the taverns on the outskirts of town. An honest life, with a secret life on the side but all would soon change. It was Hammerfall, a dry month, and Selune was crystal clear in the sky. Tira set out in her theif garb, dark and tight fitting clothing with hooks and loops all over for bags and satchels. Her goal was to ambush a caravan that was about to enter the city, she had heard one of the regulars talking about it as she was passing by.

    There she sat, for hours on end, perched high in the tree's awaiting the caravans arrival. Impatience got the best of her and she began to trod along the side of the road, always trying to keep herself hidden, and that's when she saw it. A bright light along the road, and the sounds of screaming people and something else... bugbears maybe.. not gnolls. Tira rushed to see what was going on, people were being slaughtered left and right, there had to be atleast 20 bodies either bleeding to death or being lit on fire. It was orcs, of course it hadn't crossed her mind at all. She began to help the remaning people get away from the burning caravan, the thought of all of these dying people brought tears to her eyes as her she shoved her swords through the stomach of an orc, with a low grunt he shoved her to the floor, Tira kept a firm grip on her swords and he went tumbling right with her. She reached down into her boot for her spare dagger and thrust it into his neck, a spurt of blood shooting out at her face. She didn't care, her sword was stuck in him, and that's the only thing she had to deal with at the moment. She tugged hard on the sword but it was caught on some bone or piece of armor scrap. Throwing him aside, she didn't notice a second orc charging at her from behind. She finally managed to get the sword loose from his gut, but it was too late. Tira looked back behind her just in time to see a man shove the orc out of the way. He was tall, stocky, well built even by human's standards, she watched in awe as he used his hammer and shield to crush the orcs skull. As the blood covered the hammer it began to glow a deep blue, he looked to her and helped her up after a time. The fighting then was glorious, the two of them nearly killed all of the orcs together, but it wasn't for much.. the people had already fled, and those that were dying couldn't be saved. It was for their blood. Their revenge, Tira understood that with every blow of her sword -she- was the incarnation of their vengence, their fury and helpless rage.

    With the orcs dead, and wounded to safety Tira invited the man to stay with her in Waterdeep for a time. He simply nodded and with a brute smile he began to walk towards the city, with her following close behind. In the weeks that followed she devoted herself to knowing more of this human man, who was filled with such precise rage and fury. He said his name was Donovan, and he was a Battle Cleric of Hoar, the god of Revenge. Tira was completely absorbed by his faith, and after 3 months, dedicated herself to inacting the revenge of herself, and others around her. Word came from the people attacked in the Caravan, it was planned. The orcs were hired by someone else, a warlock in the very city she'd lived in for so long. The persuit went on, apparently he had fled on ship to a southern port city and then made his way to Thay. Tira and Donovan chased him for years, and after a time, he knew that he was being followed, leaving little clues in obvious places.

    The only time they caught up with him was once in Calimshan, the fight was brutal, and it had become apparent that it might not be so easy to defeat those who control the powers of demons. During the fierce battle Donovan was cursed by the man, a curse that would cause a fatigue, and decay; ultimately causing undeath. The years went on, Donovan was already an old man when he met Tira and his time was over. In the night Tira crepy along the edge of the wall, standing at the window. Moonlight filled the room with a blue glow and she knew what she had to do. Quickly she took her sword and doused it with holy water, she then went to his side, and shoved her sword into his chest several times, he was dead and saved from the torment of unlife, Tira fled. He was taken back to the Sword Coast, and laid to rest near Amn where he was born. Tira followed closely, and attended the service along the outskirts, swearing to him to kill the man that cursed him. She followed a lead she had gotten from a fellow rogue on the outskirts of the country and set out. Her journey has lead her here, to Sundren.

    ((Hope it wasn't too long. There's a picture of Tira in my signature. Hope I get in. )
    Last edited by Frosty; 03-13-2007, 04:50 AM. Reason: Or, there would be a picture of Tira.. but it's too big file wise. ;/

  • #2
    Whoops, I'm stupid. ;/ Found where it's supposed to go. ><

