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From the beginning (in common)

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  • From the beginning (in common)

    From the beginning (in common):

    For the longest time Elandra was unaware of any differences. True she was picked on by most of the other younglings but she never thought much about it. Her older sister, Alexandria, always watched out for her sticking up for her and fending off the local bullies. Elandra led a simple life growing up in a loving family deep within Thornwood.

    It was not until later in life that she started to notice differences, first in appearance, Elandra was always darker in completion and much taller than the rest, but growing taller than her father just after her 30th season was unheard of. Not only was Elandra awkward in appearance but she did not have the knack for magic. The rest of the villagers always had innate abilities in the arcane arts. Both her sister and father reassured her that some are “just late starters”. These differences made her feel less than special; in fact they were the source of much ridiculing by others her age. Many seasons had passed without others to befriend, though Alex did remain a consistent source of reassurance. While all the others poked fun with comments like “she was not the shiniest fruit in the basket” to downright hurtful things such as “she was a dumb as a skipping stone”, Alex was always there to pick her up.

    So long family - the truth:

    It was not until Elandra’s 54th season that she found out the truth behind her differences.

    Unlike most days where Elandra would stay behind at school, partly due to her difficulties learning, but mostly to avoid others on her walk home, she left on time. One would have thought that over time she would have grown immune to the comments others made, but she never did. So she traveled down the path to her home on the outskirts of the village. Several younglings lived down this path as well but for some strange reason they did not travel it this day.

    Upon arriving home she noticed Alex was not out. While this was not too unusual, as she approached the door she overheard yelling from within. Not sure what was going on Elandra decided to crouch down by the blackberry bush just outside the window. What she heard… well, is best described in her own words…
    Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
    Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
    Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
    Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

    Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same

  • #2
    Journal (in elfish)

    Journal (in elfish):

    As of lately, father seems distant, more so when he comes back from the elders’ meetings. The Nezzerscapes have always been in good standing with the council, what was distressing him so? When he and mother would stay up late talking it would always end in tears.

    Yesterday I finish my leanings early and when home only to arrive to a fight between Alex and father. Alex has always been strong headed, but I never seen her confront father! I tucked down and listened to see what I could find out. I only caught a few words but they were unnerving to say the least:

    How could you do this, she’s family!
    It is not my will, but that of the council.
    That’s the same council that said we could keep her. What, they changed their mind just like that and we are supposed to just say ok and move on!
    I’m so sorry. I’m not privy to all the council’s decisions, but we all knew this day would come.
    No, we ALL did not!
    She is not of our people let alone of this land.
    Neither are the spirits in the wind but we listen, accept and respect them!
    The council’s decision is final! And WE must abide by the will of the council!
    You have not just lost ONE daughter but TWO this evening…

    I tried to stop Alex but she left in haste. Walking in I found father drained and mother crying in the corner. They both knew I heard and proceed to tell me the story of how they found me on a pilgrimage and knew that I was not of this land but I would soon perish if they were not to take me in. With the council’s blessings they raised me as their own daughter. I was in shock, disbelief, but somehow I knew what they were saying was true. Faded images, like that of a dream started to come into focus.
    Unlike Alex, I understood their position even though I disagreed with it. So I set out to find Alex, my true family, myself… As I left my mother handed me a small scroll, with scribes I have yet to understand, saying that it was with me when they found me and she hopes that someday it will help lead me to find my way.
    Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
    Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
    Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
    Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

    Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same


    • #3
      Journal (in elfish):
      I’m still in shock from what I learned earlier this week but continue to follow after Alex. It has been some time since I have enjoyed the simple pleasures of flame or a hot meal but still I push on. Been traveling south for some time now and will soon be reaching the shores of Lake of Steam. I have never set eyes on a lake such as this. I have been told that it is so big that one cannot even see a crossed it. I doubt this to be true but will know in a day or two.
      Last edited by nezzerscape; 08-22-2014, 02:17 PM.
      Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
      Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
      Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
      Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

      Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same


      • #4
        Journal (in elfish):
        Arrived by the lake and the stories were true! While the air is thick with water the other day the sun broke though and I could not see land save that on which I was standing. I took the road east toward a port called “Ankhapur”. I do not know if I’m heading in the right direction but I have heard the name spoken at the supper table before so that is the direction I headed.

        Supplies are running low. I guess I should have taken more as mother suggested.
        Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
        Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
        Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
        Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

        Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same


        • #5
          Journal (in elfish):
          Ran into some creatures the other day. I had high hopes when seeing them for they look like me. As I approached their features gave them away, in particular their ears. They were short and round. I tried to greet them and ask if I was heading in the right direction but I could not understand their response so I push on. In retrospect I do not believe they could understand me either.

          I have seen the fires from the port but I have chosen to camp here for the night. I do not wish to venture forth in the darkness much longer.
          Last edited by nezzerscape; 04-22-2014, 12:52 PM.
          Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
          Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
          Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
          Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

          Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same


          • #6
            Journal (in elfish):
            Arrived at Ankhapur. I am so amazed at the sights and sounds of the city. While I cannot understand most of which that is going on around me I have found a few creatures that I can communicate with. They are what are known at “humans”. Funny creatures these humans, they do not appear to be the same. Not only do they come in a variety shapes their mannerisms are all different. While only some are rude I do like the variety. Not like at home at all.
            Last edited by nezzerscape; 08-22-2014, 02:21 PM.
            Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
            Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
            Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
            Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

            Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same


            • #7
              Journal (in elfish):
              I have been here in Ankhapur for a moon now and have not seen or heard word of Alex. I have however, pickup quite a few human words. Their langue is called “common”. Seems a bit odd for they are the only ones speaking it. Met an old woman named Naresh. She has been kind to me and allowed me to mend her nets in return for food and shelter. I find the work easy and think I have the better part of the deal, though I’m not prepared to let on.

              I work though the night, for I have no need for fire to see, and continue my searches during the day.
              Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
              Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
              Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
              Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

              Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same


              • #8
                Journal (in elfish):
                Today I met a man that caught my eye. He is tall, broad and has these piercing blue eyes. He spoke elfish quite well so we talked for hours it seemed. His name is Zephron and is the caption of one of the grandest ships in the port. He told me of his travels and said that he would keep a “weathered ear out” for Alex. I’m not sure what he meant by that so I assumed that he would search for her as well. His ship the Avion was setting sail that night so we said our goodbyes as I watched him leave.
                Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
                Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
                Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
                Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

                Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same


                • #9
                  Journal (in elfish):
                  Another moon has past and I have yet to find any signs that Alex when this way. Naresh has been kind to me even giving a coin or two to buy things for myself. While it is not unpleasant here, I feel as though I am lost without Alex. I must save what I can and set out soon if I’m to have any chance to find her.
                  Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
                  Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
                  Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
                  Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

                  Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same


                  • #10
                    Journal (in elfish):
                    Things took a turn for the better. I was preparing to leave when I ran into Zephron gain. He had news of Alex! He ran into her Saelmur. She must had gone west instead of east when she reached the lake. Zephron said that he tried to convince her that I was looking for her and that he would bring her to me or at the very lease she should head here. Alex refused to take his word so he set sail to Ankhapur. Zephron also said that he left a mate behind to keep track of her incase she decided to leave.

                    This was too good to believe. Zephron offered passage but had to leave immediately for he was now shorthanded and needed to make up for lost time. So I said my goodbye to Naresh and headed to the Avion. Once on board the ship set off. I offered the few coins I had to pay for my passage but he refused stating “it would not be gentlemanly to accept it and besides my coffers are already full”. I explained that I should do something to repay him for his kindness. He agreed and said that if I could mend nets as well as he had heard then he could use my talents on some old sails. I jumped at the chance.
                    Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
                    Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
                    Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
                    Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

                    Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same


                    • #11
                      Journal (in elfish):
                      We have been sailing for a few days and I already have completed the mending. I spend most of my time on deck now watching the men adjust the sails and enjoy the wind against my face. Back home the wind seldom reached the ground so the experience was both exciting and welcome.

                      I’m trying to fit in but I have never been on a boat let alone out a sea. I felt awkward and memories of home helped to reinforce the feeling. Zephon, err Captain sensed this and tried to give me simple tasks to distract me.
                      Last edited by nezzerscape; 08-22-2014, 02:29 PM.
                      Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
                      Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
                      Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
                      Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

                      Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same


                      • #12
                        Journal (in elfish):
                        Today we reached Saelmur. My heart was racing for it has been what felt like the better part of a season since I had seen Alex. I was about to run off the ship when Zephon grabbed me by my arm and said that I should wait till he can track down his mate. I believe his words were “Saelmur is a big place, its best we wait till we know where to look”. This by far is was the hardest thing I had done. Waiting when she could be just around the corner, but his words ran true to me. I paced back and forth waiting from word from the captain. I swear I wore a grove in the deck before I heard from the captain again.

                        Finally I noticed the captain talking to another which I could only assume was his mate for they both walked back to the ship. When Zephon spoke my heart dropped. Alex had taken a merchant ship to Calimport a few days back. I fell to me knees and began to weep.

                        Zephon pulled me to my feel and said something about that he was heading to the Sword Cost and he would be stopping in Calimport. He continued on that he would take me there. I was overjoyed and hugged him nearly knocking him over. We are to set sail in the morning.

                        *little drawn hearts* I think I met a knight in shining armor, my Zephon *little drawn hearts*
                        Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
                        Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
                        Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
                        Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

                        Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same


                        • #13
                          Journal (in elfish):
                          As we set sail today Zephon pulled me aside and stated that if I was to stay on his ship that there would be some ground rules that I needed to follow. I am to refer to him as Captain at all times, I had to go down below if we are approached by any other vessels and I am to help out as instructed. These seemed simple requests so I told the captain I would.
                          Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
                          Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
                          Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
                          Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

                          Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same


                          • #14
                            Journal (in elfish):
                            We have been at sea for a moon and I have never felt so alive. All the crew has been treating with respect, which took some time to get use to. The Captain has been pleased with progress in mending the ropes. I told him that it was like braiding Alex’s hair before bed. He gave me a stern look and stated “I will have no girly talk aboard my ship!” I think he could see the puzzled look in my eyes. He went on to state that during long voyages the men get restless and “I should not do anything that might spur them on”. I’m not sure what he meant but he has been good to me so I simply nodded.
                            Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
                            Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
                            Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
                            Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

                            Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same


                            • #15
                              Journal (in elfish):
                              It has been another moon and I have been setting up “rigging” for some time. I find it easy to move among the timbers and ropes going from mast to mast. Apparently the others do not find it as easy for they always seem to call me to climb up to dislodge a pulley or something. Looking down I notice they are always looking up smiling at me.

                              It is good to feel needed.
                              Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
                              Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
                              Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
                              Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

                              Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same

