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Nisa's dilemma

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  • Nisa's dilemma

    "Frustration, nothing but frustration, Myn where are you?"

    Nisa has recently returned from yet another fruitless and futile and nearly fatal trip beneath Aquor. After all her adventures she has nearly given up on her traveling companion finding her in this valley. Deciding to follow the first rule taught to children if they get lost, 'Stay put' she has retreated into an uninhabited but open area of Sundren hopping that remaining stationary and visible to the sky will help her lost one find her. Maybe he will show, and she will not have to make up her mind to go looking for him.

    *sighs* "The last thing I want to do is back track all the way to the Dragon Coast looking for you, but I just may!"

    She sits back at her small, isolated camp and stares at the sky, hoping for a flash of gold.

  • #2
    Alone on the hill top, the second evening of her vigil, Nisa hears a voice calling. Looking up she sees the form of a blue haired Moon Elf climbing her hill. Stunned into silence she can only sit there smiling as he closes.

    "Myn," she whispers as he bends to kiss her.

    "We have much to talk about sweet one, this valley has been our destination and it is time I asked you to make a choice."


    • #3
      The end of the week.

      "I'll stay," Nisa tells him, "A few years is a short time and your duties as a watcher here are important."


      • #4
        A few weeks latter. Far enough into the country side that the torch lights and sounds of the Exigo trading post are undetectable from the top of the hollow, a small fire, burned down to glowing coals rests beside a small but deep pond. The moon light overhead fills the tiny resting spot of the two elves in a silver glow.

        "Myn, what do the watchers know of Syran and his creator, the companion of Mundas?" Nisa asks as she dries her hair by the warmth of the fire.

        "Not a lot, most of us have only been here as long as you have, what have you learned?", Myn asks still bathing in the pond.

        "I am not sure it is relevant to your task, something about an Ilfarn artifact he discovered hidden away in the Viridale."

        There is a splashing followed by the beating of wings from the pond. Nisa turns at the sudden noise in the water and gives a mental sigh of frustration seeing the pond empty and the shape of a large owl winging its way deeper into the wilderness.

        Nisa mutters to her self as she finishes dressing, "It would serve you right if I tossed you cloths in the pond."


        • #5
          It is evening and Nisa is walking in a dried up deep seasonal stream bed, following the tracks of a large male deer. The walls of dirt and stone raise above her head on both sides. With out warning the ground begins to shake and loose debris starts to fall around her. Giving up on her quarry Nisa turns and runs back the way she came. As the shaking gets worse so does her footing and the debris falls faster. She feels a sharp pain as a falling rock strikes her head and the world go black.

          Nisa wakes with a headache and a large lump on her skull. Unable to see the moon or much else though the thick canopy of trees above shes feels that several hours must have past. Climbing to her feet she begins to take a survey of her surroundings. The walls of the stream bed in front of her have collapsed. Feeling great full now for the falling rock that stopped her flight she scrambles up the a gentle slope to ground level and begins her trip back to her campsite.

          "That must have been felt all over the Valley," she musses, "I hope no one was injured badly, I guess I'll find out in the morning when I get back."

          Deep in the forest she does not see the green streaks in the sky give way to the light from the temple of the triumvirate.


          • #6
            The next evening Nisa is sitting by a calm pool of water. Under the light of the full moon she is kneeling in prayer.

            Standing she turns to the male elf behind her and sighs, "I was unable to secure a trophy for sacrifice tonight, I waited to long and was nearly killed by falling rock during the tremors yesterday". Moving to embrace him she rests her head on his chest. "No doubt you could, if allowed, tell me more of the events that transpired than I can tell you."

            "No matter," she murmurers, "Tonight I do not want to talk about artifacts, undead, your duties or anything else. Just lay here in the grass with me".


            • #7
              Nisa smiles at Myn as she emerges from the pool of water.

              "Be a dear and start a fire, I would have sooner, but I was making bows all day," frowns, "one a replacement for a friend who had hers stolen by the legion, but her short bow was easy to make after the other two. Anyway I was tired and achy and the warm water was invigorating"

              Snuggled up to Myn much latter, the fire nearly out.

              "Only rumors, I know you can not confirm. There are undead in the Viridale, an army of them massing in the necropolis and A lich freed and wandering the valley. At least an innocent escaped the legion; though they could not verify that she had anything to do with the breakout, except leaving or more possibly being abducted, she was to be executed, for walking out the front door no less", shakes her head, "they call that an escape in this land."


              • #8
                Many days latter, and after a joyful reunion.

                "As much as I would like to settle accounts with certain members of the legion they were only doing their job and she made her own choices her companion certainly did not deserve his fate though."

                Nisa sighs heavily.

                "Myn, I tire of this valley, and I miss home more than I ever thought I could. I have lost too many companions to death, homesickness and even madness. None of those that remain need my aid any longer, nor seem to want it either. I think it may be time to think of my path home."

