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Rememberance of Shanatar

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  • Rememberance of Shanatar

    (( A collection of both correspondence home and journal, written in dwarven runes. The style is an old one, even by dwarven standards ))

    To Murin of Stoneheart. Old One of Clangeddin Silverbeard and Honored Guest of the Hall of The Bronze Mask.

    As you said the journey by human ship was faster. As you said it tried the patience and gullet in equal measure. Through trial and test those of the Vigilant Host prove their worth. Though ay cannot help but recall your face as you told of this.

    The realms above continue to amaze with their variety and strangeness. The endless void above strips the meagre human defences of the unyielding stone above. And yet they tolerate such exposure without care or worry ay can see.

    Of kin there seem few as you warned. And yet one of the first ay met upon reaching the port Avanthyr was a fellow Child of Dumathoin.

    Beardless and seeming at home in such surroundings, he spoke open worship of a Lord of Water. From afar ay could sense no obvious enchantment upon him. Bearing both surprise and the ill effect of such worship ay thought it wise to leave him with such misplaced faith undisturbed for now. But ay will return and teach of our traditions and the wisdom of the Sentinel.

    The Sentinel keeps vigil

    Glyir of Belindorn

  • #2
    Murin of Stoneheart. Old One of Clangeddin Silverbeard and Honored Guest of the Hall of The Bronze Mask

    Wanderings have taken me to several corners of this valley. I have obtained further coin from honorable work. The humans have paid well for slain goblins and this task serves the Eternally Vigilant.

    This land teems with the savage races. In this it is no different from our own surrounds. But local lore states it was only recently opened to the humans. Perhaps only scarce hundreds of years. The only connection ay know of over stone be through a great eastern gate of impressive strength. The passage having been hewed through the stone beneath via magics on a great scale.

    Little more have ay found yet but ay am greatly concerned over such a sundering of the realm of Dumathoin. Such ambition and hubris seem ever present in these fleeting human kingdoms. Ay fear this land may have been opened to the goodly races before it was desired.

    More kin ay have found and in greater strength than ay dared hope. From the telling they have formed a brotherhood of all clans and churches known as the Skullcleavers. Ay will know more of them before considering giving oath to their standard. For it is said that when working the hardest stone the greatest care must be taken.

    The humans have sensibly warded off the worst of their large groups of trees. This being known to them as the Viridale. A captain who lives underearth told the tale of a dwarven shrine connected to their delvings. But further sign of this ay have been unable to find. This is something that warrants further investigation.

    The fall of water from above has proved a relentless foe, and ever present in this land. The fall from the stalactite above is rhythmic and soothing. But the void fall of Sundren is unpredictable and at times as heavy as the fall from the irrigation channels. The trials of the Vigilant Host are many.

    The Sentinel keeps vigil

    Glyir of Belindorn


    • #3
      Murin of Stoneheart. Old One of Clangeddin Silverbeard and Honored Guest of the Hall of The Bronze Mask.

      Further journeys have ay made in this place. There are places of great danger but also vast open areas of the Realms Above. Despite the bandits and savage races ay have found travel in these areas is safer than the tunnels of Kazardaen and the Fallen Realms beyond.

      Our cousins here carve their own path. Although more common following the Blessing of Thunder still ay was shocked to see a female alone and unguarded among the humans. Skilled and garbed for battle she was but such a thing is not right. But such is accepted among our kin here so it is not for me to decree on such a thing. The ways of kin are for kin.

      Our group sought battle against the risen dead in the Great Tomb of the humanfolk. They were bolstered by great magics and are no doubt controlled by mages. Yet another lesson as to why our cousins of Dumathoins church must show such care should another be needed.

      Ay suffered injury and would have fallen but for the female skald who fought the risen dead clear and aided me. Her actions proved true her claim of self sufficiency. Ay shall not try and dissuade her again from her path but to choose such a life away from hearth and home cannot be wise.

      The Sentinel keeps vigil

      Glyir of Belindorn


      • #4
        Murin of Stoneheart. Old One of Clangeddin Silverbeard and Honored Guest of the Hall of The Bronze Mask.

        Travel here over distance is faster than home despite the bodies of plants and water to be found. The merchants complain of slopes in the road that are pitiful compared to the climbs in the deeper underways. With such faster travel the seeming safety in many places here may be a false sense. For enemies too can travel faster and in greater number. The bountiful deposits of plants and animals to be found here can no doubt sustain many beings used to such surroundings. A foe could sustain a siege of greater force over a greater distance.

        And there are such foes. Ay have joined with the Skullcleavers in battle against the human foe of Sundren known as Veritas. For all their strange ways there are those with great ability in battle and arcane magics among our cousins here. And yet we spilt much blood against the foe. My cousins fell around me. The Steward ay saw injured and gripped by mage spell. My last memory before darkness took me is seeing the Captain injured and locked axe to sword beyond a wall of mage conjured flame.

        Ay awoke from darkness having been dragged clear by the others for somehow they had prevailed against such foes. Ay am still finding seared skin and hair within my armor. But Sentinel be praised my wounds heal and soon ay shall be fit to once more wield axe shield and chant in His service.

        The Sentinel keeps vigil

        Glyir of Belindorn


        • #5
          Murin of Stoneheart. Old One of Clangeddin Silverbeard and Honored Guest of the Hall of The Bronze Mask.

          Ay meet more of the more venturesome inhabitants. The kin here have worthy spirits and are proper in their respect to the Morndinsamman. Ay intend to bear the standard of their brotherhood should such be offered again. Though some such as their Steward and a lone warrior have more than a trace of accent. This makes it hard to make out their words at times. It is for the good that their Captain leads in battle.

          The lone warrior written of bore steel of the Black Hand without seeming concern. Such may yet prove to be properly cleansed but there was not opportunity to take this up with him in private. Ay will watch.

          There is nay sign yet of your excessively foolish elven mage. Though elves and mages and foolishness are nay in short supply in this land. Ay shall keep watch for him as ye warned.

          One of the human mages shows signs of foolishness and bears watching despite his generosity. Nay doubt it is the weakness of their frame that drives too many of his kin to seek too much power too quickly.

          The Sentinel keeps vigil

          Glyir of Belindorn


          • #6
            Murin of Stoneheart. Old One of Clangeddin Silverbeard and Honored Guest of the Hall of The Bronze Mask.

            With others ay have further explored the underways of this land. The interest of our kin in this place is justified. For many rich deposits of minerals have been uncovered despite the crude undwarven workings ay have seen so far. The Keeper of Secrets has blessed this place with a great measure of His bounty.

            Among these is a metal ore unknown to myself. It has some similarities to adamantite ore which makes it of great interest. Already ay have seen how it can be smelted and worked by kin of the Skullcleavers into sturdy armor and shield. It has no proper name ay know of. But is called Sundrite by the humanfolk. All deposits so far found are uncovered in underways delved or occupied by the savage races. As is to be expected from such bounty. The need for hasty work in such conditions is frustrating. Without due preparation and proper bracing there is a disturbing risk of rockfall. With properly established delvings we could no doubt achieve better and with less disordering of Dumathoins realm.

            In due time ay hope to cooperate with others on a survey. This and samples ay mean to one day bring home to yourself for the benefit of the Halls of our fellows. Ay imagine the smiths of the Hall of Arnskull and the xothor of Dugmaren of the Hall of Runestones would welcome such above others.

            Ay have only recently heard reliable word that a hold of kin lies to the north of the valley of Sundren. Being of renown clan Battlehammer of Mithral Hall of Old Delzoun and named Bristlebeards Hollow. The humans squabble among themselves to seek trade rights. And such is no surprise for ay do not doubt that our northern kin have sensibly cleared their veins of the filth and savagery that contest the veins sought by the human miners. The way there is as yet difficult and contested. But ay shall venture there with others and see how best the purpose of the Eternally Vigilant may be served.

            The Sentinel keeps vigil

            Glyir of Belindorn


            • #7
              Murin of Stoneheart. Old One of Clangeddin Silverbeard and Honored Guest of the Hall of The Bronze Mask.

              Further journeys and knowledge ay have found. The hold of Bristlebeards Hollow is short on food but rich in metal. Trade with the humanfolk would aid them. The be two groups of humans who squabble over the right to build a trade road. It would be best if a group of mages called the Red Wizards do not gain control. Ay am told they have a reputation for skulking and conniving even beyond that of other mages. The thoughts of those of Mithral Hall in this matter ay do not yet know.

              And so kin of the Skullcleavers aid the group of Exigo. There being kin amongst them but in the main they are a group of human merchants and miners. There is much to disagree with about them but they are as goblins to ogres compared to a group of mages. They try to cleave a road through the Viridale. They no doubt seek to extend the existing road that leads there. Such seems a great folly for the savage races and now the elves and druids oppose them. Ay have been told the Viridale be on any level route from the hold of Exigo and the north that avoids the road through Aquor but this ay do nay know for sure. Aquor is indeed a hive of villainy as ye warned. Though the tunnels beneath seem even more infested with mages and thieves than your tales.

              Kin aid Exigo in their contest and hope that a solution is found. Ay believe that Exigo can nae cleave a road alone. Ay believe that if Sundren aids then they could. But as long as a druid draws breath the trade of our kin shall be beseiged. Also the trees have value to many kin here so they have value to myself. Another passable route must be sought. Anything of stone can be worked in time. But a route must be sought that does not test the scanty patience of the humans. Ay shall seek the counsel of others.

              The Sentinel keeps vigil

              Glyir of Belindorn


              • #8
                Murin of Stoneheart. Old One of Clangeddin Silverbeard and Honored Guest of the Hall of The Bronze Mask.

                Ye bade me venture here and learn of these realms. Countless beings dwell here in the great endless vault. One realm after another lie atop the stone of Dumathoins realm. This land of Sundren is but one among many. But already ay sense further meaning behind your interest in this land above others. For there is much that is worth the seeing here.

                For all that their ways are strange our northern kin among the humanfolk possess drive like and yet unlike that of home. They pursue a multitude of goals some common others alone. But each is sought with the will that is the All Fathers gift despite the curse that is this lesser age. Though they seek like company as is proper they are scattered to my eyes. But yet they are of clan and hold from across the north and perhaps beyond. So perhaps this place suits those who are used to such seeming solitude and draws such to it.

                But this is naught compared to the humans. To them chaos and disorder seem as food and drink. Faith and family and faction and friend and hold all seek oath and service to competing cause. Ay see them driven from one service to another in but a blink of the Sleeping Kings eye. Each of them seems to have their own purpose alloyed from a myriad of ores. They are unpredictable and this is maddening.

                The Sentinel keeps vigil

                Glyir of Belindorn


                • #9
                  Murin of Stoneheart. Old One of Clangeddin Silverbeard and Honored Guest of the Hall of The Bronze Mask.

                  There is word of mages and the defiled dead gathering in the lost Great Tomb of the humans. Their realm prepares and ay watch as ay serve His will. Warriors bound by oath and those with common cause prepare and gird themselves once more for the endless war. But yet many are unbound to such cause and continue with their own purpose. Their strength is divided.

                  Ay have walked the stone of the humans that will one day bear battle. All that is built shall suffer war. Their stone is exposed to the above and is all too scanty but for the eastern Realm Gate. Such scanty works would lead to loss that we of the stout folk could not bear. But despite their being divided there is strength here in abundance. Their factions combined would muster a great host and they train warriors with unseemly speed. That their strength suffers such checks is perhaps the will of the Gods in such things.

                  Our home endures yet. Our strength grows with the coming of age of the Children of Thunder. But yet too many halls lie empty of all but the memory of past glory. The throne of the Sleeping King has too long been silent and the caution of the Council endures beyond previous measure. There is an unease ay have not known before within our halls. Here there is something different. It is intriguing.

                  The Sentinel keeps vigil

                  Glyir of Belindorn


                  • #10
                    Murin of Stoneheart. Old One of Clangeddin Silverbeard and Honored Guest of the Hall of The Bronze Mask.

                    Ay watch and learn. Else all too hasty action would ay have taken.

                    Time has shown many of the most unlikely tales of the naturefolk to be true. Ay journeyed with kin through the underways of the Viridale. One being a druid of great power who changed form with seeming ease. He used the forms of ancient foe to the ruin of all who came against us. And he used the powers of each form with a deadly ease that was unsettling. To see the form forged by the All Father forsaken is disturbing. He said that there is struggle but that he has mastered it. He possesses a will that is dwarven and his soul seems dwarven yet. But such power must carry a price. Ay shall watch.

                    Such strangeness is common here and many things that ay find disturbing are accepted. But despite my unease there is wisdom for the learning among them as ye say Murin. They are hardened by ages of war. And ay cannot now deny your words that more realms of Delzoun endure than realms of Shanatar. These are grim thoughts but the Fallen Realms must not be forgotten. Ay shall watch.

                    Vampires wander the realm of Sundren. The Foe of All Who Draw Breath wander at will among the scattered holdings. By their own tale they are older than an age. By the tale of the humanfolk they are ancients of the Old Days. Ay do not doubt they are strong but have doubt about their true age. Their actions seem overly bold for ones who have endured so long. Ay believe their tale be false or there is some greater purpose behind their seeming recklessness. The one ay encountered spoke small against her kin. Perhaps there is a weakness that can be used. For if tale be true many may perish.

                    The vampire ay encountered approached the campfire in disguise. It revealed itself through word and the humanfolk scattered. The foolish human mage made to force affection upon it. It left of its own will and we tended to the mage. Ay suspected some devious enchantment but could find no trace. The mage acted so of his own will. Some power favors him greatly for he lost only a finger. His weakness for female form will doom him even if his studies do not.

                    And yet ay watch and provide counsel. For he seems to be a fulcrum upon which other things pivot. And since he is not sequestered in a tower others of his kin look to him and others of his craft for assistance and lore. And even counsel. May their Gods protect them.

                    The Sentinel keeps vigil

                    Glyir of Belindorn
                    Last edited by Intrepid42; 07-24-2009, 08:17 AM.


                    • #11
                      To Murin of Clan Stoneheart. Old One of Clangeddin Silverbeard and Honored Guest of the Hall of The Bronze Mask.

                      Many things ay have seen these scant days past. Foremost of these is the hold of Bristlebeards Hollow to the north. They are indeed sons of Mithral Hall and their position is a strong one. They bear sturdy metal with will and possess stone of great strength. This is as it needs be for the lands surrounding them are gripped by a bitter chill beyond any ay have yet felt and infested with many creatures of magic. Their leader is advised by one of the sonnlinor of Moradin. As is common in the survivor realms of Delzoun. If our brief conversation is any guide he well serves his kin and the All Father.

                      It was good to once more have kinhewed stone beneath these well travelled feet. Ay yearned to remain for a time but my path lies elsewhere for the moment. For ay see more of the truth behind the truth ye spoke of Murin.

                      The savage races press close the scattered holds of the humanfolk just as they do the dwarf holds of the North. But the human numbers seem endless and the savage races suffer continual loss. Bristlebeards Hollow stands strong. But it is stronger yet for those killed and prevented from gathering against them.

                      The more time ay spend in these lands the more ay see of the influence humankind has over the fate of the sons of Delzoun. And the fate of all of Dumathoins Children. They are both strong and fickle beyond measure. The fall of High Shanatar to the human realms shall not be forgotten. Though the attackers have long since suffered the common doom of the fleeting realms of man. And are long forgotten by their kin.

                      But yet the human and dwarven realms have fought scarce wars for an age. There is a measure of worth among them. The wisdom of the Old Ones of legend who gifted many of the secrets to them is again proved. That the then growing race of man would provide a bulwark against the greenskin hordes.

                      The Sentinel keeps vigil

                      Glyir of Clan Belindorn


                      • #12
                        (( Hand-delivered in person ))

                        To Fali Stonetoe. High Priest of Bristlebeards Hollow.

                        Ay have journeyed here in service to Gorm Gulthyn. What ay learn through service will serve my home well. Ay have ventured several times along the trail from Aquor to Bristlebeards Hollow. In aid of your defence ay offer a report of my most recent journey one day past.

                        The Lower Slopes.

                        The very base of the climb remains burdened by human bandits equipped like those from the outpost on the upward spur to the west. This band favored archers and skirmishing tactics but proved easier to run down than drow.

                        Beyond the humanfolk ay encountered small packs of the large furred animals known widely as winter wolves. They attacked on sight and the largest attempted an ambush from the flank while steel clashed.

                        The Ascent.

                        More winter wolves lurked here. But the main threat proved to be the sendings of the Plane of Ice. Mephits and elementals were to be found here clustered by the frozen water. They were not pleased by my presence. Ay spent time examining the shore but found no sign of what brings them to this place save their affinity for such climes. It is possible that some controlling power may oppose your efforts here. Ay shall watch.

                        Ay found a valley hidden to the west that leads to a cave guarded by a large number of minotaurs armed with hide and greataxe. They lack great skill but are dangerous due to their attempts to charge as one and unfoot me. To wander alone is to face great peril on these paths. The cave is clear this day but shows signs of recent habitation.

                        The campsite is clear and the upward spur to the east remains blocked.

                        The Approach to the Hold.

                        The fall of snow is heavy at times and obscures the trail. A western spur leads past a cave entrance and towards the abandoned stone to the west. These ay have not explored this day. Ay met a group of minotaurs upon this spur and they have fallen.

                        Within the Outermost Worked Stone.

                        By the grace of the Sentinel ay have examined the worked stone in this area for suspicious magics. Only enchantments borne by kin and stonewardings borne by the wall were detected.

                        The Sentinel keeps vigil.

                        Glyir Belindorn. Guardian Priest of Iltkazar.


                        • #13
                          (( from Glyir's personal journal ))

                          Reflections upon the Truths of Gorm Gulthyn.

                          Always a foe gathers.

                          Such is the teaching of Gorm Gulthyn. There is naught that the Children of Dumathoin can build that another does not plot to take. Those short of beard speak of peace. But peace does not exist. It is but a word for the time between battles when the wise prepare for the next.

                          This time exists because the foe believes he cannot yet take what is ours. He gathers his strength and watches. To dwell upon the time before war is to serve the foe.

                          All that is built shall suffer war.

                          Even the holds of the Hidden face threat in their delvings and are sought by ancient foe. War shall come to all whether it be in scant years or an age.

                          And when war comes our kin and honor shall rest on the anvil and be tested by the flame and hammer. There is no higher task but that we endure this test.

                          That the foe exists always is the first of his truths. It is less than the ken of the coming foe and the doing that must be done. But it is the first and all depends upon it. Those who would guard ignore it at their peril.

                          The vigil must be kept.

                          The vigil must not waver.

                          The vigil is eternal.

