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IIIIII"VE been playing...IN the ooold toolset

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  • IIIIII"VE been playing...IN the ooold toolset

    yeah I can not sing to save a stray cat.

    after the banking thread I started thinking and then started scripting.

    I have a module made showing my banking idea.....AND a few other things I thought of.


    1. Rat races I made HALF the required scritps to make it work the trigger needs to be modifed and I need to think out a good way to have wagers on it.

    2. One thing that has always pestered me is not knowing what the clothes will look like before I buy them.....Now I do. After I tweak one bit of converstation due to not playing with converstations alot it should Say what clothes its ready to display.

    I think most will be more excited to see the clothing part. So will lay out how it works.

    You talk to a npc and he offers what stores you can view. You choose armor based on another line of the converstation, and then choose to view it in another.

    Once you choose the armor a NPC is spawned with the same race as your charactor. They equip the armor and parade around the stage in it.

    All it takes is 2 scripts and a converstation.

    I will be putting it on the vault soon I am still in the "Let me try breaking it by doing this!!!" stage.

    So once I get the qwirks out will let you play with it. I am also pondering adding a few gambling scripts I wrote awhile back. Or my pit fighting one
    blame everything right in my life on god -Me.
    Being insane in a sane world is alot more fun then being a sane man in an insane world. -Me
    I am only what you percieve, and even that is an illusion. -Me.

    Ashinet Clavin Shiv Shadowsong

  • #2
    no comments? well I am revising the fashion show script again :P then I will tinker with the rat race idea again.

    I think I should be able to make the fashion show 2 scripts and the rat race 2 as well. I think the banking idea is 1 script as well. once I have it on vault perhaps have quesitons then :P
    blame everything right in my life on god -Me.
    Being insane in a sane world is alot more fun then being a sane man in an insane world. -Me
    I am only what you percieve, and even that is an illusion. -Me.

    Ashinet Clavin Shiv Shadowsong


    • #3
      It's nice to see someone playing with the toolset, but the banking script is already being played with by Kaeldorn, and Saulus doesn't usually accept player submitted content unless it is in application for a staff position. Please see the job page
      Lorlen Locke: "Amazing how the righteous commit acts of tyranny and terror almost as beautiful as our own under their banner of "good". We merely call a spade a spade."

      "If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly."


      • #4
        Ill have a look at the clothing one once its done anyways, just to see how it plays out in another module Sounds cool though!

        I remember on a server there was a 'Display item' feild that brought up your inventory showing your PC in the desired apparel. Cant remember for the life of me which though...
        Originally posted by roguethree
        If I had my way, clerics would have spell failure and a d6 hit die. And Favored Souls wouldn't exist.


        • #5
          oh its not a banking system its a vault Idea. you can not bank but you can see what idea I mentioned in the vault discussion.

          If staff wants the scripts or not is their thing I just felt like tinkering. I always see anything on the vault is fair game. So gut it if you want.

          last night I revised the conversation so you could shop for someone else. will try out tonight and if all the qwirks are out should have something soon.

          scripting 10% writing 90% fixing the stuff to work :P
          blame everything right in my life on god -Me.
          Being insane in a sane world is alot more fun then being a sane man in an insane world. -Me
          I am only what you percieve, and even that is an illusion. -Me.

          Ashinet Clavin Shiv Shadowsong


          • #6
            Originally posted by Product of Void
            2. One thing that has always pestered me is not knowing what the clothes will look like before I buy them.....Now I do.

            Now this..I have always liked. =) Would save a ton of gold to know how things look before I buy them. But then again who cares about style, Its all about utility!
            Elric Modner. - "Yesterday I dared struggle against tyranny, Today I dare to fight once again."


            • #7
              Just to expand on your idea, you may want the NPC model to be the same race as the character who's doing the conversation. Clothing often looks different on human models than on elf models, for example.
              "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
              -Bill Maher


              • #8
                Looks different on males and females also.
                Corvus Corax - Tracker, Scout, Spy, and finder of lost shadows


                • #9
                  O.o I had no idea clothes looked different from race to race... besides the size.
                  Elric Modner. - "Yesterday I dared struggle against tyranny, Today I dare to fight once again."


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Phantom Lamb View Post
                    Just to expand on your idea, you may want the NPC model to be the same race as the character who's doing the conversation. Clothing often looks different on human models than on elf models, for example.

                    Already done.

                    What happens is it goes through the stores iventory listing the names then allows you to select to see it.

                    Then spawns a NPC of the same gender/race as the speaker less they choose someone else.

                    Then equips the item on the NPC.

                    They are suppose to then go along the waypoints like a fashion model...but I goobered up that it DID work until I added features haha.

                    Previously it just did the same gender/race as the PC now its selectable though I forgot teiflings....but who cares about them :P

                    oh and the rat race is funny... (atleast to me. especially if I do the conversation over and over...INFESTATION :P).
                    blame everything right in my life on god -Me.
                    Being insane in a sane world is alot more fun then being a sane man in an insane world. -Me
                    I am only what you percieve, and even that is an illusion. -Me.

                    Ashinet Clavin Shiv Shadowsong


                    • #11
                      Hehe. Very Nice. If the do get implemented those would be awesome things to have.
                      Lasala'ariira-A Woman Scorned.
                      Chara Smith-Bio Here

                      Meram- Yes she's a shifty Hin, but she's still not going to pickpocket, daylight robbery is much more profitable.
                      "The object of war is not to die for your country. It's to make the other poor dumb bastard die for his."
                      -General George S. Patton


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Anks View Post
                        O.o I had no idea clothes looked different from race to race... besides the size.
                        That's because you always play humans or a tiefling, which share the same clothing doll. Halflings and all planetouched also share the same as humans, but afaik the others all have unique clothing appearances (particularly gnomes because no-one ever bothers to script them and the clothes just look like some dull t-shirt and pants combi)
                        Lorlen Locke: "Amazing how the righteous commit acts of tyranny and terror almost as beautiful as our own under their banner of "good". We merely call a spade a spade."

                        "If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly."


                        • #13
                          Wild elves and yuan-ti use the human models I believe, other elves use their own, as do dwarves and (half) orcs. Gnomes I'm not sure about.

                          Wasn't there supposed to be some building in the trade district where something similar to rat races were held? I seem to remember a map point there somewhere mentioning it, but the door was never usable.

                          I can say beforehand, don't count on a 'fashion show' to be implemented because it would be very unfitting in most cases. Stationary model dolls however are already being taken into consideration


                          • #14
                            yeah I kinda figure the moving around bit will not be used if anything of what I did does.

                            adding heartbeat to a npc is a lagtastic thing...but spiffy in a single module.

                            I have one bug to fix and I am pretty sure its due to timing so a delay command might fix it.

                            Rat race idea is off seeing it in sundren merchant quarter. In order to actually make it work would have to get my head around how you would declare winners and reward pcs.

                            that should require modifying the trigger that is the other half of the script.
                            blame everything right in my life on god -Me.
                            Being insane in a sane world is alot more fun then being a sane man in an insane world. -Me
                            I am only what you percieve, and even that is an illusion. -Me.

                            Ashinet Clavin Shiv Shadowsong


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Urithrand View Post
                              That's because you always play humans or a tiefling, which share the same clothing doll. Halflings and all planetouched also share the same as humans, but afaik the others all have unique clothing appearances (particularly gnomes because no-one ever bothers to script them and the clothes just look like some dull t-shirt and pants combi)
                              Nobody likes Gnomes.
                              Anorith Imyn A young elven girl with a thirst of blood and power.
                              -Exigo Syndicate: Rank 1
                              -Watchful Sister: Rank 1
                              -Dragon Blood: 100% Completed
                              - Done -

