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Post Overflow - Too Many, Too few or just right

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  • Post Overflow - Too Many, Too few or just right


    Regading a Topic about XP and the Quest system, we went a bit off topic, saying that there are too many posts:

    Originally posted by Dragoncleric View Post
    Well between you and Ouroboro's new 'rules-lawyer-in-training questions', I'm not sure which is more um...how to put this kindly:

    Taking up the most space?
    Ok there, I typed it. I'm mean or evil, whatever. Out of the 1,1oo+ posts you have, how many have actually meant anything solid and long lasting?

    Sorry to side-swipe the question, but maybe post counts should be removed? Thoughts?
    Dragoncleric raises a good point (not the one of me being a Lawyer, heh), but are we getting to the point where there are so many posts and topics bouncing around that the Sundren forum is about to drown in a sea of posts with people ingoring it and leaving because there is too many? Is sundren strugeling with enough posts to keep everyone interested and listening? or is it at the point where it has plataued at a good level where both people are interested with what's available, and people are still inputing and not drowning everyone?

    Personally, from what i've seen it all seems okay, but i know all too well the problems that can arise from excessive or inexcessive postings. I recently found out I'm going to be a dad (Hooray for me!) and have now surfed a great many Forums relating to Babies, Pregnancy and so fourth. Many have had so many posts and topics that you can clearly see that the last one wasnt for about 5 months ago and there is so much info that it is impossible to navigate. On the other hand, not enough has it real boring and it practically dies before it really got going.

    What is Sundrens official stance on this kind of thing, and how does everyone else feel about it?
    Calini Anna'Des - Resentful of the Law's values and troubled with her Past.

    "The life of the creative person is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes." - Saul Steinberg

    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work" - Thomas Edison

  • #2
    I feel that this post was made in excess of the Universally Secret Unbelievibly Complicating Posting Act of 1142 A.D.

    Please review the post and bring it into accordance with the aforementioned Act.
    Don't run...you'll only die tired.


    • #3
      I read every single post. I don't believe Sundren is over-flowing with posts, there are other forums with much more posts, and im excited to see more posts coming up, before it was horribly dead. I don't see the problem with this, and why remove post counts? Does he feel like he should be recgonized for his contributions or something? Because if so, heres a medal for your posts dragoncleric! *Hands medal.*


      • #4
        The forums are not overflowing with posts. Indeed, the forums' purpose is for discussion; which is, if I am not mistaken, what is currently occuring here.

        Sundren really doesn't have any official stance regarding it, though the rules of common sense (something which is unfortunately sorely lacking with todays generation) apply: i.e. don't spam useless crap, one-word responses like "lol", or make posts that don't help or contribute to a topic in any way shape or form.

        Just keep active and keep contributing. Don't worry about a "post overflow", though if you think your post may fit into one of the aforementioned catagories; don't post it.


        • #5
          I don't think the post is too much in the sense of qauntity, I think it's too much in sense of quality.

          "Hi, can you guys make sure quests don't give too much experience?" That's what the post was to me. Makes it seem like we do absolutely no thought about quest rewards before we make the system. Or like my mom nagging me about clean underwear.

          A post like that gets lumped in with the countless other threads about "I want more experience" threads.


          • #6
            As long as you post in the appropriate forums, people can safely ignore that which they do not wish to read. Thus the point of having multiple forums.

            For example, I blatantly ignore the roleplaying forums unless someone reports something in them.


            • #7
              The view new post button to me is a lifesaver and makes the forum that much more valuable because you can quickly see what has been posted since you last visited and can then decide which are most important to you.

              I think the forum is fine.

