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I was playing NwN.....

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  • I was playing NwN.....

    And god, the OC and expansions just kick ass compared to NwN2's OC. I wish the ppl who made NwN would take over. ;(

  • #2
    I think the original NWN storyline was somewhat predictable ... Shadows of Undrentide was better, and Hordes of the Underdark was fantastic.

    NWN2's storyline was alright... I think what shone most was the companion interaction. The twists in NWN2 were also somewhat predictable. *SPOILER ALERT*

    I never for once thought Ammon Jerro was the King of Shadows, which I think was what Obsidian was going for. I also thought Shandra being Jerro's granddaughter was pretty forseeable.

    Then again, the original NWN was also somewhat predictable. I could see Aribeth's betrayal coming a mile away.


    • #3
      Yeah, NwN OC was okay, SoU was fun and the best story, but i found HotU the most fun to play. the big battles n all.


      • #4
        Oh yea, those battles in Lith'Myathar (sp?) were ingenious.

        Plus, I loved the shifter class from HotU. I have the sneaking suspicion that it's still not going to be in Mask of the Betrayer.


        • #5
          The only thing i hated in every game is bosses r usually sneak immunity. So i wasted 5 feats to get owned by bosses because my sneak attack is resisted? >_>


          • #6
            Ah the ol NWN series.
            Yes Bioware, the cream of the crop.
            The only thing I miss about that game are epic levels, and the druid prestige class. (Why Obsidion didn't keep it, even with the differet name it goes by now, I'll never know)

            But hopefully the expansion (and if it works, a second expansion like NWN), will bring some of that back.

            The positive thing about NWN2 has been some the ECL races being standard (erks me there's no elemental planetouched), and well to me...warlocks. (Although I love Warmages as well)

            It's been a trade off so far. Better graphics and pretty things, vs more things and stability with the older game. Someday that gap might close...one can hope anyways.
            There's a thin line between the definition of genius and insanity; I cross it all the time.


            • #7
              I'd take the NwN campaigns over NwN2 campaigns anytime. Bioware owns. Just finished ShadowGaurd, wish there was an expansion for that. Sorta just leaves you wondering what happens next.


              • #8
                NWN's campaign wasn't that good to me, the original. HotU seemed kind of silly after you go to hell.

                The reason being for #1 is I thought the end boss came out of no where really. I'm not a fan of that sort of enemy. I like them to be built up. In HotU they built him up, and I liked the first two parts of HotU, but the last was just, goofy to me. Very goofy.

                I thought the NPC development in #2 was WAY better than #1. I felt more of the NPC personality than I did in #1.


                • #9
                  I liked the storyline of NWN2 better. Mainly because you're fighting t'wards a goal the whole time, instead of fighting many different, vague, but interconnecting ones. Mostly, I do like the classic companions of NWN2 better than the cheesy and over-the-top ones in Hordes, but the companions in NWN's OC was actually some of the better I've experienced in a long time, even though they were not very developed. Perhaps what intriqued me about them was that they all had a feel of history about them, like Tomi, appearing out of nowhere and not really that willing to let much slip of his past, save that he's an exellent thief.

                  But that's just me. One thing that I dislike about NWN2 is that it lays the smackdown on my framerate.


                  • #10
                    Yeah, the hell part was sorta "WTF". SoU really seemed good though, but a bit short. NwN2 was a bit boring for me. I restarted the game over and over, too bored to continue on. And i checked out other bioware premium modules, apparently SG is the only good one >_<.


                    • #11
                      I didn't think Hell in HotU was that big of a leap to make; I liked the way it tied in the relic of the reaper, etc.

                      Kingmaker is supposed to be good, but by that time I was a bit bored of NWN, so I only played about 10 minutes of any premium module.


                      • #12
                        IM sick of having to go fight goblins, undead, n the same stuff over and over, creatures that dont talk. Thats y i liked HotU. Most of the monsters talked back to you as they were smart. not just simply killing over n over. SG was very RP focused, n you barely had to fight if you had good social skills. Kingmaker i played a bit, it looked like another go kill goblins, undead, n other creatures that just randomly attack you.


                        • #13
                          BG had the best Story by Far

                          Lets not forget. Sure, Neverwinter Nights brought in fantastic Graphics, and NWN2 has improved upon that and allowed for far more Party style play, but the thing it is missing is the awesome Dialog that Baldurs Gate 1, 2 and ToB had. The random chatter of your party, the huge morality issues, the fights (Your party members getting ticked with eachother and leaving), the laughs, the romance (go Aerie!) and the massive play time and awesome story just feels like something that was missed in these new Flam-Dangled games.

                          I heard some story over at Penny Arcade from a BG developer that they spent AGES Fleshing the whole game out and testing EVERYTHING. Apparently they had their receptionist for the place playing it too to help Test and see what she thought about the Dialog and stuff (Best job ever really).

                          Oh, and Minsc. Minsc was the best.
                          Calini Anna'Des - Resentful of the Law's values and troubled with her Past.

                          "The life of the creative person is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes." - Saul Steinberg

                          "Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work" - Thomas Edison

