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  • Bioshock

    Oh my god... This game looks so amazing. I've been waiting for what feels like forever for it!!! If it's anything like System Shock 2 (Unfortunatly i've never had the chance to play the original System Shock) it'll be bloody atmospheric and extremely fun...

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lrpf_Hjz_Q0 ((Pretty bloody))

    "A pro isn't someone who sacrifices themselves for a job. That's just a fool." -Reno FF7

  • #2
    Im hooked, I saw a preview a while back in a magazine and some of the stuff it was showing that you could do looked pretty cool.
    Did I mention I hate Cats?


    • #3
      Eh... I don't have an 360, so I don't much care for it. I have, however, seen some previews... And I have to say, I'm intrigued. It's almost like it's a Silent Hill meets sci-fi with a dash of Poseidon Adventure tossed in for good measure. The graphics are absolutely stunning, if the screens are any indication, but I don't think it will be very revolutionary in terms of gameplay.
      >Olin Lavith - Human scholar with a passion for knowledge.

      Don't change the color to match the walls. Look like you belong and the walls will change color to match you.
      ?Kender Proverb, Time of the Twins


      • #4
        Well it'll be on the PC too... Aint got a 360 either. I know that when I first played System Shock 2 it was nothing like any other game I had played back then. Bioshock is sort of a spiritual sequel to the System Shock series (Booooo supposedly EA owns most of the System Shock license now).

        If they make the game and story anywhere near as interesting as System Shock 2, i'll be totally hooked for a very long time!
        "A pro isn't someone who sacrifices themselves for a job. That's just a fool." -Reno FF7


        • #5
          Yes its one the the 3 games I'm really looking forward too. Spore, Supreme Commander and Bioshock.
          The problem with the future is that it keeps turning into the present.

          Character: Melrick Pinton


          • #6
            Spore is looking promising. If it can live up to even half of what it claims, it'll be one of the most revolutionary games this millennium. As for Supreme Commander... Eh. It doesn't quite tickle my fancy.
            >Olin Lavith - Human scholar with a passion for knowledge.

            Don't change the color to match the walls. Look like you belong and the walls will change color to match you.
            ?Kender Proverb, Time of the Twins


            • #7
              Well..when I talked to Microsoft they confirmed that almost all the games that are coming out on 360 will eventually come out on PC also, cause they will soonish start the cross-platform thingie... Its going to open up alot of multiplayer options, tho in shooters PC players are gonna own.

              But to the point, it all comes down to how long we have to wait for the PC version to be released.

              Rogue Player:
              Ok, I'll tell you what. I'll give you one gold for every door you open here in Undermountain.

              Fighter Player: Hmmm..you got yourself a deal

              DM: *grins*

              *Actual happening in PnP D&D*


              • #8
                Originally posted by Cha0ticGoblin View Post
                Well..when I talked to Microsoft they confirmed that almost all the games that are coming out on 360 will eventually come out on PC also, cause they will soonish start the cross-platform thingie... Its going to open up alot of multiplayer options, tho in shooters PC players are gonna own.

                But to the point, it all comes down to how long we have to wait for the PC version to be released.
                And In the MMO Corner I present to you Huxley!
                Played the already working Korean title and have high hopes for the coming soon US title.... (A fan site with more info then thge Devolopers site) http://www.huxleygame.com/
                Did I mention I hate Cats?


                • #9
                  I hear one developer got the cross-console MP working. Who was it... Uhhh... I think the game is Shadowrun, but I'm not sure...
                  >Olin Lavith - Human scholar with a passion for knowledge.

                  Don't change the color to match the walls. Look like you belong and the walls will change color to match you.
                  ?Kender Proverb, Time of the Twins


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MadCat View Post
                    And In the MMO Corner I present to you Huxley!
                    Played the already working Korean title and have high hopes for the coming soon US title.... (A fan site with more info then thge Devolopers site) http://www.huxleygame.com/
                    Yeah i've heard about that for a while now... Was tempted but like most Korean MMO's it probably looks nice but is hell to play with bad registry. Never know, might be nice... But I aint going to get my hopes up until i've seen it actually played in front of me.
                    "A pro isn't someone who sacrifices themselves for a job. That's just a fool." -Reno FF7


                    • #11
                      I hope the game doesn't turn into another "FPS" with little RPG elements in it. I have high hopes for Stalker then to me it turned into a survival shooter. But yeah so far it looks awesome.
                      Dale Kalmir -Fighter/Lover/Leader/Hero
                      Arcadius Delmont- Snob
                      Drum - Little
                      Syris Namor - Sober


                      • #12
                        Just played the BioShock demo today, this game is a masterpiece.
                        The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                        George Carlin


                        • #13
                          I gotta get that game, my friend got the 360, I got the TV and the game!

                          Else I might download it ior buy it for pc!
                          I have a +1 question brewing in this skull somewhere...



                          • #14
                            Time to dust off the ol' 360 methinks! This should fill the gap until GTA4 comes out rather nicely
                            I got one leg missin'
                            How do I get around?

                            One Leg Missin'
                            Meet the Feebles

