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Ow, my playtimes

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  • Ow, my playtimes

    I've just begun the part of the year where I work full-time. My LARP-partner at work found another job, and I accidentally signed up to incorporate 18 college-level students into my activities at work.

    Farmboy Junior has also reached the age where there's less and less time to spend in front of a screen. We're doing stuff outside with beetles'n axes'n stuff instead.

    I'm finding less and less time to do even the above, so I won't be found online as much, not at least until summer vacations. I'll try to schedule Faction events though. Mostly because those damn tree-huggers seems to really need a sullen and serious elf to straighten them out
    My'athvin Simaryl - Elven Mhaornathil
    Mhaenal Ahmaquissar - Minstrel Knight