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So I checked out some other servers...

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  • So I checked out some other servers...

    ....and after the sixth fallen Assimar with red/black hair and twentieth redeemed Tiefling with red/black hair and seven hundred and eightieth super sexy, lesbian seducing Drow - things that would make the superfanfictioncliche (but still undoubtedly awesome and cool and badass and delicious and tasty....) Sorshar cringe in shame and embarassment - I've learned how cruel the world of RP is outside of the paradise that is Sundren.

    To sum it up, I pretty much love you guys.
    Originally posted by ThePaganKing
    So, the roguethree bootlickers strike again.

  • #2
    I went onto BG for a little bit... a Tiefling covered in red spikes told me that he could smell I was a paladin, and stabbed me in the face ; )

    Might have had to do with the fact that I used Smite Evil in the room next to his, and he could see the text... or he has a good nose?


    • #3
      I fear that server. Seriously. It's like a playground for the puerile.


      • #4
        I tried rp'ing in BG for a little bit. And it was just.... ugh.
        Olivia Kimaris - Paladin of Lathander and Knight of the Northern Watch
        Diary of Olivia

        Originally posted by Cornuto
        Glad everyone's being extra fucking ridiculous today.


        • #5
          Yeah guys, I can't go back to another server and make it past the ooc room. I didnt ralise how much i like sundren until now...
          Aggribayl Blakfyre - The man known as Bayl, aka Little Red Riding Hood, aka The Shield, aka Mr. Leaving, aka Kyle Rendell
          Cryok, Son of Frigiss - aka Fross-Choppa
          The Kegfists - Dwarven brothers likely to die under eachothers' axes
          Jarvis P. Bloggins III - Gnome with a Long Title
          (And too many more to bother listing)


          • #6
            Hear hear .... anyone wonder why some races are restricted here?

            I played on a server where there were no, NO restrictions as to what you could play. The setting was a planar melting pot, so just about every toon had either horns, wings, a tail or a combination of those... not to mention more skin colors than you can shake a stick at.

            I played a human there for a while.... and was the Freak.

            Left after a short while.
            Gravity is a myth; Earth just sucks.

            >>> Flame Warriors! <<<


            • #7
              Who allowed you to have a look at other servers? You are allowed to have a RL. But other servers?


              • #8
                Originally posted by OnyxTigress View Post
                I tried rp'ing in BG for a little bit. And it was just.... ugh.
                Yeaaaah. It's just not good.

                I think the thing that made me leave was the third time I was outside a dungeon with a group of three, getting our rests in complete with RP (I refuse to do any dungeon the first time solo), some jackoff charged directly through our group as if we weren't there, and ran into the dungeon. I sent him a tell asking him not to go solo the whole place since our group was there, and he said 'sure, I won't', then promptly ran through the place and killed everything.

                We bumped in to him in the final loot room, where he turned to us, said 'hail' then turned around, smashed all the chests and ran off.

                It's a MMORPG there now, with all the negatives and very few of the positives.
                Running across the mountains, attacking with an oversized scalpel, cometh Helga Great-Wyrm! And she gives a mighty bellow:
                "Brace yourself, oh human speck of dust! You are made of meat and I am very hungry!"


                • #9
                  There are servers that really look interesting out there, but they're either:

                  1. in perma-development, frozen or mia (like, sigh, this)
                  2. or they peak at like 3 players (this, at least in my timezone)


                  • #10
                    BG was my first experience with online RP, and I learned a lot there. I also learned their PvP rules by heart, since a lot of people couldn't grasp the difference between an IC reaction and griefing. Someone tried to take Seril's loot?! *stickity stab stab stab!*

                    I eventually got bored, especially with people who didn't maintain canon views on race relations (you know, like hate tieflings/orcs/drow). I checked out a few different servers, but a lot of them were either the same way, or were waaaaay too restrictive for my taste. Then I found Sundren, a glorious server with the right mix of freedom and rules that allow for fun RP without a lot of nonsense, has a higher level of maturity, and is ran by an (well, kind of) asshole. Not intended to be an insult against Saulus, but I think his bluntness helps keep the server on track.

                    Also, I love the fact that my evil, nefarious characters are actually being hunted consistently. On BG, I'd murder countless other PCs with no IC repercussions. Lots of OOC hassling, though. The OOC whiner would then complain to a DM, who would port us somewhere else where he can hear our sides, then render a decision, usually with the DM finding me justified in initiating PvP. This process could take from 30 minutes to an hour, and would inevitably sour my experience.

                    Here? Sago has stopped *many* adventurers on the road and demanded their gold. Some comply, but most refuse. So I stab them (a lot), and steal their sword. Out of the many times I've done this with Sago (and it has been a *lot*), I've only had two people complain, and even then the complaints were mild and polite. You guys are awesome! The best part, though, is that it's not without karma. Sago is now widely hated and hunted, and has lost his fair share of equipment. It's great, and keeps the RP energetic and engaging.

                    The DMs here are great, too! After Sago was chased by a fair-sized mob through the trading camp, DM Atmosphere was quick to help him in his search to make some friends by coming up with a quest and dialog on the spot. DMs GBX and Cornuto have offered a ton of helpful advice, and some awesome RP. If I were still on BG, the chances of my getting one-on-one DM interaction like I have received here are a lot slimmer.

                    Also, the scripting and custom changes here are great. I never expected Hraligar to be able to stand up to an EK gish, but thanks to grappling/pinning, I was able to defeat him. Pure melee 1/gish 90652819074839021

                    tl;dr -- Sundren rawks, the staff rawks, and the playerbase rawks. Thanks!

                    EDIT: Some quick minor changes
                    Sago Trumperstomper--Halfling Bandit (retired)
                    Hraligar Brittlefist--Dwarven Superiority Advocate
                    Kraz't Goretusk--Goretusk Tribe Chieftan


                    • #11
                      The Adventures of "X"
                      (tales of "other servers" from a regular player on my old server)
                      Server #1 :
                      DM: You have been found camping and will be banned
                      Me: Uh, what? Camping where?
                      DM: Your present location
                      Me: I had to log off several times, I never camped here
                      DM: I saw you
                      Me: Uh, there is hardly any xp or loot here at all, if I was camping, I would go a bit further, where the xp and loot is good, instead of here, where I just use a lot of healing kits for nothing.
                      DM: you did the entrance 4 times, I saw you
                      Me: Yes, because I had to log off for various reasons, it even got me killed once, did you see that as well?
                      <<you have been booted>> (and banned)
                      Server #2 :
                      DM: Was it you that unsummoned the shadow?
                      Me: Yes
                      DM: Why?
                      Me: I play a cleric of Kelemvor
                      DM: Grieving other players is against the rules
                      Me: we RPd for about 15 minutes before I did it. I got rid of my summons to make sure there would be no accident, set her to dislike, turned undead, set her to like again. Then I started getting abusive tells
                      DM: You will get banned for this
                      Me: Why?
                      DM: She has big ####
                      <<you have been booted>> (and banned)
                      Server #3 :
                      DM: Killing other players is against the rules of this server
                      Me: It was an accident, I am used to playing with party pvp.
                      DM: I was looking, you killed him with a fireball
                      Me: Yes, like I said, I am not used to playing on a server with full pvp, and forgot that a fireball would damage party members. I sent a tell right away, apologizing, picked up the gold and items he dropped, went back to town, and returned them.
                      DM: that is no excuse
                      Me: are you dense?
                      <<you have been booted>> (and banned)
                      PART 2:
                      Server #1
                      DM : Just wanted to let you know that I liked your roleplay there.
                      Me : Uhm, what?
                      DM : With the elf
                      Me : You mean when he raised me?
                      DM : Yes, that is the kind of play we try to encourage
                      Me : ...you mean when he raised me, I said "thank you", and something about those goblins being mean, and he replied
                      "lolz, np", and ran off?
                      DM : yes
                      *X has left as a player*
                      Server #2
                      PC : Hey, this is my hill
                      Me : Pardon?
                      PC : I am gathering xp here, go away
                      Me : ...what?
                      PC : Do I have to call a DM?
                      Me : ...what?
                      PC : There, that will teach you
                      DM : What is the trouble ?
                      Me : No trouble, I was fighting here, needed a rest, he came running from town, claiming this is his hill, that he is gathering xp here, and that I should go away.
                      DM : Well, maybe you should
                      *X has left as a player*
                      Server #3
                      DM Shout : Thanks you for f*cking up my plot, it wasnt not that bad, thanks for nothing.
                      *X has left as a player*
                      PART 2.5:
                      DM : What was that spell you cast back there, with the mushrooms?
                      Me : Mushrooms...the geysir like things? Horrid Wilting
                      DM : Thats from SOU right?
                      Me : ..No, it is an original NWN spell
                      DM : Really? Never seen that before. What does it do?
                      Me : You just recently became a DM ?
                      DM : No, this is my server, since feb
                      Me : Uh, Ok, it deals 1d8 dam / lvl aoe
                      DM : aoe?
                      Me : Area of eff....
                      *X has logged off as a player*
                      Juniper Thimbles, aka Juney, Blueberry, Maggie, Magpie or Queenie, depending who you ask:
                      Ex-Seamstress, Wannabe Collector, and Machiavellian Maker of Mischief.
                      'Cherries or Strawberries? Rain or Shine? Cats or Dogs? Cake or Pie?'

                      Juney's Super-Sparkly Triple-New theme tune:


                      • #12
                        lolz, Juney, where are those servers? I cn pwn there kbai.
                        Gravity is a myth; Earth just sucks.

                        >>> Flame Warriors! <<<


                        • #13
                          It's tempting, I know, but alas, these adventures date back to 21st June 2003.
                          Juniper Thimbles, aka Juney, Blueberry, Maggie, Magpie or Queenie, depending who you ask:
                          Ex-Seamstress, Wannabe Collector, and Machiavellian Maker of Mischief.
                          'Cherries or Strawberries? Rain or Shine? Cats or Dogs? Cake or Pie?'

                          Juney's Super-Sparkly Triple-New theme tune:


                          • #14
                            Juney, I love you XD BEST POST EVAR!

                            Server #1
                            DM : Just wanted to let you know that I liked your roleplay there.
                            Me : Uhm, what?
                            DM : With the elf
                            Me : You mean when he raised me?
                            DM : Yes, that is the kind of play we try to encourage
                            Me : ...you mean when he raised me, I said "thank you", and something about those goblins being mean, and he replied
                            "lolz, np", and ran off?
                            DM : yes
                            *X has left as a player*
                            LULZ ENSUED!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by JuneyGnomey View Post
                              The Adventures of "X"
                              (tales of "other servers" from a regular player on my old server)
                              Server #1 :
                              DM: You have been found camping and will be banned
                              Me: Uh, what? Camping where?
                              DM: Your present location
                              Me: I had to log off several times, I never camped here
                              DM: I saw you
                              Me: Uh, there is hardly any xp or loot here at all, if I was camping, I would go a bit further, where the xp and loot is good, instead of here, where I just use a lot of healing kits for nothing.
                              DM: you did the entrance 4 times, I saw you
                              Me: Yes, because I had to log off for various reasons, it even got me killed once, did you see that as well?
                              <<you have been booted>> (and banned)
                              Server #2 :
                              DM: Was it you that unsummoned the shadow?
                              Me: Yes
                              DM: Why?
                              Me: I play a cleric of Kelemvor
                              DM: Grieving other players is against the rules
                              Me: we RPd for about 15 minutes before I did it. I got rid of my summons to make sure there would be no accident, set her to dislike, turned undead, set her to like again. Then I started getting abusive tells
                              DM: You will get banned for this
                              Me: Why?
                              DM: She has big ####
                              <<you have been booted>> (and banned)
                              Server #3 :
                              DM: Killing other players is against the rules of this server
                              Me: It was an accident, I am used to playing with party pvp.
                              DM: I was looking, you killed him with a fireball
                              Me: Yes, like I said, I am not used to playing on a server with full pvp, and forgot that a fireball would damage party members. I sent a tell right away, apologizing, picked up the gold and items he dropped, went back to town, and returned them.
                              DM: that is no excuse
                              Me: are you dense?
                              <<you have been booted>> (and banned)
                              PART 2:
                              Server #1
                              DM : Just wanted to let you know that I liked your roleplay there.
                              Me : Uhm, what?
                              DM : With the elf
                              Me : You mean when he raised me?
                              DM : Yes, that is the kind of play we try to encourage
                              Me : ...you mean when he raised me, I said "thank you", and something about those goblins being mean, and he replied
                              "lolz, np", and ran off?
                              DM : yes
                              *X has left as a player*
                              Server #2
                              PC : Hey, this is my hill
                              Me : Pardon?
                              PC : I am gathering xp here, go away
                              Me : ...what?
                              PC : Do I have to call a DM?
                              Me : ...what?
                              PC : There, that will teach you
                              DM : What is the trouble ?
                              Me : No trouble, I was fighting here, needed a rest, he came running from town, claiming this is his hill, that he is gathering xp here, and that I should go away.
                              DM : Well, maybe you should
                              *X has left as a player*
                              Server #3
                              DM Shout : Thanks you for f*cking up my plot, it wasnt not that bad, thanks for nothing.
                              *X has left as a player*
                              PART 2.5:
                              DM : What was that spell you cast back there, with the mushrooms?
                              Me : Mushrooms...the geysir like things? Horrid Wilting
                              DM : Thats from SOU right?
                              Me : ..No, it is an original NWN spell
                              DM : Really? Never seen that before. What does it do?
                              Me : You just recently became a DM ?
                              DM : No, this is my server, since feb
                              Me : Uh, Ok, it deals 1d8 dam / lvl aoe
                              DM : aoe?
                              Me : Area of eff....
                              *X has logged off as a player*
                              Pure gold, every word lmao
                              Choose your destiny,test your might,be a dwarf.

                              Chuck Norris can believe its not butter.

                              "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean, if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989

