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Dear Old Sundren,

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  • Dear Old Sundren,

    I miss you. Alas, you shall never be what you once were, so long ago. However, I've decided to come back after my long absence and see where the game, and community is now. I recognize quite a few old names, and may have even left some visitor messages to certain individuals that strike particularly fond memories for me.

    For those of you that don't know me, well... suffice to say, you'll likely meet me in-game as free time allows. I'm looking forward to getting back into the roleplaying spirit, since the new (my standard, not yours :P) rules and systems seem a lot more seriously roleplay-oriented, and less roleplay-lite.

    With love,
    Your friendly neighborhood
    Reinamar Stormseeker - The bladestorm that must turn back the wind. Arkerym of The People, practitioner of the forgotten art, pariah.

    Tyler Penleigh - Obligatory author insert, Red Blade Defender, sarcastic jerk, caring brother, loving fiancé, war criminal.

    Eirimil Gaelazair (Dead)- Bitter. Caustic. Abrasive. Egocentric. Probably right. Found dead in the burned-out Viridale forest a few weeks after the survivors were able to sweep the area after the Bloodmaim offensive. Aside from his usual attire, an intricate music box was the only thing in his possession.

  • #2
    Well wb, though you don't know me. RP seems to now be the key.
    It is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate." - I Cor. 1:19


    • #3
      Yay Satoshi!

      Glad to see you back!

      Numbers are pretty low for past few days because of the holiday, but numbers around 20-25 have been fairly consistent from what I've seen in the month or so I've been back.
      -Arcanist Josirah Caranos, Red Wizard of Thay


      • #4
        Originally posted by Satoshi
        Alas, you shall never be what you once were, so long ago.
        Good. We didn't have all the cool things we have now like the reputation UI, Mossdale Forest, a friendly community, etc.
        The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

        George Carlin


        • #5
          Quantity is not the essence of Quality.

          He dragged me back along with him, Dawn of War and Fallout 3 have otherwise consumed my life.

          Though I require my roleplaying fix.
          Aesa Volsung - Uthgardt Warrior

          Gabrielle Atkinson - Mage Priest of Torm
          Anasath Zesiro - Mulhorandi Morninglord
          Kyoko - Tiefling Diviner
          Yashedeus - Cyrist Warlock
          Aramil - Nutter

          GMT -8


          • #6
            Hi2u2 Kasso

            -Arcanist Josirah Caranos, Red Wizard of Thay


            • #7

              *readies the chair*

              so IV drip of caffine? or the shock collar to keep you awake.

              blame everything right in my life on god -Me.
              Being insane in a sane world is alot more fun then being a sane man in an insane world. -Me
              I am only what you percieve, and even that is an illusion. -Me.

              Ashinet Clavin Shiv Shadowsong


              • #8
                Crap.. both Satoshi and Kasso?

                I quit!

                Elric Modner. - "Yesterday I dared struggle against tyranny, Today I dare to fight once again."


                • #9
                  Good to see more comming back into the fold once more. I aim to do some Weird (yet disturbing) things to all of yo.. I mean the monsters.

                  WB though like others, I don't know you.
                  Arlock sStarwinds - Death is but a door, Life is but a window, I will be back. -Deceased

                  Gravekeeper - I've seen some strange things but you sir, take the cake.


                  • #10
                    Wow, Satoshi and Kasso are coming back?

                    Hey guys, don't worry, the old Sundren still lives in Alyrian, the last old Sundren char :P

                    Welcome back by the way
                    "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."

