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  • Hello

    Hi there. Haven't played NWN2 in like a year and a half but I've been missing the RP of my old server, so I wanted to give this one a shot as it looks very nice. Made a character by the name of Zim so that's me. Only been in-game for all of five minutes though, I'm having some infuriating interface issues...click-to-move stops working after a while for some reason, the camera keeps re-orienting itself when I'm in motion, etc. I'm assuming that this is just because I'm a dummy until I investigate the matter further.

    To whoever sent me a tell tonight, I apologize, I still can't figure out how to send or reply to tells (the manual is playing coy and doesn't want to say).
    "If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle." -- Frederick Douglass


  • #2
    Hello. Welcome to Sundren.

    the camera keeps re-orienting itself when I'm in motion
    Press the * button to change camera type. There is the strategy mode, exploration mode and character mode. You are probably using the character mode.

    I still can't figure out how to send or reply to tells
    Bring up the player chat menu. Its found on the menu button at the bottom left corner of the screen. Select player chat and there will be a list of names of players in the server. Click on one of them to send a PM.

    Hope that helps.

    Mithrilia Somadis - The Heart of Mithril


    • #3
      Hello..*looks and shuffles feet* Was told to be nicer in my greetings.

      *rubs chin* well can't say I did not try.

      *de-pants the newbie and runs*
      blame everything right in my life on god -Me.
      Being insane in a sane world is alot more fun then being a sane man in an insane world. -Me
      I am only what you percieve, and even that is an illusion. -Me.

      Ashinet Clavin Shiv Shadowsong


      • #4
        *glares* -.-

        Anyway, Welcome to Sundren Ghostman! Hope you get your problems sorted out; you'll find 'most' of the residents here are very nice
        Originally posted by roguethree
        If I had my way, clerics would have spell failure and a d6 hit die. And Favored Souls wouldn't exist.


        • #5
          Hello there! Happy to see more fresh blood coming in for the upcoming vampire plots!

          Seriously though, I hope you'll find your stay here enjoyable. As I understand it, you're fairly new to NWN2 online. If you give it a bit of time to get used to, it may lead to many months of entertainment. So keep the spirits up and give Sundren a good try. See you around!


          • #6
            Bah nice. We are all helpful, being nice is just a random feature.

            I do understand that annoying camera thing its like chase cam in nwn1. Hitting * will fix it eventually or the three buttons by the hot bar I think the first one is the one you want.

            opening the player chat option is uber hepful lets you know who is on and can send messages. Also for IC messages there is a cool spell called sending.

            make sure to check the wiki for class changes, new feats, and for new classes. You might need to replan your charactor if something is different then what you are used to.

            It will also show you what is allowed and what needs staff/dm approval to play.

            There i been helpful...bah...*wet willies theif*
            blame everything right in my life on god -Me.
            Being insane in a sane world is alot more fun then being a sane man in an insane world. -Me
            I am only what you percieve, and even that is an illusion. -Me.

            Ashinet Clavin Shiv Shadowsong


            • #7
              Well, I think I'm working out most of my issues (except that NWN2 just crashed out while loading an area, but that's a PC issue I think). I played the original NWN2 to completion in single player...just never did any real online stuff like I did with NWN. Never played MotB much at all, so play mode gave me a bit of trouble. I'll re-load the game and poke around a bit tonight.

              Anyway, it looks really nice so far.
              "If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle." -- Frederick Douglass


