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  • Hello

    Hello. Freshly arrived in Sundren, and it looks promising. Most of the people I've met were eager to roleplay and I even had the chance of tumbling into a DM'ed event. Very nice. Sundren is my first nwn2 multiplayer experience and I'm glad I have chosen this server for the first steps in nwn2 mping.

    My nwn2 login is supaden, and I'm currently playing Hoshar Lametil, a cleric of Bane. His bio will be up soon enough. I also have other concepts of characters that I might develop as I feel the need to expand my roleplay horizons.

    In real life, my name is Denis, I'm from Belgium. I'm teacher (french) and 26 years old. I've been playing PnP D&D for about 8 years and NwN1 about 4 years. I'm not a native english-speaker, so bear with me if I type slow, or make grammar mistakes.

    On nwn1, I was an accomplished builder and administrator, as me and two other friend created and successfully managed a server called Influence Inc. Zhentil Keep for two years, and I also DMed and built for Sam's Server Menzoberranzan. I attempted to recreate a Moonsea server for NwN2, but lacking the human ressources, I had to give up on this. Anyway, the servers about this settings are oddly swarming on the NwN2 community (while on NwN1, we were only 2 or 3 servers based on the Moonsea settings). I am currently area designer and Q&A assistant for the "Pool of Radiance Remastered" by Markus 'Wayne' Schlegels.

    Don't hesitate to contact me -e-mail, PM or in-game- if you need anything.

  • #2
    Welcome to Sundren, I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay.

    Rogue Player:
    Ok, I'll tell you what. I'll give you one gold for every door you open here in Undermountain.

    Fighter Player: Hmmm..you got yourself a deal

    DM: *grins*

    *Actual happening in PnP D&D*


    • #3
      I already am, or would, if my computer didn't crashed continuously. I believe it is "simply" overheating, and that my fan is definitively out of order. Speaking of which, I do apologize to the player of "Kayne" (I believe the login name is "Temus" or something), as I crashed after every of our meetings. This time I guess I'm good for buying a new fan and possibly a new processor. As soon as this is settled, I'll be back on Sundren.


      • #4
        Take your time, we're here to stay

        Rogue Player:
        Ok, I'll tell you what. I'll give you one gold for every door you open here in Undermountain.

        Fighter Player: Hmmm..you got yourself a deal

        DM: *grins*

        *Actual happening in PnP D&D*

