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years later... I'm BACK!

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  • years later... I'm BACK!

    Hiya folks.

    I had a look at this realm years ago but left NWN2 before I really had a good go. Now I am back and dead keen to stick around.

    I am a 36 year-old Australian guy. Being here in a different time-zone means that sometimes I get lonely as one of the only players on a server. If you see me please do say hi as I'm always up for some RP and adventure.

    I have some questions:

    what is the level-cap? What level can I realistically expect to reach?

    what class abilities stack? I see new features in classes thatI am new to.

    1) Rogue gets "death attack"? Will this stack with assassin "death attack" levels? would a lvl 20 rogue/ 10 assassin have a "death attack" dc of 30? Or, does only the highest apply only? (This is important to me as I think assassin is my favourite class)

    2) Fighter, Weapon Master, and Sword Saint crit bonuses - do these stack? I'm asking about the increased threat and multiplier. I only ask as I have always loved the kensai from BG and would be interested to try this as a greatsword-wielding character.

    That's all I have to ask right now. I'll be in-game as much as I can and hope to see some folks soon.

  • #2

    I think there are a couple of people in your timezone, so hopefully you won't feel too lonely. With regard to your questions:

    Level Cap - The server has a max level of 30, however there is a secondary soft cap at 20. Leveling past 20 is dependant on a couple of scripted quests which can only be done once per day and via XP earned from DMs via events or so on. I think the highest characters we have around at the moment are 22-23 and have been used by their players for a years.

    Don't plan on getting into epic levels quickly, it required dedication to a single character and a fairly pro-active mindset. When it comes to plotting out builds I tend to only work up to level 20, anything past that is just unlikely for my play style.

    Class features;

    1) In theory they should stack, in reality it's unlikely you'll ever be in the position to find out

    2) No, the threat/multiplier bonuses don't stack between classes and nor should they. They will stack with either a weapons Keen property or the Improved Criticals feat (not both).
    It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little - Do what you can.
    Sydney Smith.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Doubtful View Post
      Don't plan on getting into epic levels quickly, it required dedication to a single character and a fairly pro-active mindset. When it comes to plotting out builds I tend to only work up to level 20, anything past that is just unlikely for my play style.
      This is sage advice. I plan my builds to 21st level and don't really concern myself with progressing beyond that anymore. Doubt's suggestion that you not plan on getting into epic levels quickly is - in my opinion - a two prong power suggestion. First, I have rushed way too many characters through their paces only to achieve 20th level with zero server recognition. You will regret it so slow down and enjoy the ride. Second, once you get 20th level you will be limited to 200 XP per day (not accounting for DM events). So it can be anticlimactic...

      See you in game!



      • #4
        Hey there, welcome back!

        As the others have said, don't plan on getting too far into the epic levels, it really slows down when you hit 20th. As far as I know, the highest level character that I've met is 24th level, and that character has been around for quite a while.

        So, the best advice I can give is think big things in small packages. Anyways, I'll see ye server-side.
        We can axe if we want to, leave that sword behind. Because your friends don't axe, and if they don't axe then they're no friends of mine.


        • #5
          I played each of my characters approximately 1 year and never made it more than 1/2 way to level 21, so my advice would be patience and just plan to 20th level!

          Having said that, if you get used to waking up and playing early every morning (busy server time for Aussies) you can catch some DM action. That would make a huge difference, both to feeling like you're involved in server events and gaining XP.

          Yes, I realise my RP writing sucks. Just be thankful I keep it short

          Thalanis Moonshadow


          • #6
            awesome stuff guys and girls. I love the new content!

            Q: To dual-wield two handed weapons do I need monkey grip and over-sized weapons feats?

            Q: Where is the NPC for human sub-races? (What are they?)



            • #7
              Alright man, here's what I know on those questions:

              For the first question, I don't think you need monkey grip, but you do need Over-Sized two weapon fighting. Monkey grip would certainly help, though.

              For the second question, there is a Dwarf wearing a helmet with antlers (Pretty sure his name is Togar or something like that) in the Chapterhouse infirmary, which is where all new characters start off now. He'll give you the options of a +2 bonus to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. You'll get booted after talking with him and taking one of those options, but once you log back in, you'll have your stat bonus, and you'll be all set to go.
              We can axe if we want to, leave that sword behind. Because your friends don't axe, and if they don't axe then they're no friends of mine.


              • #8
                I couldnt agree more on the epic level and leveling. In my opinion the leveling pace is way too fast. I know people that can level to 20th in just a few weeks. Thats absolutely crazy...again just my opinion. But look at it like this. IF you join a faction you will find that you can gain XP faster than you can gain reputation points in a faction. Nothing on the server looks as silly as a 20th level character in a faction that hasn't advanced beyond the first tier of that factions rank. Just like ManUtd4ever said, having no server recognition can be a bad thing. I personally think the server should go back to having level caps until a certain amount of actual play time for that character has been played. I think that gives the character more credibility when it does hit epic levels. The character has been seen around for a long time on the server, that is server recognition... again just my opinion. Anyways, Welcome to Sundren.
                Danté Swift: Archmagus and Marshal of Sestra.


                • #9
                  Welcome back! See you in game!


                  • #10
                    about monkey grip... how does it work with oversized two-weapon fighting?

                    (Im thinking of making a ranger with a pair of greatswords. He won't be able to hit anything but man... will he look cool Has everyone tried this yet? Haha!)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Memnoch1962 View Post
                      Nothing on the server looks as silly as a 20th level character in a faction that hasn't advanced beyond the first tier of that factions rank.
                      whistles as she walks a way...
                      Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
                      Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
                      Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
                      Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

                      Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same


                      • #12
                        making an assassin. what is the feat "bloodletter". In-game its listed as an assassin requirement, but there is no mention of it on the wiki.

                        ty guys and girls I love it here.


                        • #13
                          Some DM-granted feat that shows you're badass enough to be an assassin. If there weren't any restriction on it, I'd imagine the server would be highly populated with rogue-like characters with names like XxX_LeGoLaS_XxX, XSephirothX, and.. well, I'm sure you get the picture.
                          Mhaaj Anderhart, Halruaan thaumaturgist, Withering Lord of the Myrkulites. [* Retired.]
                          Gabriel Shadesoar - Hated-Errant of the Church of Bane.[* Retired.]

                          "What is the difference between the master and the beginner?

                          The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried."
                          - Stephan McCranie


                          • #14
                            That feat is no longer a requirement, so build to your hearts content.
                            Active Characters
                            Hashart Datton- Marshal of the Black Hand
                            Oliver Ironhide- Guardian
                            Lynk Frost-Champion of Bane
                            Dorin Hammond- Scout
                            Seith Ronson- Master of War
                            "A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true."


                            • #15
                              Indeed... build to your hearts content, and then expect a visit from some very interested individuals. >.>
                              River Swift

                              "Timing is the main difference between being a hero, and being an asshole" -River

                              "Nothing says "I matter" quite like having a price on your head" -Sandro

