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The new "kid" in town..

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  • The new "kid" in town..

    Hello all, I'm Ron aka "Greymore". The older I get the More Grey- rimshot..I am not new to Sundren as a player but as a poster. It's been around two rl years since my last incursion into the Vale. So.. I see much has changed. The changes look great thus far btw! My older characters are un approved for advancement so I created a pretty standard Gold Dwarven Cleric - I noticed the PF restrictions btw- and went to work exploring only to find: this character also cannot level without dm approval. Heh.. So 3000 xp later with no advancement and here I am.
    1. Hello everybody!

    2. Does anyone know the best time to find a DM on? Tried a few times to no avail.

    3. How else can I go about seeking approval for all of my characters. Do I need to just forge ahead with my new ones? If so, why do I lose xp when I attempt to level? Are all characters on an "approval required" list at creation?Am I doing something wrong?

    4. Where are all my fellow Dwarves at? Does someone have use of a priest of the "Twin axes" in the house?
    Please advise-Looking forward to some great r.p. with you folks! See you "in game". It's great to find that Sundren is still up and going strong in 2015!

  • #2
    Tyranus Blackbeard, the last great dwarf in the valley. Character requests is where you ask for the restricted classes and dm's are mostly on during PM hours for a US east coaster like me thats like 5pm-midnight so 2pm onward for you! Whurest is an amazing dwarf faction you can join in the city library in aspirations, click on the orc to see the faction list. Of course that is if you wanted to join the dwarf faction in the first place, they also show all the other factions you can join based off your alignment/god/race/class

    If you end up wanting your character in that faction send me a tell and we can rp you up the mountain so you can get gear, the faction is hidden away atop a mountain only lvl 10+ kids can go so i'll help you up there. Going out to dinner tonight but I'll be back in little while, pm me if you see me on and i'll give you a hand.

    (im of course not saying join that faction I was just going off you being a dwarven cleric! Lots of factions to choose from! Have fun!)


    • #3
      Thanks for the quick reply. I appreciate the info and the welcome for my Cleric. I'll seek your character out, and we can r.p. it up! I'll log and wait for a dm.


      • #4
        Hi and welcome to the server!

        Can't level without DM intervention?

        Sounds pretty unusual, have you ensured your clerics domains match those of his deity?

        It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little - Do what you can.
        Sydney Smith.


        • #5
          Ah ha.. I see so I cannot choose the Earth domain, I had earth and war. I think that's the problem. I guess that made my Cleric "persona non levela'".. Suppose I'l have to dump him and begin again. My bad for getting it mixed up.. Thanks for the help.


          • #6
            Welcome Ron, we have met in game and talked it's nice seeing an old player return =)


            • #7
              Thanks for the warm welcome. I have been reading the "team good" thread and am hoping some good p.c.'s rise up help to strengthen the Good aligned factions. I'll be playing good characters at least for now. I hope a few others join me.


              • #8
                Hail and welcome!

                Gamestarmike is quite correct, the climb to Whurest has long been a rite of passage (of sorts) for dwarven characters.

                Hope to see you in-game sometime.


                • #9


                  • #10
                    Good to see you.. Hope you enjoy the server.. We do!
                    Danté Swift: Archmagus and Marshal of Sestra.

