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Salve aequalis

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  • Salve aequalis

    Greetings to you all, I hope this missive finds you well. I found this persistant world at the Neverwinter Nights II Vault while looking for new mods. Something attracted me, called to me, drew me in as if by magic... Um I read the websight and it looked very cool. So anyway I have submitted a character for approval and with eager anticipation I hope for acceptance. I'm a long time rp'er with over um 30 years of experiance in role playing games. Most of this with pen and paper, obviously, and in various genres and systems. If you have any other questions, comments or observations I will be more than happy to entertain them, but am trying to keep this brief so as not to bore people to tears. (Darn, too late.)
    Grimsige AKA Isendir
    May your journey be challenging so the rewards are sweeter.
    Grimsige AKA Isendir

  • #2
    XD, welcome to Sundren dude, and your not boring us :P.


    • #3
      "In Game", that boring to tears is likely called RP so it is fine!

      Welcome to Sundren

