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Battlecaster has joined as a player!

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  • Battlecaster has joined as a player!

    Battlecaster has joined as a player . . .

    . . . and it's gonna rock!

    Hey there, Sundren!

    Thanks for the warm welcome you've all given me so far in-game. I play the character Castelyn Moon.

    Right off, let me promise you that he is much more serious-face than his player is: So please don't let him put you off of talking to me. I'm actually pretty awesome. Truly. You can trust me. I mean, why would I lie to you? Why would I lie to you on the Internet?

    So anyway -- after absolutely failing my real-life wisdom check -- I've decided to join the server with a character who also happens to be a citizen of Sundren. In spite of my, you know, complete and total lack of familiarity with the server's custom lore.

    Given this, please, please, please correct me if I say something entirely off-base, like, oh, I don't know . . .

    "I've heard Sestra's a great place for a vacation!"
    . . . because if you set me straight in a tell, I'll do my best to either redact the statement, or correct it on the fly, à la . . .

    "I mean, if you're a Banite, it really is a great place for a vacation. Am I right? You know I'm right. Stop looking at me like that. I do not worship Bane. Hey now, no need to draw your swords . . ."
    In other words, please work with me and I promise to do my absolute best to provide you all with an interesting character (as both an ally and an adversary), with whom you can explore a colorful, emotional, and engaging storyline.

    Thanks in advance, all of you, for the fun that's sure to come!

  • #2
    Welcome aboard! Hope you have a great time with our goons.
    Reinamar Stormseeker - The bladestorm that must turn back the wind. Arkerym of The People, practitioner of the forgotten art, pariah.

    Tyler Penleigh - Obligatory author insert, Red Blade Defender, sarcastic jerk, caring brother, loving fiancé, war criminal.

    Eirimil Gaelazair (Dead)- Bitter. Caustic. Abrasive. Egocentric. Probably right. Found dead in the burned-out Viridale forest a few weeks after the survivors were able to sweep the area after the Bloodmaim offensive. Aside from his usual attire, an intricate music box was the only thing in his possession.


    • #3
      Welcome to the server! I look forward to brutally murde.. Uh, having lots of fun and happy adventures with you!
      It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little - Do what you can.
      Sydney Smith.


      • #4
        Welcome abooard! Take a look at the wiki when you get the chance, some say there is good information there. Also if you have any questions, please feel free to ask here or in the game, most of the others are nice. I am not unless you are in the Black Hand!

        You are right Sestra is a great place to vacation.

        Have fun and enjoy, I look forward to RPing with you.
        Active Characters
        Hashart Datton- Marshal of the Black Hand
        Oliver Ironhide- Guardian
        Lynk Frost-Champion of Bane
        Dorin Hammond- Scout
        Seith Ronson- Master of War
        "A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true."


        • #5
          Welcome aboard! Despite the stunning mistake Jhickey made in choosing a deity, he is absolutely right- the wiki is the best place to start, especially if you want to RP a citizen of Sundren.
          River Swift

          "Timing is the main difference between being a hero, and being an asshole" -River

          "Nothing says "I matter" quite like having a price on your head" -Sandro


          • #6
            Join the Red Blades.

            After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box.


            • #7
              Originally posted by greypawn View Post
              Join the Red Blades.
              Quoted for YES.
              Reinamar Stormseeker - The bladestorm that must turn back the wind. Arkerym of The People, practitioner of the forgotten art, pariah.

              Tyler Penleigh - Obligatory author insert, Red Blade Defender, sarcastic jerk, caring brother, loving fiancé, war criminal.

              Eirimil Gaelazair (Dead)- Bitter. Caustic. Abrasive. Egocentric. Probably right. Found dead in the burned-out Viridale forest a few weeks after the survivors were able to sweep the area after the Bloodmaim offensive. Aside from his usual attire, an intricate music box was the only thing in his possession.


              • #8
                Why do I have the feeling that your stay here will be most entertaining?

                Welcome to Sundren, keep enjoying your welcome, and have a cookie.
                But please, keep one thing in mind for me. What have you become when even nightmares fear you?
                - Nessa


                • #9
                  One of the best first posts I've ever read... welcome to the neighborhood!


                  • #10
                    Thanks, everyone, for the kind words and the good advice. I have consumed the wiki -- and after I've dealt with the indigestion, I will probably read it again.

                    Still, a crash course does not provide me with the depth and breadth of server experience that all of you have under your belts: So I'll appreciate any help you can provide me!

                    And, real quick here, I want to thank all of the people I've already bothered with tells about this or that question on server lore or about this or that point of server etiquette.

                    Stay classy, Sundren.


                    • #11
                      Welcome .Sundren's Custom Spells ,ask about it. And.. Join Black Hand .

                      Kenom Marrs - Dark Templar of The Tyrant Lord.


                      • #12
                        Welcome to the Valley
                        Nicely written and doodled intro, looks like you'll fit right in already.
                        I'm bad with the whole people-talking thing, so just refer to my siggy for the rest of my introduction. (^_^)


                        Frazer Mfg. is a department of Frazer Fabrications, focused on the construction of high-end custom-crafted equipment and gear.
                        Also part of Frazer Fabrications are:
                        Frazer Armories - focused on resale of prefabricated arms and armorments;
                        Frazer Merchantile - specialising in economic analysis and scaleable logistics; and
                        Frazer Laboratories - the leading independent R&D for sundrite theory, arcane and mechanical engineering

                        James Frazer: Anthropological Gearhead, Techsmith, Arcanaphysisist, Renown Proprietor
                        AKA: Artifax Grade B Exigo Corporation Syndicated Associate VP, Professor, Quartermaster of the Schild Whurest-ExiCorp Joint-Operations Facility, and 'Annoying Mechanist'
                        Theme: Stil Alive

                        Grid vs. Squeegle, not Good vs. Evil

                        Distances and travel-times for the Sunderian Peninsula:Free Version 1.0

                        Crafting changes are a dead-horse topic, but feel free to ask me about crafting: If I can't answer it, I bet I can direct you to someone who can.
                        To those who are interested in making or have crafting-oriented characters, please check out the Fabricator's Collective and how to get FC-certified.
                        crafting tutorial.

                        Unfortunate truths:
                        Intention: [DM > Crafting > Faction Store > Drop > Regular Store]
                        Reality: [DM > Faction Store > Drop > Regular Store> Crafting]


                        • #13
                          Would you look at that? He's back! We're in for a world of headaches now . . .


                          • #14
                            Wondered what happened to you. Welcome back, dude!
                            I can't tell you enough how happy I am to escape.

