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New Player Greetings and Questions

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  • New Player Greetings and Questions

    Hey everyone,

    I've only recently discovered that NWN2 had a vibrant RP community and I'm thinking of finally making the switch over from NWN1 PWs. Sundren seems pretty fun, as it is clearly RP-focused and story-based.

    I do have a lot of questions though! Let's see if I can get through all of them.

    1) What factions currently are in need of some players?

    2) With a small to medium investment of time, approximately how long will it take a new character to reach a point at which he/she will be relevant in DM events and the like? (caveat - are there DM events that focus on low levels?)

    3) How easy is it to actually find characters to RP with?

    4) Would you say that most RP is social-oriented or character goal-oriented? (Is it more likely to find everyone sitting around the campfire at some central location telling stories and joking, or groups hiding out in their faction headquarters planning epic sieges and plotting?)

    Mechanical/Custom Changes Questions
    1) Wiki says that Mystic Theurge does not gain new spells known for sorc, favored soul, and spirit shaman - Is this true? Is the only way to make a Sorc/Cleric viable to take more sorc levels later?

    2) Wiki says that Iron Bones and DD DR stacks, different people on forums have said otherwise. Anyone know?

    3) Are there any class combinations that are illegal? (aka. paladin multiclasses, monk multiclasses, Weapon Master + Frenzied Berserker)

    4) Is there any way to test characters in single player before choosing a build? (Test mods with Sundren's custom changes?)

    Sorry for the many questions. Hope to RP with you guys soon.


  • #2
    Stone and iron bones do stack with SD Dr

    All factions are interesting and need players

    Interaction with DMs from what I have seen is up to you and I have seen all levels of characters become relevant

    You will find some around the campfire and others in their favorite places. You can usually find someone to RP with

    Erolith Mornmist Undead Hunter
    Kraken Priest and crafter
    Fingers O'Hoolihan Inebriated Monk

    Out here in the perimeter there are no stars, out here we is stoned immaculate!


    • #3
      1. Play what you're comfortable playing. You'll fit somewhere.

      2. Many of our DMs are non-combat oriented, and we have shifted away from a single, most-important narrative to engage larger numbers of players and factions of all levels and power scaling.

      3. Pretty easy. We have a button you push that tells you where people are.

      4. Healthy mix of both. Ultimately comes down to player preference.

      Mystic Theurges: You'll need to take a level of the spontaneous caster after you finish MT to get your missing spells.

      Dwarven DR: It stacks.

      Illegal class combos are things that are obviously cheesy, but we have nothing written down. For example, 1 monk / 19 Druid (or Spirit Shaman), 2 Paladin / 18 Charisma Caster.

      Test Mod: Open your toolset, make a new module, import the Sundren stuff. As far as I know, we don't have one readily available for you to download.


      • #4
        Breaking it down ^_^ because more answers provide a more reliable spread of data
        Originally posted by Firemind
        1) What factions currently are in need of some players?
        All of them: chose one you like, and do whatever makes you feel relevant.

        2) With a small to medium investment of time, approximately how long will it take a new character to reach a point at which he/she will be relevant in DM events and the like? (caveat - are there DM events that focus on low levels?)
        YES! In past experience, DMs will usually try to allow for mosy characters, assuming they have a reasonable means if being included in the event. While higher levels can simply do MORE for a given amount of mechanical effort, events that cater specifically to high-levels are much fewer, and have in the past received lower priorities than low-level or middling-level characters whenever it gets top-heavy.

        3) How easy is it to actually find characters to RP with?
        Depends on your timezone. 90% of the time there are at least 10 people on the server (in my observation), and occasionally thirty to forty people in one area. If your looking for RP and cna't find it, send someone a polite tell describing your situation: many players have numerous lower-level characters they can hop onto if requested.

        4) Would you say that most RP is social-oriented or character goal-oriented? (Is it more likely to find everyone sitting around the campfire at some central location telling stories and joking, or groups hiding out in their faction headquarters planning epic sieges and plotting?)
        Both are equally important. One provides atmosphere, the other provides incentive. Often times, both are acurally occuring at the same place, between different (or the same) characters. Visit the Second Wind area if you would like examples.

        Mechanical/Custom Changes Questions
        1) Wiki says that Mystic Theurge does not gain new spells known for sorc, favored soul, and spirit shaman - Is this true? Is the only way to make a Sorc/Cleric viable to take more sorc levels later?
        Currently, yes to both counts as far as I am aware. You get a lot more spells, at the cost of delay.

        2) Wiki says that Iron Bones and DD DR stacks, different people on forums have said otherwise. Anyone know?
        As seen above.

        3) Are there any class combinations that are illegal? (aka. paladin multiclasses, monk multiclasses, Weapon Master + Frenzied Berserker)
        Not usually, with one primary exception: No druid/Monks please.

        4) Is there any way to test characters in single player before choosing a build? (Test mods with Sundren's custom changes?)
        Paper-and-pencil is often the best way to work this. As far as I know, and despite my own attempts, it is rather difficult to create a 'sundren character test-lab' module. YMMV.

        Sorry for the many questions. Hope to RP with you guys soon.
        NONESENCE! Questions beget answers!

        Have fun during your time here, ask anything else and we'll try to get ya answers

        [edit]Lotus probably said it simpler and better. Ahh well.

        Frazer Mfg. is a department of Frazer Fabrications, focused on the construction of high-end custom-crafted equipment and gear.
        Also part of Frazer Fabrications are:
        Frazer Armories - focused on resale of prefabricated arms and armorments;
        Frazer Merchantile - specialising in economic analysis and scaleable logistics; and
        Frazer Laboratories - the leading independent R&D for sundrite theory, arcane and mechanical engineering

        James Frazer: Anthropological Gearhead, Techsmith, Arcanaphysisist, Renown Proprietor
        AKA: Artifax Grade B Exigo Corporation Syndicated Associate VP, Professor, Quartermaster of the Schild Whurest-ExiCorp Joint-Operations Facility, and 'Annoying Mechanist'
        Theme: Stil Alive

        Grid vs. Squeegle, not Good vs. Evil

        Distances and travel-times for the Sunderian Peninsula:Free Version 1.0

        Crafting changes are a dead-horse topic, but feel free to ask me about crafting: If I can't answer it, I bet I can direct you to someone who can.
        To those who are interested in making or have crafting-oriented characters, please check out the Fabricator's Collective and how to get FC-certified.
        crafting tutorial.

        Unfortunate truths:
        Intention: [DM > Crafting > Faction Store > Drop > Regular Store]
        Reality: [DM > Faction Store > Drop > Regular Store> Crafting]


        • #5
          As a side note, ill mention that my sorcerer/spirit shaman/ mystic theurge has consistently gained sorcerer spells on leveling up in MT, but not spirit shaman spells, for whatever that's worth.

