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  • Aloha!

    Hi all! I came across this site awhile ago, registered, and never posted anything. Now that I have the time, I just wanted to say that I was throughly impressed. If the webpage is any reflection on how the PW is going to turn out, it's going to be a winner.

    A little bit about me:

    I love fantasy RPG's. I played NWN1 + the main expansions but never got into its community. I've played two mmo's (WOW and Asheron's Call 2) both for two years a crack, Final Fantasy, Baldur's Gate, Oblivion, and a bunch of other RPG's for the consoles. In WOW, I created my own guild and community a few months back that had and still has a bunch of awesome people in it. We progressed fairly far into the end game content, but after two years, I wanted to move on. The community I built and left behind is still there, and the people I left to run it are still very active which impresses me greatly. You can check it out at www.anenigma.net. I designed the webpage and graphics with the exception of the Enigma logo at the top. The background, pictures and writing are all mine. The forums are hosted by a fellow guild member of mine.

    Like I said, I was never involved in the NWN1 community, but now that I've broken my WOW addiction, I want to try to get involved in the NWN2 community as it grows.

    Something Interesting: I'm obsessed with Hawaii and won't hesitate to chat away with somebody about the place, and I have a wierd facination with Llamas like this one below. Please don't ask why.

    Sorry about not getting in touch with you on MSN-IM about a writing position saulus, but I see that those slots are filled now. Real life is getting hectic in school as finals are approaching, but I just wanted to say I'm still enthusiastic about this PW and hope to see ya'll in game as a player when it's finished.

  • #2
    No problem, great to have you with us as a player.
    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

    George Carlin


    • #3
      Good to have you with us! If you need anything feel free to let any of the staff know.
      -Harbinger of Justice

      Death:"Humans need fantasy to be human, to be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape."

      Woman: "Tooth fairies? Hogfathers? Little--"

      Death: "Yes. As Practice. You have to start out learning to believe the little lies."

      Woman: "So we can belive the big ones?"

      Death: "Yes. Justice. Mercy. Duty. Things of that nature."


      • #4

        ...Funny, the head DM of the previous NWN1 RP server I was in was very Llama-ee too... I'm starting to think every NWN RP server needs a llama person. =P
        >Olin Lavith - Human scholar with a passion for knowledge.

        Don't change the color to match the walls. Look like you belong and the walls will change color to match you.
        ?Kender Proverb, Time of the Twins


        • #5
          Good to have you with us Shakamahaloa. I have to ask with your reference to Hawaii, does your name have any special meaning?
          Wise men wonder while strong men die


          • #6
            Shaka is the hawaiian hand gesture. It means hang loose. Mahalo is the hawaiian word for thankyou. I sorta just mashed the two words together and added an a at the end. I just thought it sounded cool and very hawaiian. I love to play with words like that; a lot of my in game names come from taking words apart and mashing them together.

            I assure you though that the name means more to me than that. I'm very attached to it. I visited last year for close to three weeks and became obsessed with the place ever since. The phraze "hang loose" to them is more of an ideology and lifestyle to them than it is a slogan or catch phraze.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Abyss View Post

              ...Funny, the head DM of the previous NWN1 RP server I was in was very Llama-ee too... I'm starting to think every NWN RP server needs a llama person. =P
              I just use them for comedic purposes. Whenever someone started a "drama" thread in my guild for World of Warcraft, I used to post a pic of this Llama or a pic of some other crazy stuff. These drama threads could get really out of hand and bring down morale, but the Llama pic was always one that just seemed to lighten the mood, steal away, or erase the negative emotions in the thread. What brang me to actually use the Llama is another story completely.

              The wierd thing is that two of my guild mates have told me about a friend or relative that actually had some strange Llama obsession. Apparently there are Llama enthusiasts out there.............


              • #8

                Actually, no, i'm not a llama enthusiast, but llama's are pretty hilarious creatures, and i'm starting to suspect that my friend from high-school has a fetish *shivers*

                Heh, i guess my characters are deleted, now. Updating char list soon!

