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The Weekly Trumpet

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  • The Weekly Trumpet

    (( I compiled most rumors and events I have seen with some interviews in one post as a part of a weekly news report with many more.... random things sorta like a news paper.))

    A obviously disguised unknown figure with White hair , Gray eyes , glases and Horns looks oddly familiar but something about him makes you think otherwise, places into message boards in the areas with the most traffic a sheet of long parchment .

    The Weekly Trumpet

    The weeks toot of the trumpet.

    Recently alot of events have been happening most bad, let me start off with the recent rumors of sabotage of exigo, few words....:Scary stuff I tell you assasins , eboncoin who would of known such things happend in sundren but there is hope some raise and fight against these sabotuers but they are foolish if you ask me.


    Now about the Drow, yes we all hate them but this Dragon person hates them even more... and hes willing to pay you for hateing them.


    Theres also talk of some crazy fire spirits word on the street is that its just illusions and that two fiendlings have found the solutions, highly doubt it.


    For the Private sector (Items for sale)

    Theres a well respected gnome member of the community seeking to buy king's tear gem for any price! so do your best and help this little guy out!


    Once again Dragon is mentioned he is selling a large arrey of items. so after you kill a couple of drow... you have someone to buy from.


    Rants of a ranger.

    I spoke to a ranger and he had a few things to say to the people here."You all need to...." Uhg I forgot I should of written it down

    Now for some Morning Wood.

    I recently interviewed a young lass know as Cybil , born near waterdeep she is 18 years old , likes long walks in the forest in a slightly rainy day, Her favorite color is blue , She likes Cowel lillies , her favorite food and drinks are bacon , eggs and citric juices. And your in luck gentlemen she is currently single and looking.

    More information on the lasses of sundren shall be added sign request down at the back of the parchment and there will be more to come!

    This concludes this weeks issue of The Weekly Trumpet.

  • #2
    (( Reserved Space ))


    • #3
      ((Reserved Space))


      • #4
        Some of the papers that are posted in remote locations are taken down.

        One paper, posted in a seedy area, has a dagger stuck into it. It seems whoever authored this, who may or may not have been seen, has angered someone else.
        "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
        -Bill Maher


        • #5
          A obviously disguised unknown figure with White hair , Gray eyes , glases and Horns looks oddly familiar but something about him makes you think otherwise, places into message boards in the areas with the most traffic a sheet of long parchment .

          The Weekly Trumpet

          The weeks toot of the trumpet.

          I will start this weeks article with this.. to all of you who decided to leave a dagger on my paper or rip it in any shape or form. You are cowards attacking the paper and not the publisher.

          Lets start this with the talks of the kidnapped woman and all that, that was saved by the selfless thayans but, once again their genorosity was placed under suspision. to bad though, not everyone can be loved by everything like me.

          Theres a competition for all you faries that like to sing and dance in the morrow.

          The legion is also looking for some fresh meat to put into their grinder, you know train you and all that to uphold these great laws.

          Two tieflings have been working on closeing the portal from demons at the exigo trade outpost seems like they have succeded but somehow. strange creatures known as celestials have been comeing in their stead and keep attacking this gentleman known as Nocte. These two valient fellows need all of our support they are out there risking their lives for our safety for this on behalf of all my readers I thank you fiendlings.


          For the Private sector (Items for sale)

          Nothing new for sale this week once again.

          Theres a well respected gnome member of the community seeking to buy king's tear gem for any price! so do your best and help this little guy out!


          Fishing facination.

          Due to recent request I have decided to add a new section to my paper, well to begin with a great yet safe fishing spot is at the small docks in Sestra. And Old Jacoby at the port docks is always willing and happy to supply you bait.

          Also if you get lucky the old man is also willing to buy your fish.


          No Rants this week, to many of you lazy bums are to scared to speak up.

          Now for some Morning Wood.
          A self proclaimed "princess in waiting."
          This is for all you gnome and hin lovers, This short red haired gnomish lass is known as Juney Thimbles. This mysterious, yet Facinateing gnome's hails from the great dale. She loves to eat and drink two very specific things. Pie and some good white wine. now you may be asking yourself if your a gnome or hin, "Where can I find this lass and is she single?" Your in luck, there no gentleman courting her but seeing how im writting this article. There will be soon enough.
          Miss thimbles also has a message for all of you. "Appreciate me while you can, I wont be here forever."

          Please address all threats to The Sundren Comfort in room 2
          Thank you.

          This would conclude this weeks issue of The Weekly Trumpet


          • #6
            A obviously disguised unknown figure with White hair , Gray eyes , glases and Horns looks oddly familiar but something about him makes you think otherwise, places into message boards in the areas with the most traffic a sheet of long parchment .

            The Weekly Trumpet

            The weeks toot of the trumpet.

            Let us start with this buisness of the Triumvirate not helping out these fine hearted fiendling who are only trying to save our lives. Their prejudice must be accounted for, not only have they gone as far as not helping these two men but as protecting a savage fiend who captured one and imprisoned him in their temple.


            Later this fiendling was transfered off to a prison cell by these so called "Holly rollers." for owner ship of a slave, which is problably a fabrication ment to soil the truth.


            Also this may be old news but seems like no one covered it, A Drow priestesst has been seen raiseing gnolls , goblins and such which then attacked a group of dwarfs. She has also been reported to have a few vampires with her, she was also attacked by a group of would-be adventurers but it seems like they failed to do much due to incompetence.

            PANDEMIC! Disease and plague are spreading stay and home lock your doors and dont let anyone cough on you!


            For the Private sector (Items for sale)

            Quartz! Sell your Quartz today to these two fiendlings, who knows you might even help save the valley.


            Skullcleaver coffers are open and for sale! come and buy.


            This is all for this week next week I shall continue our more popular of articles.

