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Enchanted Dwarven Waraxe!

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  • Enchanted Dwarven Waraxe!

    *In elegant handwriting, lit brightly with magical, golden ink. The parchment is decorated with butterflies, bunnies, vines and roses. It shimmers in the moonlight*

    Hello everyone! I came across an enchanted Dwarven Waraxe that I will not be using in my travels. I am asking for the same price of a minor enchanted waraxe at Unstoppable Forces (2300 stags or highest bidder), and this weapon has an even sharper blade! Come find me at Sundren University if you're interested!

    Love Wins! -Amber Anne Rose

    *lines for people interested are drawn below*

    ((( Dwarven Waraxe, +1 Enchantment, +2 Slash dmg. )))
    • The Lovely Amber Rose
    • Niles Nilton, Professional Gardener
    • Abigail Fenn, Lady Dwarf of Citadel Felbarr

  • #2
    Hmmmm. Dordleton notes the message, "Never been to no university afore." He starts to head out to the Entertainment district, and ends up drinking at Jimmy's.
    Dahdmib Al Faruk: Whirling Ranger
    Dordleton Grumplestout: Spelunker Gadgeteer
    Shalika Ike: A Dark Woman with a Dark Past

