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A cryptic message...

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  • A cryptic message...

    *Written in the sacred language of the Banite Priesthood. This language is used mainly amongst the followers of Bane to pass along information they do not wish read by others.* "Cannot be read by others unless you have been indoctrinated into the priesthood, or are possessed of signifigant Lore ability that would enable you to piece together the writings." I leave it up to individual reader's to determine if they can translate what is written upon the note or not.

    "The following note can be found tacked to one of the trees near the campfire at the Exigo Trade grounds. The parchment is aged and withered and the words seem to be written in some unknown language."

    "The Black hand rises to consume the land. Prepare yourselves brothers, the time of our ascension comes swiftly. No longer shall we be forced to work from the shadows. Look to the south of the city of Sundren the signs shall soon be at hand......."

  • #2
    Seeing the nonsensical garbage, a guard rips it down.

    "Looks like baby scribbles..."

    (( Please don't invent languages for messages that don't exist. There's no language of Bane.

