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completion of quests

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  • completion of quests

    new to the server...

    *potential spoiler*

    so i'm trying to complete the plague quest, but the NPC's I talk to won't let me continue the quest (e.g. I talk to the Sgt before the goblins hills and he stops talking to me when I ask to help him). I'm figuring that it's a DM-run (?) quest since people have been great about "spreading the rumor". I've gone past the goblin chief to see what the rumor is about but I don't know where to go from there. I RP'ed my way through it and all my "hmmm.... Banites and goblins don't normally cross paths" haven't gotten me any closer.

    Am I supposed to talk to DM-run character or am I supposed to be talking to the Sgt? If the latter, why doesn't he talk to me?
    Jos'iah Ithildurin - Semper, a guardian of Haldemar. "One should always be faithful"
    Elijah - Warrior Mage and Legionairre of Sundren. "My axe and my magic will cleave you!"
    Duskthorne - Bounty Hunter. "Every land needs a masked man to do the dirty work for them" (personal heroes: The Knight of the Flying Rodent and The Monk of the Arachnid Order)

  • #2
    Last time I checked quests had not been implemented in to the server yet, so it's probably something a DM will have to help you with.
    Rhime - or is he?


    • #3
      Jaerem is half right. This is something you'll have to get with a dm over.

