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Sundren FAQs.

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  • Sundren FAQs.

    So in my time, I have been spending a while recruiting people to quit wow, or other games and coming to Sundren. I have two people purchasing the game and heading over, the first I forgot to record the FAQ to one of my other friends who just recently joined. But this is the most recent.

    These are questions from one person who has never played, to another new person.

    Gurthok (11:53:23 PM): "was it a pain in the ass to remember all the rules and regs given in the server? how strict are these rules? are people snobs to "n00bs"? are terms such as pwned used?"

    chris@mac.com (11:55:55 PM):

    1) There aren't that many rules and regulations that are necessary to remember aside from "don't farm when the DMs are watching" and "Don't randomly kill people." The others are not so much rules as things the game won't let you do. Thus far I have not been penalized for anything, and I haven't committed the rules to memory.

    2) People are not snobs to noobs specifically, but they may be snobs to everyone they don't know (and a few people they do). Most people are accommodating to new folk.

    3) 1337 speak is used only by very few people who find it necessary to talk in OOC when in a party. I choose not to group with these people.

    (11:57:48 PM):
    "how much room do they give you for character development and expansion?"

    chris@mac.com (11:59:58 PM): Server rules limit the races you can choose to exclude the more fantastic ones, and clerics must choose focuses that match their deity. Other than that, almost nothing restricts you besides the world and characters.

    Gurthok (12:00:50 AM): "Is role playing the main focus culturally speaking or are people more concerned with being powerful?"

    chris@mac.com (12:02:19 AM): The server has a level cap, so if you want power you have to roleplay (the only way I know of to increase the cap). The server is definitely more focused on social roleplay in several ways: bonus experience is given by DMs for good events, solo grinding is frowned upon, and most hostile areas are designed to be explored as a group.

    And that's all for now <3
    Gribbon Shorn - The Silver-Tongued Halfling.