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Items from Sestra Cave Event, 1/11

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  • Items from Sestra Cave Event, 1/11

    Late last night, I set up an event in the Sestra Caves, so players would have something to do while the DMs were offline. I announced publicly that it was high risk, high reward.

    Now, I was offline for a very short time period, but these items were taken. I'm going to give that person the benefit of the doubt and not go digging through files to find who has what.

    If it was you, you have 24 hours to return the items to a DM without retribution. If we have to dig through files, Saulus will be VERY angry.

    Using stealth / invisibility potions to go through a cave and collect items, skirting by hostile monsters in close quarters is an exploit. You would never have attempted that with a DM online.

    This has really soured my outlook, and I'll be much more careful about running these in the future (albeit less-frequently). The DM staff is here to help entertain people, NOT to babysit.

    If I've already given you an infraction, I'm NOT referring to you in this post, so don't worry.
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