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This is NOT a democracy

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  • This is NOT a democracy

    While we enjoy creativity and input from players about the server and website, all decisions are made final by the staff. This also includes game mechanics. When a dev states "This is how it is" then it isn't open for debate anymore unless otherwise stated by myself or GodBeastX.

    Complaining about decisions on the server isn?t necessary. Keep your personal grievances to yourself, all our decisions are made in the best interest of the server and not all reasons for everything will be made public knowledge for a multitude of reasons.

    You will notice we poll players a lot on a variety of topics, this is a tool for us to "help" make decisions-- it isn't the end all answer to what we intend to do.

    All topics/threads/posts which debate or question finalized decisions will be locked and/or deleted. If someone finds a bug within a system or some other problems then we are more than happy to listen to it, however changes of functionality will be made and decided upon by the staff at their discretion.
    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

    George Carlin