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Reputation, the Gallery, and you!

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  • Reputation, the Gallery, and you!


    As I'm sure many have noticed, we've had a reputation system implimented in the forums to show if you agree or disagree with someone and their post or the like.
    Reputation can be influenced by clicking on the silver scales to the right of the post and above the join date.

    Also, the team have kindly added a Screenshot Gallery which many have thusfar taken a gander at and some have submitted quite a few spectacular pictures, showing off the nature of Sundren and it's inhabitants -- both light and dark sides of each. But more works from the players are welcome, and the rating of current ones are much appreciated -- the screenshot-artists and staff whom submit works would greatly appreciate your constructive criticism and viewing of their works.

    So please; rate the screenshots, comment on them, give criticism and get adjust people's reputation -- but please, don't abuse the system, or else there may be reprimands.