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Planting a Seed

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  • Planting a Seed

    At various times of the day and into the night, an armoured, scarred woman wearing a hat makes her rounds down Port Avanthyr to speak with anyone showing visible affiliation to the Blackwood Company. Those uninterested, distant, or hostile she lets go. Those who have already heard, either from her or their colleagues, get a reminder and are also let go. Those who express curiosity, some form of dissatisfaction, or are sympathetic to her in some way, get her words.

    Barring some minor changes, the message she brings is the same, delivered in her usual frank tone.

    "Starting tomorrow, you won't be here anymore, under orders of your commander. I don't know where you'll be uprooted and transferred to; perhaps in the Hellstrom grounds. Perhaps not. It's a minor thing for your patron house to worry about as they continue their tradition of casting aside what's no longer of use to them.

    "But before you leave, give this some thought. When the Company was routed from Aquor, your commander's family didn't lift a finger to help--as far as they were concerned, you're as good as gone, and it took a bit of planning in your ranks and the Meriadocs' cooperation for Blackwood to set up base here. Despite a long term of service and dedication to the Company's well-being, their last commander had to resign because she refused to swear loyalty at her patron's feet, and she was given no middle ground to continue her duties. And now, your current commander is pulling their forces not for a strategic reason, but for a political one, with the intent to coerce Avanthyr into a decision that favours the Hellstroms, as the Company--no, you--are still needed for the troubles to come.

    "If you're as tired of this political meandering as I am and want to do something more productive with your skills, I'm here to offer that something. But what I offer won't be easy for the both of us. You'll prepare, train, and work your bloody asses off, and you'll earn every stag of that pay stub. Hells, you'll probably wish you were back in Blackwood, some days. But you'll be paid well, you'll be outfitted to the best of our ability, and you'll be respected as fellow people and comrades-in-arms. If you know me, you know I'll make sure of that.

    "Let the others know who are of similar mind to speak to me if they're interested."

    Regardless of their reactions, after exchanging farewells, she will move on towards another, and the cycle begins again.
    But please, keep one thing in mind for me. What have you become when even nightmares fear you?
    - Nessa