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Walking Candies

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  • Walking Candies

    The older woman looks at Vai's pale face, "So, once more please, you saw walking candies looking like the stags, right?"
    Vai nods, "Yes madam, gelatinous, I think!"
    "With red shining eyes, am I right?", asks the ranger patiently.
    Vai nods obediently again, "Yes, red aaand shining like the fallen star in the Viridale!"
    "And a giant beetle, double your size, eager to .. to eat you at once?", looks the woman straight into her eyes.
    "Yes! Blueee one!", sounds Vai evidently frightened and gulps.
    "Well. That's alright dear", the ranger sighs, "Do you still eat the green mushrooms, what you promissed to the Elder, and even to the Goddess herself, not to eat 'never, ever again'?", continues the older woman inquire her kindly.
    "No.", answers Vai silently and blushes slowly.
    "Are you lying to me right now, dear?", lays the ranger her hand on Vai's shoulder.
    "Yes.", whispers she evidently ashamed by her previous lie.
    The ranger sighs loudly, "Well dear, you should think about those mushrooms, it's not ..."
    "But, but .. I saw the .. the Gelatinous Candy evil loo ..", blurts Vai the answer out.
    "Dear!", stops her the ranger seeming loosing her patience, "I have enough of your stories! Cannibals, devilish dwarves, dragons and now walking candies and super giant beetles?", sounds the older woman very strictly.
    "Buut ..", tries Vai react gloomily.
    "No! That mushroom nonsence must stop now! It evidently swallowed up your foolish brain already!"
