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You're kidding, right?

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  • You're kidding, right?

    Caelryth was swiftly moving through the Military Tier when he spotted a somewhat familiar face by the TriumvirateTemple.

    “Well, Red Cloak, good to see you upright and sober.”

    Cirion gave Caelryth a nod and hesitantly thanked the elf, “Thank you.”

    Out of the corner Kaseira gave a confident smile, as if she had just won a game, “Hah, I knew being drunk had something to do with it.”

    “Drunk? Oh my, no. He leapt clean past drunk. Gods Cirion, you drank enough spirits to damn near kill you.” Caelryth shook his head and smiled.

    “The Broken Ones gave me something…” Cirion clutched his stomach, “It was to “cleanse” my body of impurities.”

    Caelryth smirks, “Might have been better to let you be then. Maybe learn you a lesson or two.”

    Cirion looked at the elf, “I didn’t realize you were so uncaring.”

    Caelryth’s usual smile faded from his face, and his eyes seemed to let off a soft red glow. “Uncaring? You think that’s uncaring? You sat there and poisoned yourself and let those who care for you tend to your needs!”

    Cirion spoke up in his defense, “Well they weren’t supposed to find me. I was looking new ways to relax.”

    “Right…While you were "relaxing", I had to help your poor blonde companion, who looked like she was too exhausted to even stand, carry your sorry carcass to a bed in the Temple.”

    Kaseira snickered lightly, “You’re not going to ever live this one down.”

    “Well… I didn’t really know what was going on.”

    “Yea, well maybe next time you’ll think a little more before trying to talk about what you think you know.”

    Kaseria looked at the ranting elf. “I think I should let the two of you catch up, I have things to attend to.”

    “No, that’s alright. I’m done. I just decided to take time away from being cold hearted and uncaring to see how this man was doing.”

    Cirion looked at the elf as if everything he said was completely out of place and false. Caelryth tipped his hat and headed for the City Gates.

    *Note: Not word for word, but pretty much accurate. Any disagreements let me know.
    Byrun - Wandering Swordsman
    Falrenn Silvershade - Shaper of Truths

    If you're searching the lines for a point
    Well, you've probably missed it
    There was never anything there
    In the first place

    Wax Fang - Majestic