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Musings of a Dwarven Druid II

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  • Musings of a Dwarven Druid II

    Deli knelt in the leaf litter under an elder elm tree, deep within the Viridale forest. His eyes sparkled like sapphires in the moonlight as he reflected on the evenings events. He gently sank his thick dwarven fingers deep into the rich soil beneath the elm leaves. He lovingly caressed the worms and pill bugs and other forms of life he unearthed.

    "It was a wonderful night my friends." he whispered to them "You should have seen us battle those ogres... It was glorious!"

    The creatures wiggled and squirmed in response to his excitement.

    Deli gently buried his friends back into the leaf litter and layed back against the great tree. His eyes turned upward as he took in the starlight as it filtered through the canopy. He noticed the silent flits of shadow as night birds hopped from one branch to another and wide grin spread across his wrinkled leathery lips.

    "Aye my friends. It doesn't get any better than this."