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Journal of a holyman part 2

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  • Journal of a holyman part 2


    I awoke on a vessal named the sea-sword. I know not how I arrived there, but I do recall my adventures across the seas. Sundren was the name, the name of the city in which I had arrived.

    Tired and cold, the rain beating down on me from above, I needed work, I needed gold, and I needed to find my purpose. I stumbled across a small woman named Jula, she had a trivial task for me, but I knew it would lead me to a warm bed.

    When I arrived at the tavern on the docks, the smell of stale beer and unbathed saliors, the sea salt smell tickling my gag reflex, Tryianis, the taven propriator gave me a rude scoff. I have been getting that all my life so I shook it off.

    I need to find some armor, I need to find a priest somone to help me.... guide me, If I have to I'll take the answers.... even if it means by force.
