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Guilt and Ambition

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  • Guilt and Ambition

    He cupped his hands as he dipped them into the lake. The icy water rippled outward, and he watched the distorted reflection of his own face with a detached curiosity. "What are you doing..?" He asked the shifting reflection, splashing chill water on his face before he stood to look out over the calm waters.

    Dusk was setting, and Ansellus found himself incredibly tired as his eyes drank in the town of Aquor from his spot along the Lake's shore.. The past months had been trying. His time had been split between matters of Family, which led him on a long journey back to Cormyr and on to Sembia, and matters of business with the Blackwood Company..

    As he had returned to Sundren, he found things little as he had left them. Though many would say nothing had changed, he thought differently. People he knew had changed, evolved, and moved on. The people of the Valley still called for changes, but now change was within reach. Aquor would have elections! To make matters more- his former employer, and friend, was at the center of it all. An opportunity that he could not look away from..

    Ansellus ran cold wet hands across his face, his mind still wandered as he watched the final rays of light dim to darkness. "I left you at the worst of times. Alone and un-defended when all others were abandoning you." he whispered aloud to himself. "And still you would welcome me back with open arms. You are either a fool or simply a better person than I.."

    The decision to leave had weighed on him then, but now he felt it more keenly. River had made something of her troubles, she had persevered, and by no help of his own. She had counted on his aid, his council, and his presence; all of which he had denied her. She built upon her dreams piece by piece, and when they finally seemed within reach, he returned.

    Ansellus felt a twinge of guilt at the idea of taking advantage of the opportunity before him, but guilt gave quickly to ambition. "The world belongs to those who seize opportunity." his father had always said. First, however, he would need to find the time and means to see it through...
