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Here and There Again... or Something.

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  • Here and There Again... or Something.

    A lone Hin, short by their own standards, swings his legs back and forth as he sits upon a chair far larger than he in a secluded corner of the Second Wind Inn. Upon his lap rests a leather-bound book and he scribbles into it with a small feather quill, pausing in thought from time to time with his tongue sticking out the corner of his mouth and his brows furrowed in serious thought.

    Alright, so les'see. What d'folk write in these things? Bugger m'britches, I've not got a clue. Ah well here goes nothin'.

    Jus' got back from 'n assignment with th'church - that was tons'a fun, I'll have y'know! - and th'rumours I'd heard were true. Wow, but things've changed 'round here! Couldn't believe m'eyes, th'whole city floatin' in th'air like a bird! Well... like a bird without wings 'n not movin' 'n with folk livin' on it... OH! And there's a bleedin' PORTAL t'get inta it! Amazin' stuff, t'be sure!

    Where was I? Oh yeah! So here I was just got back 'n wonderin' what t'do t'be occupyin' m'self as I wandered the floatin' city - and did I mention how AMAZIN' it is? 'Cause it's really quite a sight. - 'n I see all th'Legion doin' their patrols 'n stuff in the... what'd they call it? The Castrum, I think. Well, believe you me I was intrigued 'cause I didn't remember seein' anythin' like it in Old Sundren. Well, I figured I'd go check it out so in I go to this big ol' chapterhouse.

    Boy was it big! Well, I spoke t'this fellow what wanted me t'give my details 'bout where I'm from 'n why I'm in Sundren 'n all so I told'm what he wanted t'know. Now I figured I might want t'be joinin' the Legion, y'know... 'protect th'innocent, do th'right thing' 'n all that stuff. So I went lookin' for someone t'talk to 'bout enlistin'. While I was pokin' 'round a bit I found this biiiiig ol' archive - and I mean big! - 'n I figured since the doors weren't locked or nothin' I'd see what kinda stuff they had in there. Well, they were none too happy with my interest and this big brute of a tin can 'escorted' me back out th'front door. Bloke nearly shook m'theeth out in th'process! I've half a mind to go back and tell 'im what for. Well, I was... not so much now 'cause that'd prob'ly not be good, all things considerin'.

    I'm smart enough t'know not t'be pushin' m'luck so I buggered off and popped back down - and I tell ya, there's really no other word t'be describin' that portal trip than 'popping' around - to th'Gate an' I walked aaaaall th'way to th'Second Wind - it's a really, really, really, REALLY long walk. Gettin' tired just thinkin' 'bout it. WHEW! - 'n there was a whoooole bunch'a folk gathered 'round the fire talkin' about this'n that 'n bein' under-dressed 'n such but I was more interested in the Legionnaire bloke standin' near th'statue. That's not entirely true, actually... their armour's really red. I mean REALLY red. REALLY, REALLY, red.

    I got t'wonderin' what I'd look like wearin' all that red 'n thinkin' about whether or not I'd be able t'hide well considerin' red's not a great 'keepin' to th'shadows 'n not bein' seen' type of colour. It's more of an 'I don't wanna have t'be washin' my clothes after a bloodbath' or 'HEY LOOKIT' ME I'M A BIG OL' TARGET!' kinda colour. Well, th'next thing I know he's talkin' t'me and not lookin' too happy. I can't imagine why he'd not be happy, I mean it's not like I was touchin' his armour much. Just a poke 'n a prod here 'n there, that's all.

    We got t'talkin' 'n he suggested I go back t'the Castrum t'ask 'bout signin' up so I did - but not before I told one'a those folks talkin' 'bout bein' under-dressed that it's better t'be under-dressed 'n not bein' dressed at all 'cause I'm sure we all know it's true. Specially considerin' how cold it can be gettin' 'round here... certain parts'd be likely t'shrivel up 'n fall off, fer cryin' out loud!

    Soooo I hiked aaaaall the way back t'the Gate, popped m'self back up t'the City 'n couldn't find anyone what could help me in findin' out what t'do 'bout joinin' up with th'Legion. In hindsight, I s'pose I wouldn't be too happy 'bout bein' woken up when I'm layin' in bed sleepin'... but how was I s'posed t'know he wasn't on duty?! I thought a Legionnaire was always on duty! Blokes just like t'overreact, that's what I figure.

    After bein' escorted out of the chapterhouse twice in a day I figured it'd be best if I just head on down to the church - it's still kinda hard goin' back there what with how Anasath went 'n all... now that's a real shame 'n a huge loss fer those of us what follow Lathander. She was a good friend, a great person 'n the whole of Sundren 'n the church are worse off without 'er - 'n see if there's any work fer me t'be doin' but t'wasn't anythin'.

    Have I mentioned how long a walk it is from th'Gate t'the Second Wind it is? Because it's a really, REALLY long walk! I'm not exaggeratin'!

    I got back t'the Second Wind - again - 'n there was that Legionnaire again that I talked to before 'n he asked on about if I'd found some'un t'help me sign up. I told 'im nae 'n he signed me up right then 'n there. Here I'm thinkin' t'meself 'why didn't he do that before 'n save me th'trip aaaaall the way t'the City' 'cause it's a LOOOOOONG WALK! Ah well, long'n short of it's I've an assignment up in the City. Gotta look into some riots... now I'm not stupid or nothin' so I'm not gonna be writin' no details 'bout it juuuuuuuust in case someone be gettin' ahold o' this journal so I'm gonna be leavin' it at that.

    "Aaaaand done!" The Hin exclaims as he sets the quill down and corks the inkpot to wait for the ink on the page to try. He orders a drink to pass the time and, once finished, jumps to his feet upon the chair, stuffs the book, inkpot and quill into his pack and hops to the ground. After placing enough stags to pay for his drink onto the table he scurries out the door.