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Letter to the Church of Tyr in Amn.

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  • Letter to the Church of Tyr in Amn.

    Honored members of the Order of Tyr in Amn,

    I write this missive primarily in the hopes that I may bring a grave injustice to your attention, and secondly to clear my name of crimes of which I am falsely accused. I trust that a member of your own order, by the name of Master Drenn, has already informed you of the circumstances to which I refer. Regardless, it is my wish to relate my version of events so that you may have a clearer picture of what transpired.

    My name is Usil Vessan, former employee of Baron Markus DeViir of Amn. As you well know Baron DeViir is the head of a successful and profitable business conglomerate in Amn that has steadily been expanding for over the past two years. My position within House DeViir was that of a lower ranking enforcer and spy. On a regular basis I was tasked with gathering sensitive information on rival cartels, and persuading and occasionally intimidating local merchants and businesses into partnership with Baron DeViirs widening cartel. I was assured by my superiors during my employment that no lasting harm would come to those that refused this partnership. I begrudgingly accepted my tasks, trusting my superiors words that Markus DeViir was an honorable and fair business person. If only I had known the depths of Baron DeViir's depravity, I could have acted sooner, and possibly saved hundreds of lives in the process.

    In the third month of my employment to House DeViir, I noticed something unusual. Businesses that I had previously approached, ones that had refused DeViirs offer of partnership, were falling under new ownership with alarming frequency. I decided late one evening to observe a trade goods store that I had visited the day before called "Lucky Strike". Keeping myself to the shadows, I witnessed a group of men dressed as city watch enter the premises and apprehend the shopkeep and, to my surprise, his wife and two children. The family was loaded into a small, covered wagon and led, not to the city watch headquarters, but to Baron DeViir's main complex in south eastern Amn. A few short days later, my fears were realized when the Lucky Strike found itself under new ownership. House DeViir it seems had been taking over businesses forcefully. I took it upon myself to report my discovery to the local magistrate, knowing full well that my part in this affair would tie me to any and all crimes committed. My words fell upon deaf ears, and one magistrate Fenrus Dalius claimed my accusations were absurd and unfounded. Deeply disturbed by this series of events, and feeling guilty for my part in it, I took it upon myself to personally investigate the meaning of what transpired that night, and the fate of the family involved.

    Initially I tried to feign ambition to my superiors within DeViir in the hopes that I would be sent on one of these take-overs. They refused. Becoming increasingly frustrated, I decided my best course of action would be to break into the DeViir complex with the intention of finding incriminating evidence against Markus DeViir, and was successful beyond any stretch of my imagination. A mountain of genuine evidence lay behind a simply locked door on the third residence floor of the complex and, like a fool, I took the bait. I was captured easily, beaten mercilessly, and dragged to a courtyard by Markus' son, Jerhain DeViir. Jerhain forced me to watch a caravan departing the complex. Four wagons loaded with women and children, including the family of the merchant of Lucky Strike, being led away by, what I believed to be, a Thayan slaver.

    What followed was a mockery of a trial, one in which I was implicated by House DeViir of the very crimes I had sought to levy against them. I was sentenced to death by none other than Dalius himself, and it was then that I truly learned of the folly of my actions in reporting the DeViirs to the corrupt magistrate.

    Master Drenn assured me that he would investigate the DeViirs in my absense, and he should be able to better relate the circumstances surrounding his and Orrum Furnacebellows assistance in my escape from the prison in Amn, the training I received from him, the nature of my newly discovered abilities as one of the "Favored", and his reasons for sending me to the Triumvirate in Sundren.

    It is my deepest wish that you bring Markus DeViir to justice, and I freely offer to return to Amn if it will aid in doing so. I have offered myself in service to the members of the Triad in Sundren. I sincerely wish to atone for the wrongs I have committed under Baron DeViir, and I willingly submit myself to your judgement for my part in his organizations misdeeds.


    Usil Vessan