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Another Day In Paradise.

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  • Another Day In Paradise.

    To some, paradise is a warm sunny place with the waves lapping at their toes, to others a dusky forest full of broken sunlight. Some people just dream of being home with their loved ones around them and a warm fire. There are as many concepts of paradise as there are people.

    To Juggra these things are nice, when there is nothing better to do.

    Juggra watched the Veritas Corporal’s last choking moments. The bald headed human clung to Juggra’s shoulder, his sword dropped from his other hand and a lung full of thick oxygenated blood drained from the man’s mouth before his head lulled slowly down. Juggra stroked his cheek with one hand to sooth his dying moment. To him this was the perfect intimacy.

    Juggra’s face hardened and his body tensed. He leaned back and with one hand, ripped his primitive orcan waraxe from the tree behind the Corporal. The upper body fell, expired and the legs sank slowly down behind it.

    Blood sprayed at pressure from the open waist, into Juggra’s eyes and mouth. He licked his lips and swallowed deep. It was a good taste. The smell infused his senses and for a moment the whites of his eyes yellowed and became bloodshot like those of an orc. His dark red iris's became lighter and flecked with white lines. Light became sharper to him and sounds became louder and more definite.

    Flaming crossbow bolts thunked down one after another into Juggra’s back. He turned and raised his shield to protect himself.

    A more perfect moment he could not have prayed for in all his years.

    Companions ducked and dived behind and ahead of him.

    A female elf rolled across the ground and unleashed an arrow that flew out under Juggra’s crotch into the gut of a roguish character sliding down the shale in front of him.

    This one would do. Juggra’s towering shield batted down into the face of the already pained human and floored him to the ground. Three times the greataxe came down. How did they always manage to get up and take that last hit in the back? Juggra booted the body from his axe head, sending the dead man flying into more of his companions running still towards him.


    “whut? Bluudy ellz!”

    A massive golem came down the mountain side. Juggra turned to see everyone slowly withdrawing. The golem took hit after hit, nothing would touch it. He didn’t know much but he knew metals and that was a metal he had seen only in the mines of this land.

    Juggra stared in awe.

    He must make this metal into his own armour. He must make this metal into his own weapons.

    More crossbow bolts hit him, one after another. Juggra stood for a moment in awe of the construct but he began to feel weak from the burning spikes building up inside his torso. His shield raised and the men running towards him fell onto it. He lurched them backwards and then came out from behind the great wall with a bestial cry and swing of his mighty axe, cutting one man in two and then hacking into the next.

    Juggra stepped in, one blow after another, the blood haze filling the air as he rended flesh over and over with his greataxe.

    He looked up once more, gore dripping from every part of him.

    Now was a good time to go, the golem was getting close.
    If honour is truth and a lie is respect, then a secret is sacred.
    Confide in me my friend and I shall love you like no other.