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The Second Sundering - Public Knowledge

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  • The Second Sundering - Public Knowledge

    Since there is still a fair bit of confusion regarding the state of affairs in the country, I figured I'd write up a neat little summery to clear the air, that I believe GD was intending to add to the wiki.


    -The city has taken flight, and now hovers over its formerly, loosely controlled soil. It's citizens are under an even more strict form of martial law, with rights easily revoked and the legion in total control. The arbiters are gone and the Imperitu holds sovereign rule over the city, and what little country the legion still holds.
    -Unlike before, not just outsiders, half breeds and other more sinister creatures are subject to identification checks, now every citizen is required to have a pass and go through legion security to enter the city.


    -The Arbiters Own (2nd), Sevins Bastards (4th), Tips Tuggers(8th), Chaunteas Harvest(11th), and Gruumsh's Feared(12th) were destroyed or absorbed through the ongoing devastation of the Bloodmaim wars and the following coup of the Black Hand into the 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th legions.
    -The Arbiters Own harried the Bloodmaim in the immediate aftermath of the fall of Arbiters Stand. Determined to avenge the loss of the 12th they were brutal and relentless, skirting the edges of bloodmaim lines. Myrios Kent's tactics disrupted Bloodmaim logistics and reported valuable intelligence that kept command up to date. The 2nd was worn down over the course of the battle, and was eventually surprised and destroyed by the same brutal, devastating tactics used by the bloodmaim at the stand just days before the final battle.
    -Sevins Bastards suffered universal losses from ongoing skirmishes, some minor politics insisted foul play was at hand in the background regarding the scattered legion. The largest contingent of their soldiers was pinned to the far north, assisted by rebels who became trapped in their own rescue attempt. A team was organized by the legion to punch a hole through and retrieve them, the team was successful in getting them out, though less then a handful of the original legion made it back. Ongoing discussions of what to do with the remnant continue. The argument centered around the purpose of rapid response soldiers when the country has no semblance of solid control outside the city.
    -Tips Tuggers were present in the final battle against the black hand, Myrios Vilenue was sloppy in the execution of his retreat order in the final moments, his legion was subsequently swallowed and over run by banite forces.
    -Chauntea's harvest was decimated by the Bloodmaim in their direct invasion of the Viridale. Organized retreats and the trust held in Myrios Jones allowed her troops to manage to keep a cool retreat going until the nearby Red blades could provide the much needed assistance. The 11th was subsequently absorbed into the 9th, and now provides extra security around the Gate of the Sunderer.
    -Gruumsh's Feared was the first of the legions to fall. Under their fearless commander they refused to retreat from the Stand, holding the impossibly sized bloodmaim horde fast at the fortress, until the last died fighting.
    -The remaining legions suffered heavy casualties throughout the war as well, though the integration of the Veritas have more or lest bolstered the individual forces back up to full strength. With exception to the Red Blades, whom though suffering through heavy losses, believe that it's the quality and not quantity of their soldiers that makes their legion great.


    -The Triad has seen an exchange of blood, much of its internal hierarchy is now dead between the betrayal of Balthazar and a controversial sacrifice of Caspar. Most of their paladins and priests were killed off fighting demonic threats and black hand soldiers before the bloodmaim ever invaded. The ongoing conflict continued to bleed the temples of men and resources, personal, heroic sacrifices writing themselves into the temples archives as each man willfully died for the people of the country. With the rise of the bloodmaim and the scheming of the black hand, along with the temple of helm, paladins and faithful alike from across the sword coast came to enforce the inner wall. In the aftermath, the Triad is as strong as it was ever before its recent losses, though trust is given out of service to duty, and little comrade-re exists within the hallowed halls.


    -The temple of Helm ballooned into one of the most formidable fighting forces in Sundren with the coming of the Bloodmaim. Scattering tribes and rallying villages, no shortage of men were willing to answer the call of the clergy as more and more men were accepted into the militant force, armed and sent out to battle. Their losses were as impressive as their kills, with many of the untrained wading into battle often against the disciplined forces of Banites, only the original knights whom stood with the temple from the start survived the conflict and remained a militant part of the churches force. In the final battle, the temple of helm made a desperate charge hoping to route the enemy by surprise as the black hand gained the upper hand over the legion. Though their assistance came too little too late, and their fighting force was routed not long after the legion.
    -The Helmite church has since pledged itself to the Hands of Mundus, and serve as the foremost guardians of the stones keeping the city afloat. In recent weeks they have began actively training their knights and squires in the rites of battle and have began preaching of war and retribution. More then ever before the people of Sundren flock to the temple of helm for guidance, and the temple still seems prepared to strike out into the countryside again.

    Veritas Syndicate

    -The Veritas have since made peace with and been absorbed into the Legion, their soldiers readily integrated into individual units, though maintaining some semblance of their previous command and hierarchy. The union has more or less been seamless, with the unified desire to protect ones country pushing any overarching rivalries into the past.

    Wardens of the Vale

    -The Grove in the Viridale to which the Druids called home has since been infested and ravaged by the infecting talons of Talona. Driven to insanity, the keeper turned on his fellows, murdering and killing the majority, and disrupting the natural magics that flowed through the sacred homestead of Sylvanus. The Furies departed the area, disappearing into the wilds to battle the bloodmaim in the opening phases of the invasion, and never bothered to return.

    Thayan Enclave

    -Aquor saw a great many changes with the bloodmaim invasion, many of the red wizards decided with internal politics aflair combined with the very real threat of war on the horizon that their lives and studies were better made elsewhere, and they departed from the country. A handful remained, determined they could stay the tide and remain to profit in the aftermath of the war. Their knights worked in tandem with beasts and summons to hold back the horde, while the remaining red wizards utilized epic spells to bring down Cartel Mountain on the splinter of the main horde that were intent on burning Aquor to the ground. Since, Aquor has seen some significant changes, with no more legion authority a stronger Thayan and Blackwood presence has since become noted in the town, with much of the bloodmaim now holding the city in superstitious awe.

    Black Hand

    -The Black Hand was present at two major sights of conflict throughout the Bloodmaim wars, the first being at the Necropolis, when the temple of Helm openly challenged the Myrkulites supremacy over the desecrated temple. The Black Hand struck back as viciously and decisively as they could against the surprise attack. The ongoing battle left both forces decimated, though the Helmites chose to retreat to preserve lives rather then continue to be drawn into an extended stalemate. The second battle was a stones throw from the city walls, the black hand utilized summons and undead en mass to bring tides of devastation upon a hopelessly outnumbered enemy.
    -The Banites have since moved and taken control of the coastline from the mossdale border down to Sestra, and hold a great deal of control over the farmland between. Throughout the smaller villages and land between, Banite patrols enforcing their own laws are becoming more common place. Their place of power remains unscathed through the war, with their power and influence quickly expanding while the legion can do little to hold the tide back.


    -The Bloodmaim were revealed to have been infiltrated by the Blackhand since long before the war began, sleeper agents having been planted to provide some semblance of control over the horde. Much of this was thrown out of control with the coming of a more intelligent warlord, whom through his visions granted by Grummsh united the tribes and lead them on a crusade that devastated the legion, the black hand and Sundren's countryside.
    -The Bloodmaim were never truly defeated in the ongoing battles, the sheer mass of the horde, even at its splintering into lesser tribes remained to great to simply be dealt with, and even served its commander's purposes. The Gesh, the warlord of the main horde and chosen of Gruumsh, retired to Mossdale to cleanse what left of the black hands influence, leaving his chosen second in charge, whom went on to wipe out the 2nd legion in a surprise attack before they were killed off by the oncoming force of Banites closing on the cities capital. In the aftermath the remaining Orcs, devoid of leadership began to gravitate back toward the Mossdale to seek out their missing leadership.
    -All in all, in terms of bulk and raw martial force, the Bloodmaim are still estimated as the most prominent military force in the valley.
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    GMT -8