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Announcement: Reputation Points and You!

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  • Announcement: Reputation Points and You!

    Reputation Points and You!

    Hi folks,

    The DM team has discussed the matter of Reputation quite a bit, after some suggestions made by players, and made adjustments to the reputation rewards. Here's the DM team's recommendations on reputation!

    1. Reputation from (requested) events

    This is your prime source of reputation points: events. We'll be upping the rewards that you gain from such events, if you roleplay your faction. This means that if you're part of, say, the Legion - you won't get reputation if there's no Legion related business.

    We have a lot on our minds, during events. When we're handing out rewards, it's really no crime to point out to us that you might deserve some faction rep, if we are forgetting to hand it out. Don't hesitate to send us a polite tell, and be prepared to hear (and accept) a 'no'. However, you very well might receive what you're hoping for.

    Requested events: You can request a DM at any time to quickly possess a faction NPC to give a report. We love these requests, we really do, as long as you keep in mind that it might be brief. You're always welcome to make this request, we won't always honor it, but the request won't ever hurt. And no, we won't think you're nagging. Also consider if it might not be a better idea to post a report on the forums. Yes, those are going to net you rep, too!

    2. Reports and Activities

    We put a lot of effort into the factions - both designing them and making them as fun as possible to play. And we love when players contribute to our efforts.

    So, if you've been in an event, consider the following:
    - Can I write a report about this to my superiors?
    - Can I turn this into a faction-related plot?

    If you can answer either of these questions with "yes", then do so!

    And yes: we have decided that reports (especially those on the forums) will start earning you reputation. The amount will be dependent on the quality of the report, and the frequency. A singular report will give you much less reputation than a steady stream of them.

    3. Player Initiatives
    RP'ing your factions doesn't go unnoticed. Without DM's, you can still RP your factions fantastically. Several of us DM's have sneaky-deeky player accounts as well, so we see your RP then.

    Furthermore, RP'ing your faction makes it come alive - and we very much keep an eye on this 'feel'. If we get the impression you're highly faction-involved with other players, even if no DM is around, we'll reward that.

    We're much better at keeping an eye on what's going on than you might think .


    The DM-Team of Sundren